Nobody on welfare should be allowed to vote


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic" - Benjamin Franklin
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Even though the system is abused, I disagree. It was the politicians who put the system in place to begin with. Besides, look at how many voters keep assholes in office because of all the pork they bring to their district.
That's a little rough, don't you think? The right to vote is one of our most important. Not all people on welfare are deadbeats ... I know, they're in the 5% group. Some of these people are grandparents who are now raising their grandchildren because the parents are doped up, in prison, dead or whatever. Some people are severely disabled and will never be able to contribute to society. Some are people who are genuinely poor, but still good citizens to the best of their ability - in other words, they do what they can to comfort or aid the people of their community. Good example: the WV miners who were recently killed - their families may have to temporarily take some welfare aid. Right now, there are God only knows how many people who are without jobs and have been thrust into a position they would never have dreamed they would be in.

Also, just because someone doesn't own property does not mean they should be denied the right to vote. It could be they live in a city where apartments are a necessity - or it could be they just don't want to own property because they either can't afford it or don't have the time to keep it up.
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Even though the system is abused, I disagree. It was the politicians who put the system in place to begin with. Besides, look at how many voters keep assholes in office because of all the pork they bring to their district.
Which is why people who own nothing shouldn't be voting....They don't really have to foot the bill for anything.
That will never happen.

The 47% who pay for nothing will no doubt vote for whoever wants to continue their free ride.

Wonder how long the country can afford em???
We are NOT citizens because we pay taxes...sheesh, how silly is that notion....and as citizens we deserve representation, even if on welfare.....and i also believe, even when released from prison after serving your time....

I think YOU ALL have it wayyyyyyyy wrong....

It is suppose to be:


instead you all are so back asswards and are trying to say:


that's JUST PLAIN LOONY in my book!!!!!:cuckoo:
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic" - Benjamin Franklin

Was looking at the Ben Franklin quote.
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic" - Benjamin Franklin

I agree, no voting for those on welfare,

After the Congress and Senate stop voting themselves money to pad their bank accounts using the 'pot of gold' the taxpayers supply 'voluntarily'.

The end was heralded apparently when it began. The worse offenders are the very people we elect to office to represent our best interests and they serve theirs first, in many cases. :lol:
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic" - Benjamin Franklin

All of age persons who are citizens of the US should be able to vote. That is Constitutional and correct. Where you missed this one is allowing welfare to begin with. Add an amendment to clarify the general welfare clause and the problem is solved.
We need to put an end to all welfare. If illegal wetbacks can come here and find work then lazy ass Americans ought to be able to.
OK....I'll play....


Food stamps? Social Security? Medicare? Disability? Unemployment? Veterans Disability? Child tax credits? Earned income credit? TANF? College grants? Corporate Credits and loopholes given? Police Dept? Roads? Fire Depts? Agriculture grants and credits?

Do all the people that get these type of things legislated by our government not get to vote either? Or they get to keep voting for the people to represent the tax monies that they want put in to THEIR PROGRAMS of FAVOR?
whew! just amazing how the ability to use critical thinking is's like a brain fart or something...shees sheesh sheesh.... shaking my head....we obviously need to add CIVICS, and Constitution study, as a requirement to high school and college
Dud turns out to be a fascist. Big surprise.

Actually, I believe this is how we began...where only Male, White, property owners could vote.... not 100% certain if this continued after our constitution was ratified, but i believe it was the case with the union?
OK....I'll play....


Food stamps? Social Security? Medicare? Disability? Unemployment? Veterans Disability? Child tax credits? Earned income credit? TANF? College grants? Corporate Credits and loopholes given? Police Dept? Roads? Fire Depts? Agriculture grants and credits?

Do all the people that get these type of things legislated by our government not get to vote either? Or they get to keep voting for the people to represent the tax monies that they want put in to THEIR PROGRAMS of FAVOR?

You can't be so fucking stupid that you don't know what constitutes welfare.

Or can you?
Dud turns out to be a fascist. Big surprise.

Actually, I believe this is how we began...where only Male, White, property owners could vote.... not 100% certain if this continued after our constitution was ratified, but i believe it was the case with the union?
In many cases, if a woman's name was on the land patent she could vote....It's just that such a thing didn't happen very often.

If you don't buy in, you should have absolutely no say in how the game is played.

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