Not all Musims are Terrorists. But most Terrorists are Muslims.

ork,sleep,fuck and all ur life is about

I prefer that over being beaten any day. Does your husband beat you Ayesha? Or are you the beater of the family?

you people dont see the serious or sorrowful side of wt innocent people have to go through .

I believe we got our fair share of sight on 9/11.

Mistook it would be a real medium to clear up all misunderstanding but probably people here come to joke and chill.

That's what great about this board... there is humor in one section and political chat in another. This board is full of great debates... branch away from the Muslim forum and check some of them out. Unfortunately, you dont want to debate. You sole purpose is to change teh way people think, and barring that, you will mark it down as a failure. That's your loss.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Why do so many Muslim men abuse their wives?

AND yeah last word 4 u too, coz u have been asking onlyy and only this question persisitingly since two days. i tell u wt, if u refer back to my thread i answered u one is not allowed to do so. A slap or two once or twice in a life time is not to do with abuse. u probably refer to cases may be in pakistan and majorly in afghanistan where there is no literacy.islam hasn't taught them so, if u refer back to wt i said even they dont let them study but coz they have been in to war all thier lives first to RUSSIANS if u remember .................and for ur kind info it was americans who were backing them coz they were against russian. Its the social issue. And husbands here in europe do even little thing against wife, and she sue him may be thats why there is no concept of familys and love and tolerance. offcourse i condemn people who torture thier wives who ever they are ill literate muslims, or drunk american, or anyone. And it doesn't happen on large scale all my life i havent heard even one woman in my sight in pakistan who have complaint,our moms and granmas been happily married. so, education is key word if u understand.
A slap or two once or twice in a life time is not to do with abuse

You are a sick individual if you believe this.

Any person, man/woman, husband/brother who slaps me is seriously looking to get their arm broken.
Originally posted by ayesha
AND yeah last word 4 u too, coz u have been asking onlyy and only this question persisitingly since two days. i tell u wt, if u refer back to my thread i answered u one is not allowed to do so. A slap or two once or twice in a life time is not to do with abuse. u probably refer to cases may be in pakistan and majorly in afghanistan where there is no literacy.islam hasn't taught them so, if u refer back to wt i said even they dont let them study but coz they have been in to war all thier lives first to RUSSIANS if u remember .................and for ur kind info it was americans who were backing them coz they were against russian. Its the social issue. And husbands here in europe do even little thing against wife, and she sue him may be thats why there is no concept of familys and love and tolerance. offcourse i condemn people who torture thier wives who ever they are ill literate muslims, or drunk american, or anyone. And it doesn't happen on large scale all my life i havent heard even one woman in my sight in pakistan who have complaint,our moms and granmas been happily married. so, education is key word if u understand.


You would know exactly what I was referring to if you read the articles!!

You are debating something and you obviously haven't even read what I've posted. Only trolls disregard others posts and just continue to ramble on.

Most terrorists are Muslims.
Oppression of women is out of hand in Muslim communities.
Abuse of women is widespread amongst Muslim communities.

These are the facts, deal with them.
No, keep Ayesha/Aiyisha/Aoyeshu - its nice to have someone to give us the other view of this topic. It helps remind us the difference between what is right, and what terrorists think.......
Besides Aiyshah is probably some 70 year old retired guy stirring up the pot.
why is it muslims scatter like roaches when the lights are flipped on when you expose their religion for what it really is and not what they would want you to believe it is?
Exactly. What kind of religion would tell its people that they will go to their heaven if they kill others? How can that be a good thing in any religion? Luckily, only a small few are brave (or crazy?) enough to strap on a bomb to kill others. These few will be gone soon.....

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