Nordic leaders troll Trump orb photo


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Trump is good for one thing: laughing at

The world mocks and laughs at him daily

A group of Nordic prime ministers is mocking an image of President Trump and Saudi Arabian King Salman touching a glowing orb during Trump's visit to Riyadh last week, reenacting the photo with a European football.

The leaders, including the prime ministers of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland, stood around a soccer ball, each touching it.

Nordic leaders troll Trump orb photo
Even though I have to live with him, I laugh at him, too. He's an easier target than Bush was.
I hope these nations don't laugh too hard, they are about to experience a massive bankruptcy dominoe effect like one rarely seen in history. Check out the numbers provided from the graph, all from countries that are not nearly as economically diverse or robust as America.

Household debt as a share of disposable income

Denmark 320.5%!
Netherlands 290.1%!
Ireland (not sure why they are considered Scandinavian) 223%
Norway 215.5%
Sweden 171.5%
U.S 111.3%

Canada is also apparently one of the world leaders of consumer debt, and what's worse, none of these countries have the same investment portfolio that Americans have. These are liquid, capital investments. Like these countries, Canada also has record low interest rates and have had this for a decade, once rates go up, many are going to

So these leaders can laugh loud, as long as they are milking the system for themselves and not actually, you know LEADING. Their citizens are going to soon be swimming with a flipper board sooner rather than later.

Scandinavians are more indebted than Americans
Scandinavians are more indebted than Americans

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