Stabbing attack in Dublin Riots have broken out in the city as residents blame immigrants

Those were years ago and antifa is not Democrats and all this was totally overblown on your propaganda, the late night BLM riots were not even BLM. Just looters. The blacks did not do very well they didn't get Joe's 2600 etc etc. And we found out from smartphones that the blacks have not been lying about police brutality. Quite a few of those riots were the police attacking BLM during the day- peaceful protesters. At any rate, the FBI statistics I'm talking about is not organized protests late night attacks by right Wingers on black gay trans jews Brown Muslims you know minorities you hate LOL.

He reopened the Border to our friends from the south who come here for Asylum and get approved 70 to 80%. Unfortunately 4 years of trump racist policy ruined Central America and Cuba and Venezuela and say hello to Asylum people. Sorry about your luck. It's time to tax the rich again and be a good neighbor again like the Monroe Doctrine wants us to be. Damn racists... oops brainwashed functional racists...
Charlottesville was more years ago
International law says no asylum seeker from Mexico, shitforbrains commie.
I don't think you know how asylum process works..

People have fled Mexico to get away gangs supported by US citizens money and arms... Trump gutted the support US gave as support
Do your own research. You’ll just call whatever I post a lie or ignore it and go onto your next lie.
Any belief that this villain was an immigrant is totally discredited. The villain was Irish and crazy and the immigrants stopped the attack. The right Wingers got it 180° wrong as usual
Any belief that this villain was an immigrant is totally discredited. The villain was Irish and crazy and the immigrants stopped the attack. The right Wingers got it 180° wrong as usual
Shitforbrains thinks as soon as an immigrant obtains citizenship they are no longer an immigrant.

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