Not a hard question.

The hope was that it didn't start. We are stuck with a grinning idiot president who doesn't have a freaking clue so don't expect a member of the forum to come up with a solution.
The question is stupid it's like asking someone to close the barn door after all the cows have run off. It should have never gotten to this point when Russia statred building up troops on the border the U.S. and Nato should have began supplying Ukraine with intel and weapons both defensive and offensive to fight Russia. If this had been done and Putin had seen he was going to have a long and costly fight on his hands it not have come to this.
Zzzz. Damn, colon, you may be dull but at least you’re unimaginative and a loser.
What. You can't refute my claims? But I knew that.
Here's a tip for you republicans.
Check every detail before posting and never ask the question until you know the answer.
You try it. It works every time.
What. You can't refute my claims? But I knew that.
Here's a tip for you republicans.
Check every detail before posting and never ask the question until you know the answer.
You try it. It works every time.
This procedure would cause one to learn and think. Thinking things through are anathema to far right wing.
What. You can't refute my claims? But I knew that.
Here's a tip for you republicans.
Check every detail before posting and never ask the question until you know the answer.
You try it. It works every time.
Your claims, colon, already have been refuted.

Repeating my advice to you back to me to conceal your embarrassment is understandable. You should feel embarrassed.
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You've all has plenty to say about Ukraine.
What would you prefer the USA do now it has started?
Leave it to NATO.
Start bombing Russia.
Walk away and wish good luck.
Protect USA interests and innocent people.

Don't tell me you don't have an opinion on this.
Well said. Agreed.

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