Non-College Grad Scott Walker

Fact is not having a college degree just means he is not part of the good old boy network that got us in this mess. The only people who care about degrees in a politician are snobs

tapatalk post
A college degree is not a measure of intelligence or capability

Just out of curiosity...what credence (if any) do you give to a college degree holder? All things being equal, if your daughter brought home a young man as a suitor to meet you, would having a college degree be better or worse in terms of how you thought about him?

I wouldn't care

I didn't graduate from high school. I started working flipping houses and buying income properties when I was young.

I know people who never went to college that are orders of magnitude more intelligent than any college grad I have ever met.

In short I would get to know the guy first.

Yeah that's the thing.

Look, if you're the smartest guy in the room, why do you have advisers? As long as the chief executive can walk the fine line between reliance upon advisers and totally delegating to them and being able to trump them when there is obviously some self-serving going on it could work. However...that is pretty narrow tightrope to walk.

One problem I foresee Walker having is that the Presidential cabinet is there. You don't really have the autonomy to have, for example, the DHS secretary report to the Secretary of Defense even though the missions overlap inevitably. It's hard to be the aloof ringmaster on this scale; with these stakes.
Fact is not having a college degree just means he is not part of the good old boy network that got us in this mess. The only people who care about degrees in a politician are snobs

tapatalk post

Oh brother. Total garbage response.
You have to delegate. I won't criticize an administrator for having advisers or managers. The problem is when that administrator blames his advisers for his failings.
I don't think his lack of a college degree is a factor.

I have mixed feelings on Walker. What I like is that he's not part of the religious crazy that has become the GOP.

But he is hostile to working people and unions, part of the "No Dressage Horse Left Behind" faction of the GOP.

I'd probably vote for him in the primaries (sorry, guys, I still draw a Republican primary ballot), but I'm not sure about the general.
A college degree is not a measure of intelligence or capability

Just out of curiosity...what credence (if any) do you give to a college degree holder? All things being equal, if your daughter brought home a young man as a suitor to meet you, would having a college degree be better or worse in terms of how you thought about him?

I think the problem is, College Degrees have become what High School Diplomas were to a older generation.
A college degree is not a measure of intelligence or capability

Just out of curiosity...what credence (if any) do you give to a college degree holder? All things being equal, if your daughter brought home a young man as a suitor to meet you, would having a college degree be better or worse in terms of how you thought about him?

I think the problem is, College Degrees have become what High School Diplomas were to a older generation.

What do you mean?
You have to delegate. I won't criticize an administrator for having advisers or managers. The problem is when that administrator blames his advisers for his failings.

Yeah, as I said, there is a fine line between authorizing and delegating. Reagan supposedly didn't know what North, MacFarlane, and the other guys were doing with Iran/Contra... Christie didn't know what they were doing on the GWB....

As I recall, the Reagan years were good overall (a lot of red ink resulted) and Christie's NJ is doing well too so for every scandal there is likely a lot of good things being done for the general public.

But if you have to choose between someone with a wealth of intellectual bandwidth and one who has to lean on advisers and's a matter of having a lot of faith in the team vs the one individual. The more moving parts, the greater the chance something under performs I suppose. Doesn't seal the deal but something to consider.
I don't think his lack of a college degree is a factor.

I have mixed feelings on Walker. What I like is that he's not part of the religious crazy that has become the GOP.

But he is hostile to working people and unions, part of the "No Dressage Horse Left Behind" faction of the GOP.

I'd probably vote for him in the primaries (sorry, guys, I still draw a Republican primary ballot), but I'm not sure about the general.

I'm pretty much the same way. Mixed feelings. I had a visceral reaction to him at first but when I heard him interviewed on NPR, he made a lot of sense. There are some disturbing things about his taking credit for some things but he seems like a humble down to earth guy.
Does that hurt his chances of getting your vote either in the primary or general election?

On its face.

There are 100 reasons why this man will lose. The fact that the man would be in a position to defend the constitution and so blatantly violated it indicates that he is DONE. Lack of a college education does not help him. He is nothing more than a puppet.
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The last President who was not a college grad was?

Um, um, um ....Truman?
Yeah they were all college grads, and look where the hell our country and lives are TODAY

Really people, these SNOBS who looks DOWN on you if you aren't "edumacated" to some STANDARD they have set for YOU, will be our downfall
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Non College grad oversees a state with surplus that now gets returned to taxpayers, while the "President" of Harvard Law Review oversees biggest debt and deficits in recorded history

You were saying?

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