Noooow hear this! Saying congratulations someone for being engaged is wrong.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Engagements aren't an achievement. Engagements are a grown-up decision made between two people.

Let it be known that I am thrilled for all of the newly-engaged. In most cases, I know (and like!) my friends' new fiancés, I've been expecting the news, and I'm pumped toparty at their wedding. But I absolutely hate wishing people congratulations on their engagement, and I won't do it anymore.

By definition, "congratulations" means an expression of praise for an achievement. Congrats on your new job! Congrats on buying that house! Congrats on watching the entire backlog of Gilmore Girls in one weekend so that you can be culturally relevant this fall! Congratulations, to me, implies that you've achieved something others haven't, something you've worked hard for and earned.

Sorry, I'm Not Going to Congratulate You On Your Engagement

Just when you thought the vile moronic left could not possibly be any dumber or more pathetic and worthy to be spit on...
Ugly feminist sluts dont like the fact they get paperbags and not engagement rings.

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