Nobody gives a Shit whether Biden's Nominee is Black or Female


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
This is so obviously true, it is a wonder that few are mentioning it.

Imagine Biden nominating Condoleeza Rice (or someone like her, but much younger) to the Supreme Court. Conservatives and Republicans would be dancing in the streets, and Leftists would be hanging Biden in effigy. And yet...last time I looked she was a Black woman, a person of grace, intelligence, dignity, talent, personality, etc. How could Leftists be opposed? Don't they pine for a Black woman on the court? Don't they want the Court to "look like America"?

NOBODY cares whether this nominee is Black, female, or unclear about either trait (like K. Harris). If the nominee is a young, healthy, flaming Leftist, Democrats will be thrilled even it were a white man from South Carolina. On the other side, Republicans couldn't care less that Biden has chosen to nominate a Black woman. Race and gender have nothing to do with their concerns and desires for any Supreme Court seat. They want someone who takes the Constitution seriously. Period.

So one must ask, why did Biden introduce race into this matter, where race is in fact totally irrelevant to anyone? Who on earth would protest the nomination of a Black woman who agrees with the person's personal Constitutional philosophy? Nobody.

Leftists are evil. Never forget it.
I have no problem with a nominee who is black, so long as that nominee is qualified and experienced.

The problem I have is that Biden has already omitted the vast majority of viable candidates on the basis of skin color. The selection should be the most qualified person available, period...
This is so obviously true, it is a wonder that few are mentioning it.

Imagine Biden nominating Condoleeza Rice (or someone like her, but much younger) to the Supreme Court. Conservatives and Republicans would be dancing in the streets, and Leftists would be hanging Biden in effigy. And yet...last time I looked she was a Black woman, a person of grace, intelligence, dignity, talent, personality, etc. How could Leftists be opposed? Don't they pine for a Black woman on the court? Don't they want the Court to "look like America"?

NOBODY cares whether this nominee is Black, female, or unclear about either trait (like K. Harris). If the nominee is a young, healthy, flaming Leftist, Democrats will be thrilled even it were a white man from South Carolina. On the other side, Republicans couldn't care less that Biden has chosen to nominate a Black woman. Race and gender have nothing to do with their concerns and desires for any Supreme Court seat. They want someone who takes the Constitution seriously. Period.

So one must ask, why did Biden introduce race into this matter, where race is in fact totally irrelevant to anyone? Who on earth would protest the nomination of a Black woman who agrees with the person's personal Constitutional philosophy? Nobody.

Leftists are evil. Never forget it.

Race is irrelevant to you guys? Really?

Race is irrelevant to you guys? Really?

Kill the white guy...Kill the Christian...The white guy had a gun in his house and killed the black guy trying to kill him...He must be exterminated!
It really doesn't matter who he picks because no matter what color or sex the person is, you can bet it will philosophically be another Sotomayor.
The whole race gender thing is democrats trying to prove they do not care about race or gender. Funny thing is they show constantly that they do. You just can not make this up.
Race is irrelevant to you guys? Really?


In the naming of a nominee, it should be irrelevant to everyone.

If there is a more qualified black man, white man or white woman available and willing (or a man or woman of any other race), then naming a black woman, especially on the basis of her skin color, is a absolute travesty and it hurts us as a country...
I dont think its right to give someone a job just because they are black or a woman.
It was a quick prop quo pro campaign promise FJB made to Clyburn to get the black vote. Republicans shouldn't go overboard attacking FJB on making this about race, since they know whoever it is will be a radical lefty. Republicans whining about announcing the pick being a black woman are setting themselves up for dems and the MSM to easily write off any criticism as racist.
This is so obviously true, it is a wonder that few are mentioning it.

Imagine Biden nominating Condoleeza Rice (or someone like her, but much younger) to the Supreme Court. Conservatives and Republicans would be dancing in the streets, and Leftists would be hanging Biden in effigy. And yet...last time I looked she was a Black woman, a person of grace, intelligence, dignity, talent, personality, etc. How could Leftists be opposed? Don't they pine for a Black woman on the court? Don't they want the Court to "look like America"?

NOBODY cares whether this nominee is Black, female, or unclear about either trait (like K. Harris). If the nominee is a young, healthy, flaming Leftist, Democrats will be thrilled even it were a white man from South Carolina. On the other side, Republicans couldn't care less that Biden has chosen to nominate a Black woman. Race and gender have nothing to do with their concerns and desires for any Supreme Court seat. They want someone who takes the Constitution seriously. Period.

So one must ask, why did Biden introduce race into this matter, where race is in fact totally irrelevant to anyone? Who on earth would protest the nomination of a Black woman who agrees with the person's personal Constitutional philosophy? Nobody.

Leftists are evil. Never forget it.
I’d love to see Rice nominated. She is an impressive lady. And from the hum of the triggered buzz I’m hearing around this board many do care about his criteria around the pick… feathers are ruffled
In the naming of a nominee, it should be irrelevant to everyone.

If there is a more qualified black man, white man or white woman available and willing (or a man or woman of any other race), then naming a black woman, especially on the basis of her skin color, is a absolute travesty and it hurts us as a country...

This is the game democrats want to play with republicans. By saying FJB should nominate the most qualified regardless of race or gender is ignore there being a number of people equally qualified. Republicans should applaud FJB committing to nominating a black woman and start promoting a list of fully qualified black women. Don't just spout off some names but promote their qualifications and accomplishments. This will help set the comparison bar for whatever lefty FJB picks.
I have no problem with a nominee who is black, so long as that nominee is qualified and experienced.

The problem I have is that Biden has already omitted the vast majority of viable candidates on the basis of skin color. The selection should be the most qualified person available, period...
How do you know that the most qualified aren't black women? Big assumption there, eh?
How do you know that the most qualified aren't black women? Big assumption there, eh?

That's not what I'm suggesting, at all.

If the most qualified person is a black woman, by all means select her. To do anything else would be to do a disservice to the country.

Likewise, though, if a black woman is chosen because of her gender and her skin color, and a more qualified individual is passed on, that also does a disservice to the country...
The best qualified person should be nominated. Period. But that never seems to happen.

People are chosen who are, more or less, qualified, but who will, more importantly, tow the party line. Both sides have politicised the Hell out of the Supreme Court.

The problem I have with shit-head Biden selecting someone specifically because they are black, is that he is blatantly pandering to blacks. Selling a seat on the USSC for black votes. It's sickening. Worse, yet. He announced his intention to do so, far in advance.

As far as black representation on the court is concerned, blacks are ALREADY fully represented. There are only 9 justices, one of whom is black, Clarence Thomas. In terms of percentage, the court is already 11.1% black. Well in line with the percentage of blacks in our population.

It's time to go for the best candidate (regardless of color), NOT the blackest. Fuck Biden. He's a political whore, and this decision proves it, beyond question.
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