Riots Erupt In Dublin After Knife Attack Leaves Five Injured, Including Children


Take a wild Guess who the Irish government and police are demonizing


Europe for indigenous Europeans!

Europes unique and diverse cultures must be preserved
If you don't agree you're racist

Hey I didn't make the rules....
Native born assholes are usually worse. Bombings, mass shootings.
I live in a county that I was born in back in 1947.

In my younger days when you heard about a crime (rarely) it was usually a White person. It wasn't Blacks very many times because the KKK kept the Blacks under control.

Starting in about the 1970s after the KKK stopped being effective when you heard about a crime it was usually a Black. Crime increased significantly.

Nowadays when crimes are reported it is usually Hispanic, like in Illegals. They commit more crimes than even the Blacks.

Those goodamn Illegals that Gay Barry and Ole Potatohead let flood in, in addition to all the Muslim filth, and other Third World trash are going to destroy this country.
They vote for these governments. I don’t get what they are upset over.
Children getting knived. But you do you.
But you're a RWNJ. When people take action in the US over children getting their heads blown off, you accuse them of exploiting violence for politics.

How do you reconcile this with your concern for 4 Irish children? Because I sure can't seem to make sense of it.
We can be certain his name isn't O'Connor or Murphy

If it were, it'd been plastered in the biggest printing ever!
The police have said that it wasnt a terror related attack. But you confkate it to attack all immigrants. And people of colour at that.
How dumb are you ?

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