Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion

The Nordstream 2 pipeline allows Russia to send gas to Western Europe without paying transit fees to Ukraine and Poland. Russia just completed it in the teeth of massive opposition from Ukraine, Poland and USA.
Now they are trying to convince you it was Russia who blew it up. I am sure they will succeed in this, the Western population has reached this level of idiocy.

I never thought I will agree with you in any point - but you are completelly right here. The attackers tried to make impossible a German-Russian coordination when the current conflict will be over. So also organized criminals (corruption) could had been the attackers.
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Unlike you I have faith in my country.#

I'm a citizen of the world. I have not any faith in any country of the world.

This is obviously a very devious and calculated move. Russia is always trying to undermine the West.

A totally wrong view to history. Russia is a part of Europe. "East" and "West" comes in case of Russia and Europe from West-Rome (Rome) and East-Rome (Constantinople). We share traditionally and basically the same Christian values.

It is logical that they did this to try to create distrust among the members of NATO and undermined their resolve.

That's for me a thought in the category "stupid nonsense".

No one else would profit from this.

You are a bad thinker. Russia and Germany not profit from this attack. Others do.

I'm not big on convoluted, alternative thinking and conspiracy theories. We've had enough of that from trump and his Russian friends.
Homepage>Russian warships and submarines were spotted near the Nord... September 29th., 2022. The Baltic fleet stationed in Kaliningrad is composed of 41 surface vessels and one submarine. So this means there were extra submarines in the area at the time. How convenient.

So I guess the Russians will be angry why they do not know what really had happened there - although they had been in front of the problem. As a German I'm by the way not unhappy. We are absolutelly not interested to have a NATO case of defense including a nuclear scenario because we had been attacked. Who cares about this stupid pipelines? We will repair it or make a new one if necessary to do so.

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So I guess the Russians will be angry why they do not know what really had happened there - although they had been in front of the problem. As a German I'm by the way not unhappy. We are absolutelly not interested to have a NATO case of defense including a nuclear scenario because we had been attecked. Who cares about this stupid pipelines? We will repair it or make a new one if necessary to do so.

According to Jeffry Sacks, the whole world, apart from Western Media believe it was the US who destroyed Nord Stream
"The European economy is getting hammered by the sudden cutoff of energy. And now to make it definitive, the destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline (which I would bet was a U.S. action, perhaps U.S. and Poland). That is speculation."

Sachs said: "I know it runs counter to our narrative, you're not allowed to say these things in the West, but the fact of the matter is all over the world when I talk to people, they think the U.S. did it. Even reporters on our papers that are involved tell me 'of course' [the U.S. did it], but it doesn't show up in our media."

and I can certainly identify with alarm ar this

It is unbelievable to be hearing on one side that they will use nuclear weapons if they have to, while the other side says, "You can't frighten us."

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Sweden Seizes Evidence At Baltic Pipeline Leak Site.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Sweden’s domestic security agency said Thursday that its preliminary investigation of leaks from two Russian gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea “has strengthened the suspicions of serious sabotage” as the cause and a prosecutor said evidence at the site has been seized.

The Swedish Security Service said the probe confirmed that “detonations” caused extensive damage to the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines last week. Authorities had said when the leaks off Sweden and Denmark first surfaced that explosions were recorded in the area.

The agency, which said what happened in the Baltic Sea was “very serious,” didn’t give details about its investigation.

But in a separate statement, Swedish prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist said “seizures have been made at the crime scene and these will now be investigated.”
Zelensky expressly called for NATO troops and weapons to be put on Ukrainian soil.
And the Azov Battalion of the Kyiv government is notorious for racism, fascism, and murder.


The Kyiv regime killed over 14 thousand of children and civilians in Donbass & eastern Ukraine since 2014​

The war against Donetsk and Luhansk republics who declared their independence in 2014 after a coup in Kyiv organized by the US under the Obama-Biden administration in early 2014 is One of the major hidden from the public knowledge war crime where over 14 thousands children and civilians were bombed, shelled, shot, tortured and executed by the Ukrainian government with the US backing since 2014. As soon as Biden returns to the White House in 2021, The US, responsible for the coup in Kyiv in 2014, began its work on the Ukraine land lease act in 2021 BEFORE Russia decided to acknowledge the Donetsk and Luhansks independence in February 2022 and began its operation to stop the Ukrainian war crimes that took place there since 2014.

the US and the EU governments run inflation in double digits due to combination of most damaging policies adding 22 T debt over last 15 years, disrupting energy and other supply chains, robbing their own taxpayers as they send billions to fund corrupt war criminals of the Kyiv government, armed forces and neonazi groups like Azov, Aidar and right sector in Ukraine that killed thousands of civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk since 2014

Clip from Donbass (English subtitles) - Documentary by French journalist Anne-Laure Bonnel - 8 Years of War The documentary, titled "Donbass," was filmed in 2015.

Very Interesting reads for sure. Thanks.
Right now he is amplifying Russian propaganda that the U.S. blew up the pipeline.

There USED to be a time when Russian propagandist sympathizers were considered enemies of our country.

Apparently the barr is pretty low these days.

You people seem to glorify our enemies.

Donald Trump for example.
That TDS is really bad in you... Get help knucklehead.
Only trump and other loser American types see putin in a good light. The rest of the people see him for what he is a murdering x-KGB thug. He puts on a brave bravado front but he's actually a insecure coward. Sharing that in common with trump.
Well if he is all these things, you got to think about the stuff that might be worse here. When listening to the daily news, and hearing about all the tragic heinous crimes being committed by our own here, and then the culture rot that has us stinking so bad that it can be smelt over halfway around the world, it gives one pause to be so quick to judge another, lest one is a hypocrite from hades.

Most would think that the debauchery and abuse on children that is going on in this COUNTRY is probably way worse than anything Putin can come up with, so good luck attempting to stay ahead of the game without recognizing the tragic stuff that is going on here also.

We are in super danger due to the debauchery and horrible things that is defining us now as American's.
Right now he is amplifying Russian propaganda that the U.S. blew up the pipeline.

There USED to be a time when Russian propagandist sympathizers were considered enemies of our country.

Apparently the barr is pretty low these days.

You people seem to glorify our enemies.

Donald Trump for example.
Many people immediately suspected the US because of the comments from the POTUS months ago.
Many people immediately suspected the US because of the comments from the POTUS months ago.
He siad we were going to stop it. We did!

He never said anything about blowing it up.

Far be it for me to defend Biden, but the Putin apologists are running rampant on this forum.
There’s no evidence to support that. I’ve never heard him speak fondly of Putin. But I have seen him say Putin is a bad guy and should not be trusted. He also doesn’t blame Putin for everything wrong in the world today.
He knows that.

Hes just a dick.
He siad we were going to stop it. We did!

He never said anything about blowing it up.

Far be it for me to defend Biden, but the Putin apologists are running rampant on this forum.
I doubt the US had anything to do with sabotaging that pipeline. Still, thinking the opposite doesn’t make one a Putin apologist.
He siad we were going to stop it. We did!

He never said anything about blowing it up.

Far be it for me to defend Biden, but the Putin apologists are running rampant on this forum.
But you're not so sure about what happened of course either, otherwise just debating like the rest of the wanderer's here are debating where as it's the very same thing because they aren't so sure in concerns of it all either, but you might take Biden's side due to loyalty of country or is it because he's been right about everything else thus far maybe ???

Most want the fact's before they hold onto any concrete side of an issue, just like so many did concerning Bush and Iraq once upon a time not so long ago. How'd that work out for everybody ??

Was Bush proved right or wrong about Iraq in your opinion ??

Now with all this said, airing our dirty laundry if we are ever in the wrong about something, uhhhhhh is something we shouldn't be doing on the world stage otherwise for national security reason's... I don't believe in putting our nation in danger as a whole over the stupidity of a few. We should take care of our own business outside of world view, otherwise if we have corrupt politician's walking the line's right next to world view, then we should recognize this before we jeopardize our nation trying to rescue it right out from in front of our enemies on the world stage.

Look out for the politician's these days that hold close ties with the globalist, because they are using the globalist as their shield in most cases these days if American justice goes after them lawfully and legally.

We have the constitution that would rescue our nation from tyrannical forces, otherwise if we'd go back to using it correctly and not let possible despot's destroy it in order to stay in power, and worse they get us all killed.

Hope we didn't do anything stupid.
The Swedish State Security Service reported that the investigation of leaks in the Nord Stream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines has been completed. Law enforcement officers came to the conclusion that explosions occurred on gas pipelines as a result of sabotage. Who exactly organized them is not specified.

The Swedish Security Service conducted an investigation at the scene with the support of the Coast Guard, the Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish police. "It was a very well—functioning cooperation," the security service noted.
"After examining the crime scene, the Swedish State Security Service can state that explosions occurred on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines in the Swedish economic zone, which caused significant damage to the gas pipelines," the ministry said in a statement.

During the inspection of the scene, excavations were made. As part of the preliminary investigation, law enforcement officers conduct investigative actions. The preliminary investigation is designed to identify those who need to be brought to criminal responsibility. After completing the inspection of the crime scene, the prosecutor removed the cordon from it.
I understand that Putin has not been accused yet simply because it is necessary to conduct an investigation first, and then blame Putin. Regardless of the results of the investigation.
According to Jeffry Sacks, the whole world, apart from Western Media believe it was the US who destroyed Nord Stream ...


The problem is in this case: Is the government of the USA - whoever this is in this context - really so extremely stupid? And if so: Why? Why such an extremely stupid decision?

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The problem is in this case: Is the government of the USA - whoever this is in this context - really so extremely stupid? And if so: Why? Why such an extremely stupid decision?
The peculiarity of the current conflict was not only the widest use of military drugs by the ukronazis - (the creation of a fearless soldier was intensively investigated in the Third Reich, then the same doctors smoothly moved to work overseas), but also their leaders, who are in a constant state of altered consciousness by ecoTaliban.

Once again, I ask the real Taliban's pardon - against the background of the current morons, it looks very decent.
The peculiarity

peculiarity = Eigenheit. Got it. A wonderful word in German. Everything has an own characteristics.

of the current conflict was not only the widest use of military drugs by the ukronazis

Unfortunatelly you degraded yourselve now ¿again? to an idiot.

- (the creation of a fearless soldier was intensively investigated in the Third Reich,

What an idiotic myth. Why should a fearless man like to be a soldier? A fearless man marries and holds a baby in his arms and looks like an overcautious idiot while doing so.

then the same doctors smoothly moved to work overseas),

Name of one of them?

but also their leaders, who are in a constant state of altered consciousness by ecoTaliban.


Once again, I ask the real Taliban's pardon - against the background of the current morons, it looks very decent.


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current conflict was not only the widest use of military drugs by the ukronazis
Unfortunatelly you degraded yourselve now ¿again? to an idiot.
As medical historian Peter Steinkamp puts it, “Blitzkrieg was guided by methamphetamine. If not to say that Blitzkrieg was founded on methamphetamine.”

In late 1939 and early 1940, Leo Conti, the “Reich Health Führer,” and others sounded the alarm bells about the risk of Pervitin, resulting in the drug being made available by prescription only. But these warnings largely fell on deaf ears, and the new regulations were widely ignored. Use of the drug continued to grow. At the Temmler-Werke factory, production revved into overdrive, pressing as many as 833,000 tablets per day. Between April and July 1940, German servicemen received more than 35 million methamphetamine tablets.
The drug was even dispensed to pilots and tank crews in the form of chocolate bars known as Fliegerschokolade (flyer’s chocolate) and Panzerschokolade (tanker’s chocolate).

Armies had long consumed various psychoactive substances, but this was the first large-scale use of a synthetic performance-enhancing drug. Historian Shelby Stanton comments: “They dispensed it to the line troops. Ninety percent of their army had to march on foot, day and night. It was more important for them to keep punching during the Blitzkrieg than to get a good night’s sleep. The whole damn army was hopped up. It was one of the secrets of Blitzkrieg.”
Hmmmmmm, ok so now we have Biden talking about Armageddon in the context of this entire situation between Ukraine and Russia, otherwise when he heard about Putin threatening a tactical battlefield nuke ??

So these two war machine's or foes keep slinging it back and forth in Ukraine, and the world is getting more and more caught up in it all.. There is definitely some eye opening interesting developing speak being slung lately.

So because Putin might be considering a tactical Nuke on the battlefield in Ukraine, this creates nuclear Armageddon in the entire world how ?

NATO and the like weren't supposed to be a threat to Russia according to the counter speak when Russia tried to say that NATO was a threat to Russian security in the region. Otherwise Putin's claim was that NATO was inching closer and closer to Russia's border's, and therefore creating a national security issue for Russia by NATO working with Ukraine more and more near the Russian border's correct ??

So Russia decides to annex territory outside it's borders over in Ukraine, otherwise in order to gain access to the black sea in total, and to create a land bridge to Crimea just as well. That's my understanding of it I guess.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Also it is to try and stop future collaboration between Ukraine and the west for whom Putin thinks might be facilitating a broader security issue for Russia in this collaboration, otherwise if Russia doesn't eventually go along with globalism and the climate change agenda ???

So where does it all go from here one can't help but wonder ?? Armageddon??

So it's a war that Russia ends up thinking that it has to start in the region, and now Putin's taking all things into consideration over time I'm guessing.

Losing isn't on Putin's or Zelensky's mind, so how far are both willing to go in order to shore up their national security, and to shore up their defenses if that's what both are now doing in this long drawn out war ??

Can Zelensky sustain in the war without dragging the world into it with him ? Undoubtedly not, so the world must be careful to make sure that it's not dragged into a Nuclear exchange over two war machine's now fighting each other in a region. Is Ukranian's hands totally clean in all of this ? We have heard things, but not sure upon who is right and who is wrong the most in a war that's been going on since 2014.

Most of us average working class citizen's, well all we have is information that is being fed to us, but we can't truly understand totally what's going on anymore.

He (Putin), said he wouldn't be blackmailed to stop, so I'm guessing that he's talking about the counter threat of anialation that he's hearing or figured he'd be hearing next from the west, otherwise if he was considering a tactical Nuke upon the battlefield.

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