Nominee Is A Winner!

When asked about the 1st Amendment, Barrett has NO idea what it consists of.

"During her confirmation hearing, a Republican senator queried the Supreme Court nominee about her views on the First Amendment."

“What are the five freedoms of the First Amendment?” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) asked.

Barrett has no clue.

“Speech, religion, press, assembly,” Barrett replied, counting with her fingers. “I don’t know. What am I missing?”

freedom to post on an Internet platform? Oh no, not if you're a Conservative
“Barrett’s lapse here is telling for a number of reasons, including the fact that there is an ongoing push against this first amendment right. According to a report from PEN America, there has been a steady increase in the number of anti-protest legislation proposals. They existed before President Donald Trump ever took office, but after the 2016 election, the number inflated significantly. Most of these proposals increase penalties for protestors: Some require protestors to pay for law enforcement time, others prevent officers from liability should they harm protestors, and others criminalize mask-wearing. Collectively, they erode the right to protest and attempt to redraw the line to say that lawful conduct is narrowly defined depending on who is speaking.

These proposals could easily be argued as unconstitutional given that it violates the First Amendment, meaning there could be court challenges if any of these anti-protesting laws are passed. It is of the utmost importance that whoever fills the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat has a clear understanding of the right to protest afforded to the people given that related cases could very easily reach the Supreme Court.”

First Amendment Establishment Clause jurisprudence will also likely come before the Court, as Republican state lawmakers seek to conjoin church and state at the behest of the religious right, in violation of the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate – is Barrett likewise ignorant of this case law?

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