North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities

Hopefully this will also include banning illegal children from schools. There is no law that says schools must admit illegals and letting them do so encourages illegals to live here in violation of section 1324 of title 8 of the US code.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yeah but....sanctuary cities are already against the law. How do liberals get to violate the immigration law and other related stuff like harboring a felon? The freaking world is upside down when a state has to pass a law that requires cities to obey federal law and lefties still complain about it.

Yes it is crazy. And it's gonna get worse as i expect federal judges to strike down this NC law as unconstitutional on grounds of .... well, i don't know what grounds they can possibly have. But they'll make up something.
Thank you Mr. Trump

North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed a bill into law Wednesday that bans any policy that interferes with the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

The Protect N.C. Workers Act,HB 318, reins in local and municipal policies that disregarded federal law by providing sanctuary or "safe" cities, and public benefits like food stamps, for individuals illegally in the U.S.
isn't there an analogous bill in Congress for marijuana? that federal funding may not be used to harass otherwise, law Persons in a State.

Immigration is no longer a social Power available to the several States, since 1808.

Only the Right prefers to the socialism of the law, to Commerce well regulated among foreign States, while claiming they are not really like that in public venues.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?
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nc has been fucked over by the gop.......use to be first in teachers are fleeing the state........bunch of fucking raleigh

You do know the last Governor was Bev a democrat correct?

NC is turning purple like Virginia and Texas
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?

That don't compare to raising the Minimum wage?

You guys understand the economics of it , supply and demand.... But think by raising the MW you some how stick it to the fat cats.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home.

HAHAHA. $20 for a tomato??? Where did you get that.? Fact is that picking a fruit is a very very small part of the cost of that fruit. How many tomatoes can a person pick in an hour.?? Lets's say one every 10 seconds so that would be around 350 an hour. If we raised the picker's wage to $35 an hour, that is still just 10 cents a tomato. THINK
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home.

HAHAHA. $20 for a tomato??? Where did you get that.? Fact is that picking a fruit is a very very small part of the cost of that fruit. How many tomatoes can a person pick in an hour.?? Lets's say one every 10 seconds so that would be around 350 an hour. If we raised the picker's wage to $35 an hour, that is still just 10 cents a tomato. THINK

You do realize he is using the same argument that Right wingers use to sensationalized the cost of a big Mac if MW were raised.

This is also interesting how this lefty here wants to subsidize cheap/slave labor to rich farmers. We know they don't get paid by the hour but how much they can pick.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?

Hyperbole much? No, what you would see is the final automization of the jobs that can be. the fair treatment of workers, and yes, you would see the price of tomato's go up. A few cents. Not to 20 bucks. Get real, your hysteria while amusing is far from factual.
Thank you Mr. Trump

North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed a bill into law Wednesday that bans any policy that interferes with the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

The Protect N.C. Workers Act,HB 318, reins in local and municipal policies that disregarded federal law by providing sanctuary or "safe" cities, and public benefits like food stamps, for individuals illegally in the U.S.

Greg Abbott says he's in the process of doing the same in Texas.
Here's to hoping.
Yeah but....sanctuary cities are already against the law. How do liberals get to violate the immigration law and other related stuff like harboring a felon? The freaking world is upside down when a state has to pass a law that requires cities to obey federal law and lefties still complain about it.

Why can't conservatives create sanctuaries cities so those of us who carry AK47's and high capacity magazines can hide someday very very very soon.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?

That don't compare to raising the Minimum wage?

You guys understand the economics of it , supply and demand.... But think by raising the MW you some how stick it to the fat cats.
Amazing how some can suddenly understand basic economic factors but forget them as soon as it disagrees with the parties talking points. Minimum wage is a farce anyway if you allow illegal labor to come in and depress wages.

I also do not understand what the problem is actually paying for the true value of a product - be it tomatoes or otherwise - rather than accessing cheaper tomatoes for the sake of depressing wages and skirting labor law.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?
Bullshit. The CA economy would continue doing just fine.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?

That don't compare to raising the Minimum wage?

You guys understand the economics of it , supply and demand.... But think by raising the MW you some how stick it to the fat cats.
Yes it does compare to raising the minimum wage actually which I do not fully support. Raising the MW wont stick it to the fat cats at all. They'll just write it off. You didnt answer the question. Why did you deflect instead?
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?

Hyperbole much? No, what you would see is the final automization of the jobs that can be. the fair treatment of workers, and yes, you would see the price of tomato's go up. A few cents. Not to 20 bucks. Get real, your hysteria while amusing is far from factual.
A little hyperbole but not much. Guaranteed it will be more than a few cents more like a couple of bucks. Dont you realize that business always pass on the cost of doing business to the customer as much as possible even if it takes a few years?

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