North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities

What a bunch of hypocrites. The folks who constantly promote small government and profess to hate big government interference are now promoting big government authority and interference with small and local government.

You know, I'm the first person to call out so called conservatives

Yes, you are. It's liberals you don't call out
What a bunch of hypocrites. The folks who constantly promote small government and profess to hate big government interference are now promoting big government authority and interference with small and local government.

You know, I'm the first person to call out so called conservatives

Yes, you are. It's liberals you don't call out

Liberals call themselves out. I like to police my own house.
What a bunch of hypocrites. The folks who constantly promote small government and profess to hate big government interference are now promoting big government authority and interference with small and local government.

You know, I'm the first person to call out so called conservatives

Yes, you are. It's liberals you don't call out
chics, you are welcome to "test" me whenever you want and call me a big liar, if or when you should catch me doing it on purpose.

just come up to me and tell me, you want your turn.
This is state government in the role of "big government" overruling the wishes of local town or city small government.

No, you're absolutely incorrect. You seem to think that objections to "big government" are a simple matter of hierarchy and a desire to avoid upper tiers of a hierarchy from acting. But nothing could be further from the truth.

The federal government has a role. State governments have a role. Local governments have a role. Setting and enforcing immigration policy is the role of the federal government. When the federal government exercises that role, there is no "big government" issue at work.

The matter set here is a state government action, and one that is 100% within a state's discretion. Therefore, there is no "big government" issue here.

You got this one right, nicely done.
What a bunch of hypocrites. The folks who constantly promote small government and profess to hate big government interference are now promoting big government authority and interference with small and local government.

You know, I'm the first person to call out so called conservatives

Yes, you are. It's liberals you don't call out

Liberals call themselves out. I like to police my own house.

When do they do that? And your enforcement of your own house s typically for not being liberal
This state felt that the federal law had merit and chose to show its support.

Is a state exercising "states rights" only if it acts in opposition to the federal government?

You should probably define what "states rights" mean before saying anything more.

States have no authority over immigration since 1808; it is part of the "free trade" agreement as part of the Union.
When do they do that?

With their own stupidity.

And your enforcement of your own house s typically for not being liberal

That is....grammatically defective.

Listen, if liberals want to support big government, then I disagree with their position but they have the right to their own opinion. I'll debate the merits of trying to convince criminals to volunteer to not obtain guns illegally versus the merits of not hindering law abiding citizens from defending themselves with a firearm if that's what the individual wishes to do. The merits of the liberal position will speak for themselves.

But when someone claims to be a conservative but lusts after big government bullshit, like sending the government into people's bedrooms to police their sex lives, then you're damn right I'm going to call that person out on that. It's not conservatism, it's not small government, and it's bullshit like that which makes the Democrats and liberals a stronger force.
Because neither party wants to do anything about the immigrant issue. It suppresses wages and therefore allows a larger profit margin. It also allows them to work with a labor base that does not have recourse in unfair practices.

Thats true but the big reason business loves illegals is it means more customers. Most of these illegals do not work and go welfare but they still buy stuff, while the huge social costs of this welfare trash is dumped on the taxpayers.
Illegal aliens are potential Democrat voters and they keep the American poor poor so they keep voting for Democrats. Poverty is win-win for Democrats, and they know that

Yup - democrats don't want intelligent skilled people coming to america. They want welfare trash that will vote for them.
Hopefully this will also include banning illegal children from schools. There is no law that says schools must admit illegals and letting them do so encourages illegals to live here in violation of section 1324 of title 8 of the US code.

Tried that years ago in California...Prop 187, I think. It was struck down by the courts.
Thank you Mr. Trump

North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed a bill into law Wednesday that bans any policy that interferes with the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

The Protect N.C. Workers Act,HB 318, reins in local and municipal policies that disregarded federal law by providing sanctuary or "safe" cities, and public benefits like food stamps, for individuals illegally in the U.S.

I live in North Carolina. The legislature here has been doing a great job since taking over for the Democrats and their Century of mismanagement and corruption. This is just another example. I wish we could get the DC Republicans to act like many of the States who actually have generally positive Parties do
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
States have no authority over immigration since 1808; it is part of the "free trade" agreement as part of the Union.

That's not what the constitution says. It says the feds can "establish a uniform rule of naturalization", and everything is up to the states.
I do hope to see more states do this..

Looks like Texas is working on it...

Texas Gov Vows Sanctuary Cities Will Not Be Tolerated
Go for it, and watch Texas suddenly fall apart. Perry never took action against them because they do all the damn work...
Georgia tried it and had to back one was working the fields and crops were rotting.

I live over the state line, what I read it was something different they were cracking down on Illegals not just making a law saying in this case, that local towns/cities can not have safe harbor for illegals from the Feds.
Georgia tried it and had to back one was working the fields and crops were rotting.

I don't remember that but anyway, american citizens would work the fields if they were paid a good wage. Even $30 an hour would cause a rise in fruit and veggie prices of just a few per cent which would be swamped by the huge savings in social costs. Hell - just letting illegals use our schools costs the american taxpayer $150 billion every year.
Hopefully this will also include banning illegal children from schools. There is no law that says schools must admit illegals and letting them do so encourages illegals to live here in violation of section 1324 of title 8 of the US code.

Tried that years ago in California...Prop 187, I think. It was struck down by the courts.

Yup - the people voted in a referendum to stop benefits for illegals and the state court took a huge bribe from the illegal alien lobby and said we don't care what the public wants.
Securing our border and restoring the rule of law would make these actions unnecessary. So what is our Government waiting for?
I do hope to see more states do this..

Looks like Texas is working on it...

Texas Gov Vows Sanctuary Cities Will Not Be Tolerated
Go for it, and watch Texas suddenly fall apart. Perry never took action against them because they do all the damn work...
Georgia tried it and had to back one was working the fields and crops were rotting.

I live over the state line, what I read it was something different they were cracking down on Illegals not just making a law saying in this case, that local towns/cities can not have safe harbor for illegals from the Feds.
But the results were the same, right? They had to back down.
Hopefully this will also include banning illegal children from schools. There is no law that says schools must admit illegals and letting them do so encourages illegals to live here in violation of section 1324 of title 8 of the US code.

Tried that years ago in California...Prop 187, I think. It was struck down by the courts.

Yup - the people voted in a referendum to stop benefits for illegals and the state court took a huge bribe from the illegal alien lobby and said we don't care what the public wants.
Your proof that the courts took a bribe. How much was that "huge bribe"? And if you know there was a bribe, why didn't you report it....bribes are illegal.
I do hope to see more states do this..

Looks like Texas is working on it...

Texas Gov Vows Sanctuary Cities Will Not Be Tolerated
Go for it, and watch Texas suddenly fall apart. Perry never took action against them because they do all the damn work...
Georgia tried it and had to back one was working the fields and crops were rotting.

I live over the state line, what I read it was something different they were cracking down on Illegals not just making a law saying in this case, that local towns/cities can not have safe harbor for illegals from the Feds.
But the results were the same, right? They had to back down.

Not sure if it is the same. Alabama was doing it also with disastrous results...

This law the way I understand it is they can not interfer with the feds ...

Gerogia and Alabama was cracking down on them... This quick link is kind of funny, in it says when they got the unemployed and prisioners to work the farms...most quit because to hard..


Crackdown on illegal immigrants left crops rotting in Georgia fields, ag chief tells US lawmakers
Funny how when it comes to immigration the conservatives now want to take law making and self-rule away from the people and give dictatorial power to the state.

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