Norway mosque shooting: Man arrested as one injured in Oslo attack

This shit is happening all over the world, it seems. They just caught a "young white male" in Las Vegas, Nevada, who was planning attacks on a synagogue and an LGBT bar. I guess this means that we all have to watch "young white males" closely, just for the rest of us people to be safe.
your racism is showing.

as for your concern: how closely do they monitor islamic terrorism? or BLM terrorism? strange that after all the pushing of white males against the wall, all the hatred displayed by the looney left against them (you sexist, racist pigs you),it should happen, that some of them run amok instead of killing themselves (after all,suicide among white men has risen to crisis levels these past years), we just do it like the looney left and their pet ideology : we declare each and every single one "mentally disturbed"...can't do anything about that, right?

What "pushing of white males against the wall"? Just what has been done to these white males, specifically? What has been done to you? Where do you live? I'm a woman of European background, an American, and I don't find that I have been victimized in any way. I live in a neighborhood that includes both sexes, all colors, and all religions. No one is victimizing anyone else here. White men blend in just like everyone else does. The violent, who use identity politics, must be answered by the people.

Did this guy target a Jewish house of worship and a gay bar, or did he not? Was a Muslim mosque in Oslo targeted or was it not?

I just detect a growing movement among "young white males" to target the rest of society in the name of identity politics.
There is an underclass of losers who feel that they cant cope. When blacks were second class citizens, when women couldnt vote and Gay lifestyles were illegal ,at that time they were happy and could keep their heads above water.
Since then their sufferings have multilplied.
Oh god,what a fucking moron you are!pice of shit right there!

Equality has never been the problem..superiority is! but what do you know,eh? you fat fucking looser twat...just by that comment<i see clearly that you have no understanding of the issue,so just shut the fuck up and let the adults talk,eh
I celebrate being called a "looser" by a wanker who cant spell "loser". = underclass
For a man of your age and considering all the years of stretching involved. I WOULD think you would be looser by now.

But thanks for the thread. You have earned 7 more virtue signalling points for you efforts.
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.
Muslims want to kill all non believers.. and when someone fights back they are the bad guy?? Huh
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.
Muslims want to kill all non believers.. and when someone fights back they are the bad guy?? Huh
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
You fucking lunatic have no idea what the Koran or islam is! a fucking atheist tries to tell us about idiot!

What do you mean? tyhe Koran? how about the Hadith? oh,you didn't know about the other holy book of don't even know the basics you retrded fat antifa shut the fuck up
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.
Muslims want to kill all non believers.. and when someone fights back they are the bad guy?? Huh
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.
Muslims want to kill all non believers.. and when someone fights back they are the bad guy?? Huh
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
Muslims want to kill all non believers.. and when someone fights back they are the bad guy?? Huh
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
By now? They have us fighting each other.. we are doing the work for them.. and they are bombing us.. World Trade Center, Boston.. etc...
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
By now? They have us fighting each other.. we are doing the work for them.. and they are bombing us.. World Trade Center, Boston.. etc...
And we never bomb Muslim countries ?
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
By now? They have us fighting each other.. we are doing the work for them.. and they are bombing us.. World Trade Center, Boston.. etc...
And we never bomb Muslim countries ?
Well if you think you deserve to get blown up lol blow your self up fat boy
Muslims want to kill all non believers.. and when someone fights back they are the bad guy?? Huh
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.

Oh gee-----a REAL OLDY AND MOLDY----there is a standard Islamic claim that it is OBVIOUS that muslims do not kill-----because there are so many muslims in the world that if they REALLY WANTED TO KILL---EVERYONE NOT MUSLIM WOULD BE DEAD. I heard that one about 50 years ago from Pakistanis.----it seems to be part of their grammar school curriculum. (I had not broached the subject---the information just popped out then and INCESSANTLY since) It is actually true that muslims DO NOT KILL ALL NON MUSLIMS------in fact no muslim society can function without an ENSLAVED UNDERCLASS (that's the "protected" class--dhimmis)
Even Saudi Arabia has non muslim "servants" As to conquered lands---the JIZYA tribute was also so important that there were times when rulers put a
moratorium on "DUA"---the seeking of converts.. The objective of islam is
not KILL----it is subjugation and exploitation. ---
they seek to subjugate and exploit so we are all ok ------we can be happy dhimmis
Muslims want to kill all non believers.. and when someone fights back they are the bad guy?? Huh
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
Your Muslim friends are lying. And the reason we are not all dead is because the stagnant society Islam creates left them so far behind in weaponry they could not even consider war.
No they dont. You are a crazy fuck who should be confned to he conspiracy theory board.
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
Your Muslim friends are lying. And the reason we are not all dead is because the stagnant society Islam creates left them so far behind in weaponry they could not even consider war.
Who should I believe ? My friends who I know and trust or some crazy internet loon trying to start a religious war ?
And the carry it out daily
The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
Your Muslim friends are lying. And the reason we are not all dead is because the stagnant society Islam creates left them so far behind in weaponry they could not even consider war.
Who should I believe ? My friends who I know and trust or some crazy internet loon trying to start a religious war ?
The religious war was started 1400 years ago.
Now, there's a surprise:

What do we know about the suspect?

The suspect has not yet been named, but police have described him as a white Norwegian citizen of "around 20 years old".

He was said to be "from the area" where the mosque attack took place, in the town of Baerum.

Rune Skjold, the acting chief of the police operation, said the suspect had been known to police before the incident but could not be described as someone with a "criminal background".

Mr Skjold said the man appeared to hold "far-right" and "anti-immigrant" views and had expressed sympathy for Vidkun Quisling, the leader of Norway's collaborationist government during the Nazi occupation.

Norwegian media reported that the suspect was believed to have posted on an online forum hours before the attack. The post seemingly praised the gunman who killed 51 people in mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, earlier this year.

The post also made references to a "race war", the reports said.​
But ... but ... but ...

Guns are supposed to protect us from dying!

And yet more people die from gun violence than anywhere in the rich world!

Derp derp derp derp
Will the Alex Jones Headline be: Muslim gang severely beat Norwegian man mistakenly entering their mosque.
I've read two things about the shooting so far.

The good news is, the shooter was overpowered by worshipers at the mosque, including a retired Pakistani Air Force Officer.

The bad news is, the police response was 25 minutes. In the wake of the recent shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, that is an embarrassing police response.

Heads should roll over that one.

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