Not a hard question.

Walk away.
We have had enough of foreign shit shows and civil wars for awhile.
Besides, America is broke. Someone else can fund Ukrainian freedumb.
You've all has plenty to say about Ukraine.
What would you prefer the USA do now it has started?
Leave it to NATO.
Start bombing Russia.
Walk away and wish good luck.
Protect USA interests and innocent people.

Don't tell me you don't have an opinion on this.
You morons shouldn't of stolen an election? Putin wouldn't of dared under Trump
You've all has plenty to say about Ukraine.
What would you prefer the USA do now it has started?
Leave it to NATO.
Start bombing Russia.
Walk away and wish good luck.
Protect USA interests and innocent people.

Don't tell me you don't have an opinion on this.
That's funny . You dickheads know everything. Brandon and his son hunter ot paid big time by Ukraine, why you asking Republicans now?
Its "game on" with Russia's economy.
The EU are talking big about isolating Russia.
We'll see how much pain everyone can inflict on Russia.
Shivering Eurotrash won't talk tough for long. Expect France and Germany to sue for peace as soon as the smoke clears.
You've all has plenty to say about Ukraine.
What would you prefer the USA do now it has started?
Leave it to NATO.
Start bombing Russia.
Walk away and wish good luck.
Protect USA interests and innocent people.

Don't tell me you don't have an opinion on this.
It's no surprise conservatives have sided with Putin against America and President Biden.
It's no surprise conservatives have sided with Putin against America and President Biden.
Yes but the surprise is the lack of courage to admit it.
They know it is treasonous
and gutless but will sacrifice every piece of human decency that have purely to destroy Biden and the reputation of the country. Home of the brave my foot.
You've all has plenty to say about Ukraine.
What would you prefer the USA do now it has started?
Leave it to NATO.
Start bombing Russia.
Walk away and wish good luck.
Protect USA interests and innocent people.

Don't tell me you don't have an opinion on this.
Biden colluded with Putin on the XL pipeline closure, the Nordstream2 opening and told him that he could take part of Ukraine and he would do nothing.
So this time maybe EmperorShitzHizPantz should keep his word and watch the world burn. This is what The Democrat Party colluding with Russia and China looks like.
Biden colluded with Putin on the XL pipeline closure,
No he didn't. The pipeline has nothing to do with America. No objection from America would definately release more energy which would decrease prices. But I don't expect a dumbarse like you to know that.
the Nordstream2 opening and told him that he could take part of Ukraine and he would do nothing.
You're a liar and have no kknowledge Of any conversations that took place. The stupidity of your statement is he is now at war with him.
You don't think real straight.

So this time maybe EmperorShitzHizPantz should keep his word and watch the world burn. This is what The Democrat Party colluding with Russia and China looks like.
Is it really? Do you remember when trump crawled up the arses of Russia and China and you all hailed him as the peace keeper? North Korea did accept that. China ruined the American economy instantly and Putin took notes how to America's weaknesses through trump.
But you Iobviously have a
Huge reservoir of international diplomacy so you must be right.
Back the fuck out and worry about the sovereignty of our own border before we worry about someone else's. We have our own problems to deal with

I don't mean to be a heartless bastard but we can't even fix our own problems. We need to take care of ourselves first.
No he didn't. The pipeline has nothing to do with America. No objection from America would definately release more energy which would decrease prices. But I don't expect a dumbarse like you to know that.

You're a liar and have no kknowledge Of any conversations that took place. The stupidity of your statement is he is now at war with him.
You don't think real straight.

Is it really? Do you remember when trump crawled up the arses of Russia and China and you all hailed him as the peace keeper? North Korea did accept that. China ruined the American economy instantly and Putin took notes how to America's weaknesses through trump.
But you Iobviously have a
Huge reservoir of international diplomacy so you must be right.
You've all has plenty to say about Ukraine.
What would you prefer the USA do now it has started?
Leave it to NATO.
Start bombing Russia.
Walk away and wish good luck.
Protect USA interests and innocent people.

Don't tell me you don't have an opinion on this.

War is a racket.

The damn pipeline is finished. It's been finished since Obama was president. The Dakota access is just a short cut. It's not going anymore oil that's already being pumped through it.
The reason is stopped is because it goes right through the middle of an aquafer that stretches from the Dakota's all the way down to Tx and New Mexico.

BTW. I'm a conservative who is also pro oil. BUT the god dayum oil that coming down the pipeline ain't ours. It's China's since china has bought up most of the oil sands in Canada.
You've all has plenty to say about Ukraine.
What would you prefer the USA do now it has started?
Leave it to NATO.
Start bombing Russia.
Walk away and wish good luck.
Protect USA interests and innocent people.

Don't tell me you don't have an opinion on this.
As usual, colon, you’re a day late and a bank account short.
If the senile demented President’s handlers tell him to go to war, all of the libtards will become very pro-war.

If the senile demented President’s handlers tell him to avoid war, all of the libtards will become devout pacifists again (like they are regardless of the merits of any particular conflict in any case where a Republican is President).

They are waiting for their directions on what they think.

As I noted in another thread a couple days back or so: no matter which path Brandon is told to follow, however, the calculus is actually complicated and pose their own risks. Pacifistic leanings can be interpreted by our prospective enemies as weakness which can result in their aggression. Militaristic leanings can can be interpreted by our prospective enemies as a provocation requiring their aggression.

Perceptions by our prospective enemies about the meaning of Brandon’s actions are also colored by perceptions of his cognitive abilities. Houston: we have a problem.
The only thing that makes me even consider saying we should help them is that Clinton talked them into giving up their nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees. If they had kept their nukes, no way Putin would do this.

If not for our foolish NATO alliance, I would say surgically bomb the invaders inside of Ukraine, so Russia could not say that the U.S. attacked Russia. But, as I said in another thread, Russia could then say that "NATO is attacking my troops," and bomb Lithuania or Estonia or whoever.

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