Norway mosque shooting: Man arrested as one injured in Oslo attack

I've read two things about the shooting so far.

The good news is, the shooter was overpowered by worshipers at the mosque, including a retired Pakistani Air Force Officer.

The bad news is, the police response was 25 minutes. In the wake of the recent shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, that is an embarrassing police response.

Heads should roll over that one.
Pakistani Air Force Officer? That must be one hell of an Air Force for him to be that far from his country.
I've read two things about the shooting so far.

The good news is, the shooter was overpowered by worshipers at the mosque, including a retired Pakistani Air Force Officer.

The bad news is, the police response was 25 minutes. In the wake of the recent shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, that is an embarrassing police response.

Heads should roll over that one.
Pakistani Air Force Officer? That must be one hell of an Air Force for him to be that far from his country.

The bible says many crazy things. People just skip over them.You cretins study the koran looking for anything you can use to stigmatise 2bn people. You are sick.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
Your Muslim friends are lying. And the reason we are not all dead is because the stagnant society Islam creates left them so far behind in weaponry they could not even consider war.
Who should I believe ? My friends who I know and trust or some crazy internet loon trying to start a religious war ?
The religious war was started 1400 years ago.
No it didnt. Where do you get this crap from ?
The bad news is, the police response was 25 minutes. In the wake of the recent shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, that is an embarrassing police response.

Heads should roll over that one.

Call to police: "Folks, we have a shooter at our mosque, one person lightly wounded, nothing serious, the shooter is in a tight package and under control. Come over and help us dispose of that garbage."

Reply: "Okay, there's no imminent danger, we'll have to travel 20km to get to you, and will take care not to run over any kids, so this may take a while."

fncceo: "Heads should roll".

Progressive response:

But they only killed one! Doesn't count!
Its enlightening that he only shot one person. Might have something to do with not having access to machine guns.

None of the mass shooters here had machine guns either, dipstick.....

And in Russia, at the Polytechnic school shooting, the shooter used a tube fed, 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 people and injure 40....

At your Cumbria shooting, the guy had a double barreled shotgun and a .22 caliber bolt action rifle and killed 13, injuring 11....

It isn't the weapon, is the time the killer has before someone points a gun at him and forces him to stop killing unarmed people....
But ... but ... but ...

Guns are supposed to protect us from dying!

And yet more people die from gun violence than anywhere in the rich world!

Derp derp derp derp

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save dipshit. That means women who aren't raped, people who aren't robbed, people who aren't murdered by thugs....lives saved.......that number comes from the Centers for Disease Control....remove guns from society and those people become victims, not survivors....

And as more Americans owned and actually carried guns in this country? More lives saved....

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Christians arent killing on behalf of the words in the Bible.. Muslims are it’s the only reason they kill
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
Your Muslim friends are lying. And the reason we are not all dead is because the stagnant society Islam creates left them so far behind in weaponry they could not even consider war.
Who should I believe ? My friends who I know and trust or some crazy internet loon trying to start a religious war ?
The religious war was started 1400 years ago.
No it didnt. Where do you get this crap from ?
Reality,you fucking clown!
Syria,Egypt Turkey were all Christian countries....ever heard of the battle of Tours? that place is in Southern France and there a muslim invading army was beaten by the Franks in 732...Mohammed died 632 ,so just 100 years later,they were deep in Europe..Oh,and the "re-conquista" was fought by Spaniards against the muslim invaders and occupiers for 700 years.
The only lunatic I see,are people like you.
Btw: your muslim "friends" aren't either muslim or your friends...muslims are forbidden to befriend kafir, even though they can pretend to be your stupid fool
this video is old, yet spot on:
muslims are not allowed to befriend kufir - Bing video
even though you little shyster won't watch it...cause your an inbred stupid fuck
The bad news is, the police response was 25 minutes. In the wake of the recent shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, that is an embarrassing police response.

Heads should roll over that one.

Call to police: "Folks, we have a shooter at our mosque, one person lightly wounded, nothing serious, the shooter is in a tight package and under control. Come over and help us dispose of that garbage."

Reply: "Okay, there's no imminent danger, we'll have to travel 20km to get to you, and will take care not to run over any kids, so this may take a while."

fncceo: "Heads should roll".

Some things to consider ...

1. 911 calls almost never give a complete picture of the scene. Officers are trained to take the descriptions of the events given by the caller as a guideline for initial action, but not to rush to assumptions based on those descriptions. Things are almost never as they are originally reported.

2. While the caller might have said the situation was in hand, they would have no way of knowing if there were other shooters nearby or persons working with the shooter (as there were in Christchurch).

3. There is a major police presence in Baerum, only 5kms via major highway from the mosque. The mosque was a mere 20km from Central Oslo, the largest police presence in Norway, where all their special tactical units would be stationed.

4. No police department can afford to take such a casual response to a report of an Active Shooter, even if the emergency caller claimed he was contained. A 25 minute response time that close to police resources is just embarrassing.
The more information comes in, the more it confirms the initial impression:

Norway mosque attack suspect 'inspired by Christchurch and El Paso shootings'

In messages posted on the day of the attack, Philip Manshaus, a 21-year-old man who has been named by local media as the main suspect, described himself as “chosen” by “Saint [Brenton] Tarrant”, the gunman who killed 51 people at mosques in New Zealand in March.

“My time is up, I was chosen by Saint Tarrant after all … We can’t let this continue, you gotta bump the race war threat in real life … it’s been fun,” one post reads.

In a meme also posted by Manshaus, three rightwing extremists suspected of being responsible for other attacks this year are depicted and praised as heroes of the white nationalist movement.

Tarrant is described as having “addressed the Muslim problem” while Patrick Crusius, who has been charged with the attack in El Paso, Texas, in which 22 people died, is praised for “fighting to reclaim his country”.

A third attacker suspected of killing a woman during a Passover celebration at a synagogue in California in April is also praised, alongside antisemitic abuse.

The evidence of posts supporting the actions of the three suspects will fuel fears that a “cascade” of rightwing extremist attacks is gathering supporters around the world.

“We are now no longer talking about one-off events, but a loosely coordinated chain of far-right attacks across the world, where members of these networks inspire – and challenge – each other to beat each others’ body counts,” said Peter Neumann, professor of security studies at King’s College London.

“The ultimate motivation … is to launch a race war. The aim is to carry out attacks, claim responsibility, explain your action, and inspire others to follow.”

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

4. No police department can afford to take such a casual response to a report of an Active Shooter

There was no active shooter at the time of the call. BTW, I have read quite a bit about the incident, and found nothing on the police response. Care to provide a link?

Look, if you were to allege that governments around the world have underestimated - and probably continue to underestimate - the Quisling-adoring, racist neo-Nazis and their international networks, and that this needs to change, and quickly, be my guest. Calling for heads because of an allegedly sluggish police response to a situation that had been solved is just jumping to judgment while overlooking the larger and far more important goings-on.
The more information comes in, the more it confirms the initial impression:

Norway mosque attack suspect 'inspired by Christchurch and El Paso shootings'

In messages posted on the day of the attack, Philip Manshaus, a 21-year-old man who has been named by local media as the main suspect, described himself as “chosen” by “Saint [Brenton] Tarrant”, the gunman who killed 51 people at mosques in New Zealand in March.

“My time is up, I was chosen by Saint Tarrant after all … We can’t let this continue, you gotta bump the race war threat in real life … it’s been fun,” one post reads.

In a meme also posted by Manshaus, three rightwing extremists suspected of being responsible for other attacks this year are depicted and praised as heroes of the white nationalist movement.

Tarrant is described as having “addressed the Muslim problem” while Patrick Crusius, who has been charged with the attack in El Paso, Texas, in which 22 people died, is praised for “fighting to reclaim his country”.

A third attacker suspected of killing a woman during a Passover celebration at a synagogue in California in April is also praised, alongside antisemitic abuse.

The evidence of posts supporting the actions of the three suspects will fuel fears that a “cascade” of rightwing extremist attacks is gathering supporters around the world.

“We are now no longer talking about one-off events, but a loosely coordinated chain of far-right attacks across the world, where members of these networks inspire – and challenge – each other to beat each others’ body counts,” said Peter Neumann, professor of security studies at King’s College London.

“The ultimate motivation … is to launch a race war. The aim is to carry out attacks, claim responsibility, explain your action, and inspire others to follow.”

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

Its a mirror image of the "Islamic" loons. There are folk on this board with attitudes similar to these idiots. I wonder how many of the hate tormentors on this thread are being monitored ?
Its a mirror image of the "Islamic" loons. There are folk on this board with attitudes similar to these idiots. I wonder how many of the hate tormentors on this thread are being monitored ?

Of course, they are all the same loons - bereft of empathy, full of frustration and hate - no matter which ideology they use to "justify" their verbal or physical atrocities.

You actually think any of the silly geezers mouthing off on here is being specifically monitored? I seriously doubt that any of them has shown up on anyone's radar, or if they did, that anyone would take them seriously as a threat. They are - or so I would hope - just loudmouths venting their frustration. Still, given what I am reading on here, I wouldn't bet there is none who might eventually snap.
This shit is happening all over the world, it seems. They just caught a "young white male" in Las Vegas, Nevada, who was planning attacks on a synagogue and an LGBT bar. I guess this means that we all have to watch "young white males" closely, just for the rest of us people to be safe.

Coincidentally, there is also an agenda to disarm private citizens, not only in the US but globally. By people who believe the ends justify the means. "Order out of Chaos."
My Muslim friends tell me that these killings are a rejection of Islam. I think they must be right because otherwise we would all be dead by now. You and your fellow hatemongers are lunatics just looking for a war.
Your Muslim friends are lying. And the reason we are not all dead is because the stagnant society Islam creates left them so far behind in weaponry they could not even consider war.
Who should I believe ? My friends who I know and trust or some crazy internet loon trying to start a religious war ?
The religious war was started 1400 years ago.
No it didnt. Where do you get this crap from ?
Reality,you fucking clown!
Syria,Egypt Turkey were all Christian countries....ever heard of the battle of Tours? that place is in Southern France and there a muslim invading army was beaten by the Franks in 732...Mohammed died 632 ,so just 100 years later,they were deep in Europe..Oh,and the "re-conquista" was fought by Spaniards against the muslim invaders and occupiers for 700 years.
The only lunatic I see,are people like you.
Btw: your muslim "friends" aren't either muslim or your friends...muslims are forbidden to befriend kafir, even though they can pretend to be your stupid fool
this video is old, yet spot on:
muslims are not allowed to befriend kufir - Bing video
even though you little shyster won't watch it...cause your an inbred stupid fuck
Where do you get your silly talking points from?
You go back to the dark ages to make a bogus point to back up your crap.
There were wars going on throughout history. It's in the history books mate.
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

I read the article.

I missed where the 'evil right' is mentioned.
We all know what he is Will.

Who is 'we all' you and the mouse in your pocket? :abgg2q.jpg:
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

I read the article.

I missed where the 'evil right' is mentioned.
We all know what he is Will.

Who is 'we all' you and the mouse in your pocket? :abgg2q.jpg:
Those of us who arent trying to deflect for right wing terrorists.

Here is your man.

Its a mirror image of the "Islamic" loons. There are folk on this board with attitudes similar to these idiots. I wonder how many of the hate tormentors on this thread are being monitored ?

Of course, they are all the same loons - bereft of empathy, full of frustration and hate - no matter which ideology they use to "justify" their verbal or physical atrocities.

You actually think any of the silly geezers mouthing off on here is being specifically monitored? I seriously doubt that any of them has shown up on anyone's radar, or if they did, that anyone would take them seriously as a threat. They are - or so I would hope - just loudmouths venting their frustration. Still, given what I am reading on here, I wouldn't bet there is none who might eventually snap.
I find it difficult to separate the rhetoric of the killers and the crap that some of our friends on here spout. Probably because there is no difference.

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