Non-Citizen Voting

Non- citizens contribute as much as many lazy Americans, they're here by choice not birth. The trouble with voting in America is republicans are making it hard to vote and lazy Americans think what difference does it make. Considering the current president maybe non citizens are more in touch with reality.

"A final word on politics. As in economics nothing is certain save the certainty that there will be firm prediction by those who do not know. It is possible that in some election, near or far, a presidential candidate will emerge in the United States determined to draw into the campaign those not now impelled to vote. Conceivably those so attracted - those who are not threatened by higher taxes and who are encouraged by the vision of a new governing community committed to the rescue of the cities and the impacted underclass - could outnumber those lost because of the resulting invasion of contentment. If this happens the effort would succeed." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Culture of Contentment'

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." Dwight D. Eisenhower
Non- citizens contribute as much as many lazy Americans, they're here by choice not birth. The trouble with voting in America is republicans are making it hard to vote and lazy Americans think what difference does it make. Considering the current president maybe non citizens are more in touch with reality.

"A final word on politics. As in economics nothing is certain save the certainty that there will be firm prediction by those who do not know. It is possible that in some election, near or far, a presidential candidate will emerge in the United States determined to draw into the campaign those not now impelled to vote. Conceivably those so attracted - those who are not threatened by higher taxes and who are encouraged by the vision of a new governing community committed to the rescue of the cities and the impacted underclass - could outnumber those lost because of the resulting invasion of contentment. If this happens the effort would succeed." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Culture of Contentment'

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." Dwight D. Eisenhower

If you are not a legal citizen of this country you should not have the right to vote...
Sorry, voting, even if it's just in local elections, should be reserved only for citizens.
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Sorry, voting, even if it's just in local elections, should be reversed only for citizens.

Why not? There's nothing saying local elections can allow people who are not citizens vote. Lots of these people live and work in these communities but the noncitizens. You don't think they have an interest on who's on the school committee?
Sorry, voting, even if it's just in local elections, should be reversed only for citizens.

Why not? There's nothing saying local elections can allow people who are not citizens vote. Lots of these people live and work in these communities but the noncitizens. You don't think they have an interest on who's on the school committee?

Of course they have an interest on whose the school committees. They still can attend school board meetings, voice their concerns, and, lobby the board for changes, but what they don't get to do is vote until they become an American citizen.
I'm surprised that the states rights fanatical conservatives don't argue for the right of the individual states to decide for themselves who can or cannot vote,

without interference from the tyrannical central government in Washington.
I'm surprised that the states rights fanatical conservatives don't argue for the right of the individual states to decide for themselves who can or cannot vote,

without interference from the tyrannical central government in Washington.
State laws in Maryland require one to be a citizen to register to vote.
BTW, the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the right to regulate local elections.
Two fails in one post. Nice.
Sorry, voting, even if it's just in local elections, should be reversed only for citizens.

Why not? There's nothing saying local elections can allow people who are not citizens vote. Lots of these people live and work in these communities but the noncitizens. You don't think they have an interest on who's on the school committee?

I don't care if they do have an interest in who's on the school committee. They have no business influencing American national, statewide or municipal policy.
I'm surprised that the states rights fanatical conservatives don't argue for the right of the individual states to decide for themselves who can or cannot vote,

without interference from the tyrannical central government in Washington.
State laws in Maryland require one to be a citizen to register to vote.
BTW, the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the right to regulate local elections.
Two fails in one post. Nice.

I didn't make any claims in the post, idiot.
I'm surprised that the states rights fanatical conservatives don't argue for the right of the individual states to decide for themselves who can or cannot vote,

without interference from the tyrannical central government in Washington.
State laws in Maryland require one to be a citizen to register to vote.
BTW, the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the right to regulate local elections.
Two fails in one post. Nice.

I didn't make any claims in the post, idiot.
Why in the hell would one want states to have sole control of something that is constitutionally granted to congress?
The state already has laws about illegals.
Your entire premise was flawed. Unless you are saying you didnt have a point.. Which, trust me, i would absolutely believe. We are all aware of your incoherent, irrelevant ramblings :D
Sorry, voting, even if it's just in local elections, should be reversed only for citizens.

Why not? There's nothing saying local elections can allow people who are not citizens vote. Lots of these people live and work in these communities but the noncitizens. You don't think they have an interest on who's on the school committee?

I don't care if they do have an interest in who's on the school committee. They have no business influencing American national, statewide or municipal policy.

They don't ? We have giant companies that are free to buy off our pols , but a person voting freaks you out ?

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