North Korean heart-felt "Out of Darkness" movie idea?


Dec 30, 2015
I know Sanduk Ruit is pretty asiatic looking (Nepalese) but I imagine Tom Hanks playing Sanduk Ruit, give him a little racial make-up, they actually look very similar.

But the idea is to portray (probably rather embellished from the real events) a "based on true story" miracle but the movie idea would be this in a nutshell.

The Korean dictator Kim Jong Il has cataracts and is looking for a good doctor who will work on him, but because of all the taboo and negative press the doctors keep declining the offer to the Dictator, except Sanduk Ruit, who out of compassion accepts but under the condition that the dictator will allow him to work on the eyes of anyone who comes to him while he is in North Korea.

The plot would cast doubt upon the viewer, urging them to take the side of the other doctors who refused, as you tour the Hermit Kingdom seeing all the suffering, all the misery the Dictatorship is putting the people through, the repression.

But Dr. Ruit is unprepared for what happens next, after the appointment with the Dictator he has a few days (I think in actuality it was only 3 days) to open his operating room to the public. And slowly at first, like a trickle, people start coming to him to have their cataracts removed. You get the touching story of how so-and-so hasn't seen their children's faces for a decade, or things like that.

But the trickle doesn't stay a trickle (and I don't know if in actuality it was spontaneous or a planned event but this is story telling) and the trickle grows into a line miles long.

And Ruit and his team realizes that every 10 minute break means one less person who will be given their sight back so the team suffers and languishes through non-stop work, no sleep, anxious authorities worried about the mass-event occurring, the word spreading, etc, leading up to that crescendo where it ends, and the doctor has to wrap-it-up and leave as he agreed he would.

Leaving the viewer with this touching tale that the Dr. was right all along and did something herculean charitably, nobly, in spite of the regime he had to work with.

And Ruit returns to the free world with the audience forever changed about what can be accomplished out of love and charity to make small differences in the world, but very large differences in a person's life even behind the most Iron of curtains.

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