Nolte: NY Times Waits Until close of impeachment trial to retract ‘fire extinguisher’ fable


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Although we’ve known for weeks U.S. Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick was, in fact, not beaten to death with a fire extinguisher during January’s Capitol Hill riot, the far-left New York Times waited until after former President Trump’s impeachment acquittal was assured to issue a retraction.

Typical Liberal rag. This article should have been filed under: NYT's Political Satire. It's that stupidly funny! :auiqs.jpg:
Doesn't matter. Most every leftard on this board still thinks Putin helped Trump get elected.
We do know this.It wasn't Colonel Mustard or Mrs.Peacock.That only leaves Mrs.Pelosi with the candlstick in the library.
NY Times Waits Until close of impeachment trial to retract ‘fire extinguisher’ fable

And why not? That is exactly how they manipulate everything from public opinion to elections. By promoting a false narrative outside the law just close enough that they can pull back at the last second when needed to avoid accountability and dust it off as plausible excuse.

We need a whole new set of laws limiting what media can do to hold them accountable.
Despite all the fake news and bias from he msm the libtarded are always complaining about conservative news sites posted on here.

Even Alex Jones has more truth in him than the New Yawk times etc.etc.etc.

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