Joe Biden's Speech Was an Embarrassment to America and to the Memory of George Washington

This is the same guy who was associated with segregationists.

And who threatened to block the first black woman nominee to the Supreme Court.

But Biden appeared on CBSā€™s ā€œFace the Nationā€ to warn that if Bush nominated Brown, she would face a filibuster. ā€œI can assure you that would be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered,ā€ Biden said. Asked by moderator John Roberts ā€œWasnā€™t she just confirmed?,ā€ Biden replied that the Supreme Court is a ā€œtotally different ballgameā€ because ā€œa circuit court judge is bound by stare decisis. They donā€™t get to make new law.ā€
What Biden threatened was unprecedented. There has never been a successful filibuster of a nominee for associate justice in the history of the republic. Biden wanted to make a Black woman the first in history to have her nomination killed by filibuster. Bush eventually nominated Samuel A. Alito Jr.
Today, Biden calls the filibuster a ā€œrelic of the Jim Crow era.ā€ But he threatened to use that relic as a tool to keep a Black woman who actually lived under Jim Crow off the highest court in the land. The irony is that now he wants to get rid of the filibuster, and claim credit for putting the first Black woman on the court.

There were many conservatives on Bushā€™s shortlist whose legal philosophy Biden opposed. But Biden only promised to filibuster the one Black woman.

As ever, he is a vicious person, and cares for nothing but what benefits Joe Biden and his crime family.
What in the good Lord's name, does your first post have to do with your title of this thread about Biden's speech and the memory of George Washington???

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