North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities

"North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities"

Which is ridiculous given the fact local jurisdictions can't be 'forced' to use their law enforcement resources to 'enforce' Federal laws.

Cities and towns will detain suspected undocumented immigrants at the request of Federal authorities, but there's nothing in Federal law compelling them to unilaterally seek out those undocumented for detention, and electing not to do so doesn't constitute a given jurisdiction as a 'sanctuary city,' nor manifest as 'interfering' with the enforcement of Federal immigration laws.

This law is an inane 'solution' in search of a 'problem.'

Yet the left praises sanctuary cities and every illegal criminals knows where to go in order to avoid getting caught.

It's the government in violation of immigration laws because they've chosen not to follow them and go after states that do.
"North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities"

Which is ridiculous given the fact local jurisdictions can't be 'forced' to use their law enforcement resources to 'enforce' Federal laws.

Cities and towns will detain suspected undocumented immigrants at the request of Federal authorities, but there's nothing in Federal law compelling them to unilaterally seek out those undocumented for detention, and electing not to do so doesn't constitute a given jurisdiction as a 'sanctuary city,' nor manifest as 'interfering' with the enforcement of Federal immigration laws.

This law is an inane 'solution' in search of a 'problem.'

Yet the left praises sanctuary cities and every illegal criminals knows where to go in order to avoid getting caught.

It's the government in violation of immigration laws because they've chosen not to follow them and go after states that do.
Where's that praise? Got some examples to show us?
This law is 95% political postering. Sanctuary cities are nothing more than cities that do not ask for documentation of alien status without probable cause, which is unconstitutional anyway. Only the E-Verify part of the law is actually something that is being implemented that is new.

We have 40 million illegals in america so if you have brown skin there is probable cause to ask for documentation.

And sanctuary cities and states do lots of other things to harm america. . They give drivers licenses and welfare to illegals and CA is now letting them vote.
Since when did CA let illegals vote? Show us where that is now law.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.

Yes it's simple economics. Are fellow Americans willing to pay higher grocery bills let say quadruple of what they are paying now? Who will clean you in the convalescence home? Who will work in your agriculture farm?
They are just asking about sanctuary of illegal with criminal records not illegal immigrants.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.

Yes it's simple economics. Are fellow Americans willing to pay higher grocery bills let say quadruple of what they are paying now? Who will clean you in the convalescence home? Who will work in your agriculture farm?
They are just asking about sanctuary of illegal with criminal records not illegal immigrants.

Those are good questions. The answer is that Americans will do it.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?

Hyperbole much? No, what you would see is the final automization of the jobs that can be. the fair treatment of workers, and yes, you would see the price of tomato's go up. A few cents. Not to 20 bucks. Get real, your hysteria while amusing is far from factual.

A few cents? I doubt that. Who will work on these farm? Or other dirty jobs? American? Asian? Blacks? I doubt that.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.

Yes it's simple economics. Are fellow Americans willing to pay higher grocery bills let say quadruple of what they are paying now? Who will clean you in the convalescence home? Who will work in your agriculture farm?
They are just asking about sanctuary of illegal with criminal records not illegal immigrants.


Yes, they will be because they would be making more too. Do you not understand that when you allow a permanent underclass you drive wages down for everyone? Really? You don't know that?
This law is 95% political postering. Sanctuary cities are nothing more than cities that do not ask for documentation of alien status without probable cause, which is unconstitutional anyway. Only the E-Verify part of the law is actually something that is being implemented that is new.
I do not think you are correct in this assessment. They do not ask for documentation of alien status at ALL under any circumstances. That is what I gather at least though the law is different from city to city.

That is correct. They do not ask for ID or documentation. They get paid under the table.
Thank you Mr. Trump

North Carolina outlaws sanctuary cities

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed a bill into law Wednesday that bans any policy that interferes with the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

The Protect N.C. Workers Act,HB 318, reins in local and municipal policies that disregarded federal law by providing sanctuary or "safe" cities, and public benefits like food stamps, for individuals illegally in the U.S.
Good.....We are over run with illegals here. Maybe now they will go somewhere else to do whatever it is they do to this country.
This law is 95% political postering. Sanctuary cities are nothing more than cities that do not ask for documentation of alien status without probable cause, which is unconstitutional anyway. Only the E-Verify part of the law is actually something that is being implemented that is new.

More like 100 percent political postering.

Indeed, there actually isn't any such thing as a 'sanctuary city'; jurisdictions aren't 'sheltering' those undocumented, they're in no way 'interfering' with the implementation of Federal immigration law, and they are not 'facilitating' criminal activity.

Jurisdictions are verifying that persons are authorized to work in their capacity as employers and are providing assistance to Federal authorities when requested to detain a person suspected of being in the country absent authorization.

There is nothing in Federal immigration law compelling local jurisdictions to do anything more because the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from forcing state and local governments to enforce Federal laws.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?

Construction, farm work.
Fuck 'em, let the Jesus-freaks build their own damn house, and let the produce rot in the fields.

Lmao... You don't know or have not been to NC lately....
Do not engage that idiot. He contributes nothing to USMB...He's just here to spew radical left wing talking points and other sewage
This law is 95% political postering. Sanctuary cities are nothing more than cities that do not ask for documentation of alien status without probable cause, which is unconstitutional anyway. Only the E-Verify part of the law is actually something that is being implemented that is new.

More like 100 percent political postering.

Indeed, there actually isn't any such thing as a 'sanctuary city'; jurisdictions aren't 'sheltering' those undocumented, they're in no way 'interfering' with the implementation of Federal immigration law, and they are not 'facilitating' criminal activity.

Jurisdictions are verifying that persons are authorized to work in their capacity as employers and are providing assistance to Federal authorities when requested to detain a person suspected of being in the country absent authorization.

There is nothing in Federal immigration law compelling local jurisdictions to do anything more because the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from forcing state and local governments to enforce Federal laws.
Oh? Then why did the OBAMA Dept of Justice SUE the state of Arizona for making a state law that essentially mirrored the federal law?
This law is 95% political postering. Sanctuary cities are nothing more than cities that do not ask for documentation of alien status without probable cause, which is unconstitutional anyway. Only the E-Verify part of the law is actually something that is being implemented that is new.

More like 100 percent political postering.

Indeed, there actually isn't any such thing as a 'sanctuary city'; jurisdictions aren't 'sheltering' those undocumented, they're in no way 'interfering' with the implementation of Federal immigration law, and they are not 'facilitating' criminal activity.

Jurisdictions are verifying that persons are authorized to work in their capacity as employers and are providing assistance to Federal authorities when requested to detain a person suspected of being in the country absent authorization.

There is nothing in Federal immigration law compelling local jurisdictions to do anything more because the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from forcing state and local governments to enforce Federal laws.
Oh? Then why did the OBAMA Dept of Justice SUE the state of Arizona for making a state law that essentially mirrored the federal law?

...a suit that was upheld by the courts.....
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?

Hyperbole much? No, what you would see is the final automization of the jobs that can be. the fair treatment of workers, and yes, you would see the price of tomato's go up. A few cents. Not to 20 bucks. Get real, your hysteria while amusing is far from factual.

A few cents? I doubt that. Who will work on these farm? Or other dirty jobs? American? Asian? Blacks? I doubt that.
What would a wetback be doing in NC, besides the laundry?
Same thing they do everywhere. The jobs americans wont work.

The only reason Americans won't do the work is because the illegals have allowed the employers to devalue the job pay levels in those job areas. A two tier wage system exists thanks to the illegals. Send them home and the employers will be forced to raise wages up to where they should be and Americans will do those jobs again.

It's simple economics.
Yes its simple economics. Imagine paying $20 for 1 tomato after they send the illegals home. Its amazing supposedly intelligent people are so gullible about this. There is a reason why there is a lot of noise but nothing will ever be done. The economy in CA for example would tank. Think about the effects of the 8th largest economy in the world tanking. Is that what you want?

Hyperbole much? No, what you would see is the final automization of the jobs that can be. the fair treatment of workers, and yes, you would see the price of tomato's go up. A few cents. Not to 20 bucks. Get real, your hysteria while amusing is far from factual.

A few cents? I doubt that. Who will work on these farm? Or other dirty jobs? American? Asian? Blacks? I doubt that.

Supply and demand, if no labor pool wages will go up I am sure they will find someone to do it if they pay 25 cents~$1 buck a tomato picked...
Illegal aliens are potential Democrat voters and they keep the American poor poor so they keep voting for Democrats. Poverty is win-win for Democrats, and they know that

Yup - democrats don't want intelligent skilled people coming to america. They want welfare trash that will vote for them.
Youre already here and unskilled but you are too dumb to vote in your best interests.

Dependency is in no one's best interest, you want him to vote greed, like you do
I live in North Carolina. The legislature here has been doing a great job since taking over for the Democrats and their Century of mismanagement and corruption. This is just another example. I wish we could get the DC Republicans to act like many of the States who actually have generally positive Parties do
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wow, you laugh because they aren't leftist. Is that supposed to sting or something?
I laugh at your comment that the NC legislature is doing a great job. Really funny stuff right there. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Two posts, zero content, you're batting your average so far.

So what do you object to exactly, Sarah the clown?
You keep on believing that NC is doing great right now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Still zero content. you are consistent.

Hey, here's a question, how are they not doing a great job?
I live in North Carolina. The legislature here has been doing a great job since taking over for the Democrats and their Century of mismanagement and corruption. This is just another example. I wish we could get the DC Republicans to act like many of the States who actually have generally positive Parties do
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wow, you laugh because they aren't leftist. Is that supposed to sting or something?
I laugh at your comment that the NC legislature is doing a great job. Really funny stuff right there. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Two posts, zero content, you're batting your average so far.

So what do you object to exactly, Sarah the clown?
You keep on believing that NC is doing great right now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Let's discuss another subject you were wrong on. How's that bet you made with me that I get to put a statement in your sig for six months when the republicans don't impeach Obama feeling? You have a little over a year to go before you lose that one. You calling your congressman to get them to start impeachment proceedings?
I live in North Carolina. The legislature here has been doing a great job since taking over for the Democrats and their Century of mismanagement and corruption. This is just another example. I wish we could get the DC Republicans to act like many of the States who actually have generally positive Parties do
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wow, you laugh because they aren't leftist. Is that supposed to sting or something?
I laugh at your comment that the NC legislature is doing a great job. Really funny stuff right there. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Two posts, zero content, you're batting your average so far.

So what do you object to exactly, Sarah the clown?
You keep on believing that NC is doing great right now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How's your research going for actual issues? Also, did you pick your avatar because you're a ditz or a clown?
I do hope to see more states do this..

I agree and hope to see the DOJ go after any and all sanctuary cities.

Those cities are breaking the law and one has to wonder why the DOJ is sitting on its hands and not prosecuting those running those cities.

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