Non Delusional Asians Speak Out


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

Debunking another white racist false narrative.

End Affirmative Action for White People

African Americans deserve it. White Americans don’t.

Jun 9·

Today, white people receive a heavy amount of affirmative action in college admissions. Not only are they playing the system and gaining from unfair practices, but they have successfully pitted Asians and other minorities against each other. It needs to stop.

Before I dive into a thousand words about the whole college admissions debate, I want to be clear about one thing: African Americans deserve affirmative action. This whole fiasco should never have had anything to do with Black people. Yet every time anyone talks about admission rates, the most vitriolic comments are about them, even though they are still the victims of a massive amount of societal injustice and systemic racism that is far higher than anything Asians — or anyone else — faces today.

So, as an Asian, I would never ask us to end affirmative action for the Black community (or the Hispanic and Native communities). In fact, seventy percent of Asian Americans support affirmative action. No, I am asking that we end affirmative action for whites.

What do I mean?

First, white people receive too much affirmative action in college admissions (and later, in workplaces).

About 32% of white students at Harvard are unqualified.
I recently talked to a few Asian teenagers applying to college. I was saddened to hear they had been receiving the same advice I’d gotten from counselors over a decade ago: “It’s harder to get into good schools as an Asian. Just try for lower schools and whatever you do, don’t apply for STEM. As an Asian, you have to score higher and be involved in more extracurricular activities.”

Since I’d been to college, though, one thing has changed. Today, there are several proposed and filed lawsuits against the constitutionality of affirmative action, including one set to go to the Supreme Court. No one questions that race plays a role in Harvard’s admissions decisions and some Asians are saying that this bias has to go, even if it costs other minorities. This debate has taken the nation by storm.

I support affirmative action because everything is not about Asians. But the real story here is about whites. Take a look at the data. At Harvard, Asians have lower admit rates than their white counterparts by more than African Americans have a boost. (In other words, white people are receiving more affirmative action over Asians than African Americans are over them.)


It turns out, if you dig a little deeper, qualifications have nothing to do with it at all. A paper found that 43 percent of white students admitted to Harvard fell under the categories of recruited athletes, legacy students, and children of faculty and staff.

That share also includes the “dean’s interest list,” which consists of applicants whose relatives made donations to the university. About 75% percent of those students would have been rejected on the strength of qualifications alone, which means about 32% of white students at Harvard are unqualified. Wow.

Later in life, white people will continue to get better jobs and success based on looks, networking, and family connections. While Black and Hispanic people will leave college and continue to face discrimination at jobs that do not care about equal statistics, for white people, the affirmative action never stops.

White people are the ones who control most college boards and teach most college classes. If white people face hardship (such as poverty), it is not because of their race.
IM2, I have never encountered a more whiny negro than you.

Seriously, if you spent 1/10th the time trying to make things better for your community as you do whining on the internet, you could probably effect some real change.

See, that's how we know that you really don't want change at all...
If you believe that Blacks 'deserve' affirmative action, you are a racist.

You are essentially saying for the whole world to see, that the black person cannot get by in the world without help from the government. That is a view that blacks are inferior to other ethnicities. Pretty disgusting outlook on life.
IM2, I have never encountered a more whiny negro than you.

Seriously, if you spent 1/10th the time trying to make things better for your community as you do whining on the internet, you could probably effect some real change.

See, that's how we know that you really don't want change at all...
Improve your community white boy , stop being a racist.
My community is fine, jackass. You're the one who posts, morning, noon and night, about how downtrodden your negro community is.

Here's a serious question for you: Other than whining like a bitch in every fucking post, what are you trying to do to better your community?
that's why black culture is a self destructive cycle

Debunking another white racist false narrative.

End Affirmative Action for White People

African Americans deserve it. White Americans don’t.

View attachment 523115
Jun 9·

Today, white people receive a heavy amount of affirmative action in college admissions. Not only are they playing the system and gaining from unfair practices, but they have successfully pitted Asians and other minorities against each other. It needs to stop.

Before I dive into a thousand words about the whole college admissions debate, I want to be clear about one thing: African Americans deserve affirmative action. This whole fiasco should never have had anything to do with Black people. Yet every time anyone talks about admission rates, the most vitriolic comments are about them, even though they are still the victims of a massive amount of societal injustice and systemic racism that is far higher than anything Asians — or anyone else — faces today.

So, as an Asian, I would never ask us to end affirmative action for the Black community (or the Hispanic and Native communities). In fact, seventy percent of Asian Americans support affirmative action. No, I am asking that we end affirmative action for whites.

What do I mean?

First, white people receive too much affirmative action in college admissions (and later, in workplaces).

I recently talked to a few Asian teenagers applying to college. I was saddened to hear they had been receiving the same advice I’d gotten from counselors over a decade ago: “It’s harder to get into good schools as an Asian. Just try for lower schools and whatever you do, don’t apply for STEM. As an Asian, you have to score higher and be involved in more extracurricular activities.”

Since I’d been to college, though, one thing has changed. Today, there are several proposed and filed lawsuits against the constitutionality of affirmative action, including one set to go to the Supreme Court. No one questions that race plays a role in Harvard’s admissions decisions and some Asians are saying that this bias has to go, even if it costs other minorities. This debate has taken the nation by storm.

I support affirmative action because everything is not about Asians. But the real story here is about whites. Take a look at the data. At Harvard, Asians have lower admit rates than their white counterparts by more than African Americans have a boost. (In other words, white people are receiving more affirmative action over Asians than African Americans are over them.)

View attachment 523111

It turns out, if you dig a little deeper, qualifications have nothing to do with it at all. A paper found that 43 percent of white students admitted to Harvard fell under the categories of recruited athletes, legacy students, and children of faculty and staff.

That share also includes the “dean’s interest list,” which consists of applicants whose relatives made donations to the university. About 75% percent of those students would have been rejected on the strength of qualifications alone, which means about 32% of white students at Harvard are unqualified. Wow.

Later in life, white people will continue to get better jobs and success based on looks, networking, and family connections. While Black and Hispanic people will leave college and continue to face discrimination at jobs that do not care about equal statistics, for white people, the affirmative action never stops.

White people are the ones who control most college boards and teach most college classes. If white people face hardship (such as poverty), it is not because of their race.

Harvard is a private school, the money to run it comes from tuition and "donations". Donors expect something in return for their money. Without them there would be no scholarship spots for low income students of any color. Harvard used to be a bastion of the rich because tuitions were so high.
This white boy couldnt do anything to improve my 98% white neighborhood.
It's perfect the way it is.
No crime,I can walk the streets at anytime day or night without the fear of being robbed,no porch pirates,no loud rap music.
It's basically white boy heaven.
Apparently it's not because you're a racist and live in it. You walk past the home of embezzlers, tax cheats, fraudulent business people, drug addicts, child molesters, and perpetrators of domestic violence. Your community is full of racism and crime but to you this is perfect. Your neighbors rob people every day from behind desks, and that's white boy heaven.

Debunking another white racist false narrative.

End Affirmative Action for White People

African Americans deserve it. White Americans don’t.

View attachment 523115
Jun 9·

Today, white people receive a heavy amount of affirmative action in college admissions. Not only are they playing the system and gaining from unfair practices, but they have successfully pitted Asians and other minorities against each other. It needs to stop.

Before I dive into a thousand words about the whole college admissions debate, I want to be clear about one thing: African Americans deserve affirmative action. This whole fiasco should never have had anything to do with Black people. Yet every time anyone talks about admission rates, the most vitriolic comments are about them, even though they are still the victims of a massive amount of societal injustice and systemic racism that is far higher than anything Asians — or anyone else — faces today.

So, as an Asian, I would never ask us to end affirmative action for the Black community (or the Hispanic and Native communities). In fact, seventy percent of Asian Americans support affirmative action. No, I am asking that we end affirmative action for whites.

What do I mean?

First, white people receive too much affirmative action in college admissions (and later, in workplaces).

I recently talked to a few Asian teenagers applying to college. I was saddened to hear they had been receiving the same advice I’d gotten from counselors over a decade ago: “It’s harder to get into good schools as an Asian. Just try for lower schools and whatever you do, don’t apply for STEM. As an Asian, you have to score higher and be involved in more extracurricular activities.”

Since I’d been to college, though, one thing has changed. Today, there are several proposed and filed lawsuits against the constitutionality of affirmative action, including one set to go to the Supreme Court. No one questions that race plays a role in Harvard’s admissions decisions and some Asians are saying that this bias has to go, even if it costs other minorities. This debate has taken the nation by storm.

I support affirmative action because everything is not about Asians. But the real story here is about whites. Take a look at the data. At Harvard, Asians have lower admit rates than their white counterparts by more than African Americans have a boost. (In other words, white people are receiving more affirmative action over Asians than African Americans are over them.)

View attachment 523111

It turns out, if you dig a little deeper, qualifications have nothing to do with it at all. A paper found that 43 percent of white students admitted to Harvard fell under the categories of recruited athletes, legacy students, and children of faculty and staff.

That share also includes the “dean’s interest list,” which consists of applicants whose relatives made donations to the university. About 75% percent of those students would have been rejected on the strength of qualifications alone, which means about 32% of white students at Harvard are unqualified. Wow.

Later in life, white people will continue to get better jobs and success based on looks, networking, and family connections. While Black and Hispanic people will leave college and continue to face discrimination at jobs that do not care about equal statistics, for white people, the affirmative action never stops.

White people are the ones who control most college boards and teach most college classes. If white people face hardship (such as poverty), it is not because of their race.

Once again, it’s a wealth issue, not race. Poor whites won’t get into Harvard.

Debunking another white racist false narrative.

End Affirmative Action for White People

African Americans deserve it. White Americans don’t.

View attachment 523115
Jun 9·

Today, white people receive a heavy amount of affirmative action in college admissions. Not only are they playing the system and gaining from unfair practices, but they have successfully pitted Asians and other minorities against each other. It needs to stop.

Before I dive into a thousand words about the whole college admissions debate, I want to be clear about one thing: African Americans deserve affirmative action. This whole fiasco should never have had anything to do with Black people. Yet every time anyone talks about admission rates, the most vitriolic comments are about them, even though they are still the victims of a massive amount of societal injustice and systemic racism that is far higher than anything Asians — or anyone else — faces today.

So, as an Asian, I would never ask us to end affirmative action for the Black community (or the Hispanic and Native communities). In fact, seventy percent of Asian Americans support affirmative action. No, I am asking that we end affirmative action for whites.

What do I mean?

First, white people receive too much affirmative action in college admissions (and later, in workplaces).

I recently talked to a few Asian teenagers applying to college. I was saddened to hear they had been receiving the same advice I’d gotten from counselors over a decade ago: “It’s harder to get into good schools as an Asian. Just try for lower schools and whatever you do, don’t apply for STEM. As an Asian, you have to score higher and be involved in more extracurricular activities.”

Since I’d been to college, though, one thing has changed. Today, there are several proposed and filed lawsuits against the constitutionality of affirmative action, including one set to go to the Supreme Court. No one questions that race plays a role in Harvard’s admissions decisions and some Asians are saying that this bias has to go, even if it costs other minorities. This debate has taken the nation by storm.

I support affirmative action because everything is not about Asians. But the real story here is about whites. Take a look at the data. At Harvard, Asians have lower admit rates than their white counterparts by more than African Americans have a boost. (In other words, white people are receiving more affirmative action over Asians than African Americans are over them.)

View attachment 523111

It turns out, if you dig a little deeper, qualifications have nothing to do with it at all. A paper found that 43 percent of white students admitted to Harvard fell under the categories of recruited athletes, legacy students, and children of faculty and staff.

That share also includes the “dean’s interest list,” which consists of applicants whose relatives made donations to the university. About 75% percent of those students would have been rejected on the strength of qualifications alone, which means about 32% of white students at Harvard are unqualified. Wow.

Later in life, white people will continue to get better jobs and success based on looks, networking, and family connections. While Black and Hispanic people will leave college and continue to face discrimination at jobs that do not care about equal statistics, for white people, the affirmative action never stops.

White people are the ones who control most college boards and teach most college classes. If white people face hardship (such as poverty), it is not because of their race.

She took bribes and took part. Let’s see you defend her.

If you believe that Blacks 'deserve' affirmative action, you are a racist.

You are essentially saying for the whole world to see, that the black person cannot get by in the world without help from the government. That is a view that blacks are inferior to other ethnicities. Pretty disgusting outlook on life.
Whites have been getting affirmative action from the founding of this country. You would have nothing without it. The American white is nothing without help from the government. It's documented. Your delusions don't allow you to understand this reality.

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