North Korea...what if?

The MAD principle only works on Sane people. The real question is the little Fat Man really INSANE.

If we tend to that side of the equation, we will eventually have no choice but to deal with the little Fat Man.
In order to justify military action against North Korea, the following question needs to be answered:

What if we do not take military action and let North Korea develop and arsenal of nuclear missiles?

What would the consequences be?

To take it one step further, what if we conceded to all of North Korea's demands? i.e. lift sanctions, remove U.S. troops from Korea, and make a peace treaty?

What would be the consequences?

I think the man running the country is insane and is not to be trusted. I don't really know what the answer is here.
Fat boy has a habit of saying one thing and doing another. Yes he has a 3stage missile but it's not dependable enough Thus far boy nukes Japan and starts shelling South Korea. That takes Japan out for at least 3 days.
A nuke in the middle of Tokio would cause millions of death, but I guess that would just be collateral damage to you?

The Kongo and Kirishima are AEGIS class DDG's that can shoot down the nukes with SM-3's or SM-6's

And you know this how? They've had both failed and succeeded missile tests.
Once it's launched even if it's a dud do you ignore it? I say no.
Of course you wouldn't ignore a dud. The question is do you attack a country because they develop nuclear weapons and ICBM's because they don't like you? When you can't predict the full consequences of an attack, or for that matter can't establish a reasoning for that country to want to commit collective suicide?
The reply to this is rather easy. Would you rather live with the deaths of 3 million innocents or criminals?
How do you know it would be 3 million death? A nuke on Japan would be considerably more.N-Korea is over 25 million people. S-Korea is 50 million. If the US carries out an unprovoked attack, how would China respond? Or the rest of the world for that matter. There are so many variables in this equation it should make your head spin. Not to mention that you still haven't established a real reasoning why a country with 25 million people would attack a country of 50 million backed by the most powerful nation in the world. Why do you feel the US is justified risking the lives of more then a hundred million people and if this escalates possibly the world on the assumption the leader of S-Korea is suicidal?
Are you suggesting we wait until they hit the US with a nuke?
No. What are you suggesting? A nuclear first strike on North Korea?
The MAD principle only works on Sane people. The real question is the little Fat Man really INSANE.

If we tend to that side of the equation, we will eventually have no choice but to deal with the little Fat Man.
Let China do it. They have more to lose than we do.
....In other words, from an American point of view, the consequences of not attacking them are far worse than the consequences of attacking them.
Disagreed. Sure, some here are beating war drums, but I strongly doubt a single one of them is in the military or is willing to lead the first wave on the beach.

American leadership is concerned about this, but they're also putting a lot of pressure on China to fix it.

So you do not believe that there is some point in NoKo nuke development that the U.S. can not allow and would have to attack?

Effectively, you're saying that we should try all diplomatic means, but if that fails we should take no military action and allow NoKo to develop a nuclear arsenal.

Why do you keep insisting there will be consequences? There are 8 other countries with nuclear weapons capability India and Pakistan are mortal enemies, they haven't nuked one another. Why not? Answer, they don't want to bear the cost of it. The same applies to N-Korea. Do you honestly believe that Kim Jung Un doesn't know that the US would interfere in case of attack on S-Korea? Or that he would be willing to take the risk if he would doubt it?

So far Kim Jung Un seems to be hell bent on pushing everything as far as he can He seems to be secure in believing that we will not strike because he can destroy Seoul. What would stop him from a single nuclear strike against a city in Japan to get what he wants? He'd still hold Seoul hostage against any U.S. response.

Peace at any price does NOT work. There's no reason to believe that Un would behave.
Yes there is a reason to believe they would behave. Certainty of death usually focuses the mind wonderfully.. As to him striking Japan with a single nuclear weapon. What happens you think when someone attacks a member of NATO with nukes? That nations lifespan is measured in minutes, that simple. Thinking anything else is silly.

Do you really think Kim doesn't already know the risks??? Of course he does. He knows damn well the US could blow him & his people up...if he should hit US or our allies. Yet he continues to taunt & threaten us.

You sound as if you think Trump is going to hit that nuke button any minute now and poor little No Ko will be dust. That's not the way it works. I don't think Trump can do that all by himself. That's why we have the government structure that we takes an act of Congress..........but in NoKo, Kim does not have to have anyones approval and he CAN hit the launch button anytime he pleases.
Once it's launched even if it's a dud do you ignore it? I say no.
Of course you wouldn't ignore a dud. The question is do you attack a country because they develop nuclear weapons and ICBM's because they don't like you? When you can't predict the full consequences of an attack, or for that matter can't establish a reasoning for that country to want to commit collective suicide?
The reply to this is rather easy. Would you rather live with the deaths of 3 million innocents or criminals?
How do you know it would be 3 million death? A nuke on Japan would be considerably more.N-Korea is over 25 million people. S-Korea is 50 million. If the US carries out an unprovoked attack, how would China respond? Or the rest of the world for that matter. There are so many variables in this equation it should make your head spin. Not to mention that you still haven't established a real reasoning why a country with 25 million people would attack a country of 50 million backed by the most powerful nation in the world. Why do you feel the US is justified risking the lives of more then a hundred million people and if this escalates possibly the world on the assumption the leader of S-Korea is suicidal?
Are you suggesting we wait until they hit the US with a nuke?
No. What are you suggesting? A nuclear first strike on North Korea?
Are you suggesting we do nothing until they drop one in the US?
The MAD principle only works on Sane people. The real question is the little Fat Man really INSANE.

If we tend to that side of the equation, we will eventually have no choice but to deal with the little Fat Man.
Let China do it. They have more to lose than we do.
That's the typical response whenever you faggots see trouble on the horizon.... let someone else fix it.
What's wrong with growing some balls and taking care of yourself?
Disagreed. Sure, some here are beating war drums, but I strongly doubt a single one of them is in the military or is willing to lead the first wave on the beach.

American leadership is concerned about this, but they're also putting a lot of pressure on China to fix it.

So you do not believe that there is some point in NoKo nuke development that the U.S. can not allow and would have to attack?

Effectively, you're saying that we should try all diplomatic means, but if that fails we should take no military action and allow NoKo to develop a nuclear arsenal.

Why do you keep insisting there will be consequences? There are 8 other countries with nuclear weapons capability India and Pakistan are mortal enemies, they haven't nuked one another. Why not? Answer, they don't want to bear the cost of it. The same applies to N-Korea. Do you honestly believe that Kim Jung Un doesn't know that the US would interfere in case of attack on S-Korea? Or that he would be willing to take the risk if he would doubt it?

So far Kim Jung Un seems to be hell bent on pushing everything as far as he can He seems to be secure in believing that we will not strike because he can destroy Seoul. What would stop him from a single nuclear strike against a city in Japan to get what he wants? He'd still hold Seoul hostage against any U.S. response.

Peace at any price does NOT work. There's no reason to believe that Un would behave.
Yes there is a reason to believe they would behave. Certainty of death usually focuses the mind wonderfully.. As to him striking Japan with a single nuclear weapon. What happens you think when someone attacks a member of NATO with nukes? That nations lifespan is measured in minutes, that simple. Thinking anything else is silly.

Do you really think Kim doesn't already know the risks??? Of course he does. He knows damn well the US could blow him & his people up...if he should hit US or our allies. Yet he continues to taunt & threaten us.

You sound as if you think Trump is going to hit that nuke button any minute now and poor little No Ko will be dust. That's not the way it works. I don't think Trump can do that all by himself. That's why we have the government structure that we takes an act of Congress..........but in NoKo, Kim does not have to have anyones approval and he CAN hit the launch button anytime he pleases.
When Trump takes office in January, he will have sole authority over more than 7,000 warheads. There is no failsafe. The whole point of U.S. nuclear weapons control is to make sure that the president — and only the president — can use them if and whenever he decides to do so.No one can stop President Trump from using nuclear weapons. That’s by design.
So your assumption is wrong. As to the rest of your post. I've went over this before to. Convincing the perceived enemy that you are ready willing and able to launch nuclear missiles hak would use them? Yes Kim knows the US can take them, but he thinks as long as I have nukes, nobody would dare to attack him. But that hinges on him convincing the US that he would use them if attacked, something looking at your post he has convinced you of.
So long as Kimmy is sane, there's nothing but ePeen going on here.

If he's /not/ sane, then he'll fire a nuke at the US and that'll be the end of him. No way in hell China defends that kind of ejaculate either, China will hang his ass out to dry and we'll have little Kim in a cardboard box within a few hours. WE do not need to use "nukes" to end Kimmy's games...
So you do not believe that there is some point in NoKo nuke development that the U.S. can not allow and would have to attack?

Effectively, you're saying that we should try all diplomatic means, but if that fails we should take no military action and allow NoKo to develop a nuclear arsenal.

Why do you keep insisting there will be consequences? There are 8 other countries with nuclear weapons capability India and Pakistan are mortal enemies, they haven't nuked one another. Why not? Answer, they don't want to bear the cost of it. The same applies to N-Korea. Do you honestly believe that Kim Jung Un doesn't know that the US would interfere in case of attack on S-Korea? Or that he would be willing to take the risk if he would doubt it?

So far Kim Jung Un seems to be hell bent on pushing everything as far as he can He seems to be secure in believing that we will not strike because he can destroy Seoul. What would stop him from a single nuclear strike against a city in Japan to get what he wants? He'd still hold Seoul hostage against any U.S. response.

Peace at any price does NOT work. There's no reason to believe that Un would behave.
Yes there is a reason to believe they would behave. Certainty of death usually focuses the mind wonderfully.. As to him striking Japan with a single nuclear weapon. What happens you think when someone attacks a member of NATO with nukes? That nations lifespan is measured in minutes, that simple. Thinking anything else is silly.

Do you really think Kim doesn't already know the risks??? Of course he does. He knows damn well the US could blow him & his people up...if he should hit US or our allies. Yet he continues to taunt & threaten us.

You sound as if you think Trump is going to hit that nuke button any minute now and poor little No Ko will be dust. That's not the way it works. I don't think Trump can do that all by himself. That's why we have the government structure that we takes an act of Congress..........but in NoKo, Kim does not have to have anyones approval and he CAN hit the launch button anytime he pleases.
When Trump takes office in January, he will have sole authority over more than 7,000 warheads. There is no failsafe. The whole point of U.S. nuclear weapons control is to make sure that the president — and only the president — can use them if and whenever he decides to do so.No one can stop President Trump from using nuclear weapons. That’s by design.
So your assumption is wrong. As to the rest of your post. I've went over this before to. Convincing the perceived enemy that you are ready willing and able to launch nuclear missiles hak would use them? Yes Kim knows the US can take them, but he thinks as long as I have nukes, nobody would dare to attack him. But that hinges on him convincing the US that he would use them if attacked, something looking at your post he has convinced you of.

I still doubt Trump would nuke them without more serious provocation, or he would have done so already and I hope it doesn't come to that.

But if it does, Kim has brought it on himself.
Disagreed. Sure, some here are beating war drums, but I strongly doubt a single one of them is in the military or is willing to lead the first wave on the beach.

American leadership is concerned about this, but they're also putting a lot of pressure on China to fix it.

So you do not believe that there is some point in NoKo nuke development that the U.S. can not allow and would have to attack?

Effectively, you're saying that we should try all diplomatic means, but if that fails we should take no military action and allow NoKo to develop a nuclear arsenal.

Why do you keep insisting there will be consequences? There are 8 other countries with nuclear weapons capability India and Pakistan are mortal enemies, they haven't nuked one another. Why not? Answer, they don't want to bear the cost of it. The same applies to N-Korea. Do you honestly believe that Kim Jung Un doesn't know that the US would interfere in case of attack on S-Korea? Or that he would be willing to take the risk if he would doubt it?

So far Kim Jung Un seems to be hell bent on pushing everything as far as he can He seems to be secure in believing that we will not strike because he can destroy Seoul. What would stop him from a single nuclear strike against a city in Japan to get what he wants? He'd still hold Seoul hostage against any U.S. response.

Peace at any price does NOT work. There's no reason to believe that Un would behave.
Yes there is a reason to believe they would behave. Certainty of death usually focuses the mind wonderfully.. As to him striking Japan with a single nuclear weapon. What happens you think when someone attacks a member of NATO with nukes? That nations lifespan is measured in minutes, that simple. Thinking anything else is silly.

Do you really think Kim doesn't already know the risks??? Of course he does. He knows damn well the US could blow him & his people up...if he should hit US or our allies. Yet he continues to taunt & threaten us.

You sound as if you think Trump is going to hit that nuke button any minute now and poor little No Ko will be dust. That's not the way it works. I don't think Trump can do that all by himself. That's why we have the government structure that we takes an act of Congress..........but in NoKo, Kim does not have to have anyones approval and he CAN hit the launch button anytime he pleases.
Assassination seems to be the answer for the Fatty one. No war, no needless deaths except one. Fatboys.
I wrestle with that utterance, but...I would have killed Hitler myself if I had the chance when he was not in power. The many outweigh the one.
So you do not believe that there is some point in NoKo nuke development that the U.S. can not allow and would have to attack?

Effectively, you're saying that we should try all diplomatic means, but if that fails we should take no military action and allow NoKo to develop a nuclear arsenal.

Why do you keep insisting there will be consequences? There are 8 other countries with nuclear weapons capability India and Pakistan are mortal enemies, they haven't nuked one another. Why not? Answer, they don't want to bear the cost of it. The same applies to N-Korea. Do you honestly believe that Kim Jung Un doesn't know that the US would interfere in case of attack on S-Korea? Or that he would be willing to take the risk if he would doubt it?

So far Kim Jung Un seems to be hell bent on pushing everything as far as he can He seems to be secure in believing that we will not strike because he can destroy Seoul. What would stop him from a single nuclear strike against a city in Japan to get what he wants? He'd still hold Seoul hostage against any U.S. response.

Peace at any price does NOT work. There's no reason to believe that Un would behave.
Yes there is a reason to believe they would behave. Certainty of death usually focuses the mind wonderfully.. As to him striking Japan with a single nuclear weapon. What happens you think when someone attacks a member of NATO with nukes? That nations lifespan is measured in minutes, that simple. Thinking anything else is silly.

Do you really think Kim doesn't already know the risks??? Of course he does. He knows damn well the US could blow him & his people up...if he should hit US or our allies. Yet he continues to taunt & threaten us.

You sound as if you think Trump is going to hit that nuke button any minute now and poor little No Ko will be dust. That's not the way it works. I don't think Trump can do that all by himself. That's why we have the government structure that we takes an act of Congress..........but in NoKo, Kim does not have to have anyones approval and he CAN hit the launch button anytime he pleases.
Assassination seems to be the answer for the Fatty one. No war, no needless deaths except one. Fatboys.
Agreed, but let China handle it. Not just because they have easier access to completing the mission, but they are best able to handle the aftermath.

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