Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion

The Emir of Qatar has left the Czech Republic ahead of schedule - there will be no gas.
The Emir stayed in the country for less than one day, although he should have been three. The Czechs could not meet his demands, and the arab did not waste time in vain.

- We would really like your gas at affordable prices.
- Our prices and volumes are known.
- Yes, but you see, Russia has invaded Ukraine...
- Oooh, well, it's time for fucking stories about Russia and Ukraine. We have Yemen and Syria nearby there, the Kurds are constantly buzzing, the аmericans are entering Iraq, then leaving.. When it will be the next time? And the Taliban in Afghanistan... And somehow we don't complain about the prices of European goods. So either talk about business, or I'm leaving.
- But Russia has trampled on democratic values...
- I got it, adios amigos!
You know, ever since this happened, I've been wondering exactly who would stand to benefit the most, and sadly, it's Russia.

Biden already had sanctions against Nord 2, and was going to keep them unless Germany sided with Ukraine. If they sided with Russia, the sanctions would remain, and Nord 2 would not be allowed to start up.

So, Germany decided to side with Ukraine, and Biden said that he'd lift the sanctions for that reason only, meaning that Germany would be getting gas from Russia via the Nord, but Russia would not have support from Germany.

So, Russia decides to blow up the pipeline, knowing that if they somehow got Germany to support them, the pipeline would be useless anyway, as the sanctions would again go into effect. If they blew it up, Germany would be screwed for energy, Russia would still have their gas they could sell to other nations, and wouldn't have to worry one way or the other who Germany was going to support.
All Putin had to do was shut the lines off.
It could have just been an accident. But if it was sabotage I'm sure the Russians did it. 1. The repairs would be easy enough and there's no demand for it at present. 2. The ultimate goal of Russia is to defeat the West. What better way than to divide and conquer than introduce more chaos in the hopes of creating division amongst the West. putin doesn't understand the resolve of the West on matters as atrocious as this.
An accident at three different locations?
The ultimate goal of the west is to unseat Putin. Dems are obsessed over this.
There were reports of US helo's in the vicinity prior to this happening.
In Feb 2022, Biden made a claim that the US would 'end it' regarding the pipeline.
All Putin had to do was shut the lines off.

An accident at three different locations?
The ultimate goal of the west is to unseat Putin. Dems are obsessed over this.
There were reports of US helo's in the vicinity prior to this happening.
In Feb 2022, Biden made a claim that the US would 'end it' regarding the pipeline.
If Putin had just shut off the lines, it would have had minimal affects on the West. By doing this you hope to create chaos and distrust among the West, same old sad agenda, divide and conquer. No one's buying it. I thought it was just two points, I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the pipes were blown up from the outside or blown up from the inside. If it was from the inside Russia is the only one that could have done that. If it's from the outside Russia has plenty of submarines in a Baltic and they are the only ones that would benefit from such a devious maneuver. You can keep deleting yourself into thinking it's someone else but I'm pretty sure you're going to be wrong in the end if we ever find out who did it.
If Putin had just shut off the lines, it would have had minimal affects on the West. By doing this you hope to create chaos and distrust among the West, same old sad agenda, divide and conquer. No one's buying it. I thought it was just two points, I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the pipes were blown up from the outside or blown up from the inside. If it was from the inside Russia is the only one that could have done that. If it's from the outside Russia has plenty of submarines in a Baltic and they are the only ones that would benefit from such a devious maneuver. You can keep deleting yourself into thinking it's someone else but I'm pretty sure you're going to be wrong in the end if we ever find out who did it.
If Putin had shut down the pipelines........suddenly the west would be tasked with supplying energy to the EU.
And we think of him as butt buddies?
Only trump and other loser American types see putin in a good light. The rest of the people see him for what he is a murdering x-KGB thug. He puts on a brave bravado front but he's actually a insecure coward. Sharing that in common with trump.
They already are!

Why wouldn't putin just turn it off rather than blowing it up?

Exactly. Except there's a Borg Queen behind Putin which we don't know. But if so then this could be damned interesting. World politics made by a western traitor like Donald Trump (prelude) and an eastern traitor like Vladimir Putin (upbeat) and ¿who else in which other directions? And what is the real game? A Troyan horse race?

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The Russians have subs specifically designed for underwater sabotage. Sweden has captured at least one in the past.

Okay. The idea "Sweden makes terror" must have to do something with an absurdity of the USA. What makes Sweden better than you? I doubt by the way that we do not know where are the Russian subs.
Everything about Russia has been shrinking rapidly since 1991.

Their population. Their army. Their navy. Their economy. Their space program. Their influence in the world.

Not even the British Empire slid into irrelevance so quickly.

Blindness and wrong pride grow together on the same piece of rotten wood. This was not existing in Moscow in 1991. The picture is from 2017.


Russia on its own is the biggest country of the world. They have excellent professionals in science and arts and in general are the Russians very intelligent and creative people ... who have always a very bad luck with their governments as it looks like.
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That was my first conclusion. I agree Russia benefits from this in the long term.


And it causes chaos and confusion for the west.

Everything always causes chaos and confusion in the West. This makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, what's called "capitalism" here. And the own criminals are often seen like heroes compared with the saints of strange countries who are often seen as criminals.
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Okay. The idea "Sweden makes terror" must have to do something with an absurdity of the USA. What makes Sweden better than you? I doubt by the way that we do not know where are the Russian subs.
Homepage>Russian warships and submarines were spotted near the Nord... September 29th., 2022. The Baltic fleet stationed in Kaliningrad is composed of 41 surface vessels and one submarine. So this means there were extra submarines in the area at the time. How convenient.

Everything always causes chaos and confusion in the West. This makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, what's called "capitalism" here. And the own criminals are often seen like heroes compared with the saints of strange countries who are often seen as criminals.
Unlike you I have faith in my country. This is obviously a very devious and calculated move. Russia is always trying to undermine the West. It is logical that they did this to try to create distrust among the members of NATO and undermined their resolve. No one else would profit from this. I'm not big on convoluted, alternative thinking and conspiracy theories. We've had enough of that from trump and his Russian friends.

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