Not a good night for the Repubs

7.8 trillion under Trump in four years. you're saying that Trump was the one that caused the pandemic now....and generated all of that COVID money in one COVID bill after another, most of which was spent under Biden?
Did you know that Pelosi never let Trump spend a plug nickle without her okay? you're saying that Trump was the one that caused the pandemic now....and generated all of that COVID money in one COVID bill after another, most of which was spent under Biden?
Did you know that Pelosi never let Trump spend a plug nickle without her okay?

Pelosi never spent a Nickle without Trumps OK.
yep....if you can afford to live along the coast with the wealthy things were going great....but if you lived inland it gets worse....people pollution is one of their biggest many dam people....
You're preaching to the choir.

I played junior college ball in San Diego.
We played a game in Riverside CA.
The kids there were all farmboys.
They were straight-up rednecks.
A guy I worked with in the sheetmetal shop at DPW here at Ft Campbell KY was from there.
Once you go inland the mindset changes totally.

From San Diego to L.A. used to be a lot of grassland.....but now it's houses the whole distance between. Bumper to bumper traffic. Driving up to L.A. often gave me a migraine from all of the smog.
Abortion access is now in the Ohio Constitution.

The Dems now control both House and Senate in VA

Dem won the seat on the PA SC.

Dem Gov won again in KY

Pot won in Ohio
The GOP should have abandoned the abortion issue long ago. Even Republican women want abortion rights (their husbands and boyfriends also want it for them). Who wants more whiney little brats running around.
The GOP should have abandoned the abortion issue long ago. Even Republican women want abortion rights (their husbands and boyfriends also want it for them). Who wants more whiney little brats running around.

What else do they have to run on?
fck you too,

What I have achieved in my life is hardly considered the minimum.

I seriously doubt you could ever come close to it even in your wildest dreams.
Yet you feel the need to threaten violence on a random internet forum.
You know that's a lie. I guess you never heard of CRs, continuing resolutions.
They don't need the president's siggy for those.
47 of them were approved from 2010-2022.

Trump could have stopped it all with a veto.
the pendulum may be swinging the other will go back as soon as the democrats fuck up....and they will fuck up..... both sides always do....

When does CA or NYC's pendulum swing back??

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indeed, and yet these same people will keep voting for their beloved party no matter what.

Eat bugs meme.jpg

They don't care about the leader or the party. Politics is pretty much all single-issue politics nowadays. (AKA identity politics.) This is why humans don't make good commies, like ants or bees. We put our ego and greed first; whereas ants or bees are selfless and put the good of the community first. Humans can't be selfless. For instance, I'd never vote to confiscate my guns and make myself a felon. I'd never vote to turn America into Mehico. Likewise, dems would never vote to ban abortion. It is all special interest voting nowadays. Socialists would never vote to not progress socialism.

Transqueers, which vote as a dem bloc 98% of the time, would never vote against their love for the trans life. Transqueers want to promote their lifestyle. Drug addicts want free and legal drugs and would never vote rep. Look at homosexuals, which vote dem as a block 90%+ of the time; they would never vote against their queerness. They put queerness above all, the same way I put guns and borders above all. Blacks, who vote dem 92% of the time, would never vote against reparations, handouts and a race based 'get out of jail for free' card. And on and on it goes, bub.

Even if starving I'd never vote to confiscate my guns, so I vote rep. But as a political party, the reps are useless garbage. All I expect from them is to leave the guns alone. And if by chance they fail at that...I won't vote any longer. The reason politics was not like this in the past was the parties were not that far apart. Plus, America had a different demographic. America was more conservative. Conservative views are looked at as being a Nazi by the young people nowadays. The young hate religion, god/s and conservative values. In 2023, the D & R parties are black and white, polar opposites.

Politics has gotten so extreme that it may mean life or death for many people depending on if a D or R gets in. So they are putting their very survival invested in how they vote.

America only worked when it worked. When the majority of the people were not mentally ill and could be depended on living by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. When America made things and was not just a pimp for China. Every election in America seems like America's very survival rests on the outcome. You can't run a country like that. Sooner or later, you will lose an election. Nor should a healthy country be knocking on the door of implosion every other week. Idiot reps learned a little too late that banning abortion, lowering taxes for the rich and trying to make it harder for blacks to vote is not going to do much to save America.

Barring Yellowstone erupting or Putin sending us a present, these are our choices:

1) Do as tax slaves under perpetual dem rule and be disarmed.

2) Civil War - formal secession. Form the America First Union / Conservative States of America Union / Conservative Union...or whatever you want to call it. Dems will wipe you out with the military...which they own.

3) Informal Secession - Still form the America First Union / Conservative States of America Union / Conservative Union...or whatever you want to call it. Then disregarded Federal law as the dems have done for ages.

4) Vote dem and accelerate the collapse - may make for an easier 'peaceful' divorce. And if there is a hot civil war, dems will send in the military and wipe reps out. Reps have zero organization or $ to fight any war.

fascist nazi.jpg
the democrats dont make me feel good with the dumbasses they throw out i have been saying.....this century we have seen from both parties,some of the most incompetent, inept politicians this country has ever seen....
Republicans aren't the solution to America's problems. But democrats are the cause of America's problems
You're preaching to the choir.

I played junior college ball in San Diego.
We played a game in Riverside CA.
The kids there were all farmboys.
They were straight-up rednecks.
A guy I worked with in the sheetmetal shop at DPW here at Ft Campbell KY was from there.
Once you go inland the mindset changes totally.

From San Diego to L.A. used to be a lot of grassland.....but now it's houses the whole distance between. Bumper to bumper traffic. Driving up to L.A. often gave me a migraine from all of the smog.
the mindset changes totally.
so does the quality of life.....

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