'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief

You’re doing a heckova job, trumpie!

He was probably out golfing when he started tweeting about the poor leadership of Puerto Rico.
Of course he was...

Dems rip Trump for criticizing Puerto Rico official from golf club

Fucking wow, I was joking. I did not actually believe that could happen in reality. Wow...
I was not joking.

Obviously not in the way that was effective as he just now, over a week later, put a general in charge, dope.
yeah obviously........havent read one article on PR govt prep......but if Trump doesnt fix it all in 24 hrs he is the failure...........LMMAAOOO

How should they have protected their power grid, roads and distribution network from a cat5 hurricane?

You are a complete moron. People are homeless without food, water or medical care. They have no ability to get money or fuel. The outlying areas are completely cut off. The heat index is well over 100.

Tell us all how anyone could prepare for such a thing.
Didnt say protect their roads and grid did I ......libs always lie ,,,,its all they have .....Why didnt they preposition stuff knowing roads would be impassable or simply gone.....

Way to support your fellow citizens, douche.
Didnt say anything about the citizens..........way to keep away from facts
They're all citizens, dope. Even the ones you're blaming.
You've presented no facts only what ifs.
Shoulda cut Puerto Rico loose years ago. We should have granted it Independence when they were demanding it back in the day. It's just another massive drain on the US at this point. Its Government is one of the most corrupt incompetent Governments on earth. Puerto Rico is bankrupt. It recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout to stay afloat. And then came the Hurricane.

So folks should understand that Puerto Rico was already in ruins before this Hurricane. And that's not on Trump or the US. That's all on the Puerto Rican People and their Government. They have no one to blame but themselves. You get the Government you want and deserve in the end. And as far as 'Puerto Rico Statehood' goes... HELLS NO!!!!!
Most corrupt incompetent?? Notice another of Trumps buddies leaving the WH?? Whats that make 12?? 13?? Speaking of incompetent And Price isn't corrupt ? and he's just the latest slime to leave
Shoulda cut Puerto Rico loose years ago. We should have granted it Independence when they were demanding it back in the day. It's just another massive drain on the US at this point. Its Government is one of the most corrupt incompetent Governments on earth. Puerto Rico is bankrupt. It recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout to stay afloat. And then came the Hurricane.

So folks should understand that Puerto Rico was already in ruins before this Hurricane. And that's not on Trump or the US. That's all on the Puerto Rican People and their Government. They have no one to blame but themselves. You get the Government you want and deserve in the end. And as far as 'Puerto Rico Statehood' goes... HELLS NO!!!!!
No one predicted the level of incompetence from the White House. America is still learning to live with the asshole PINO and his surprise surges of jackassery.
yeah obviously........havent read one article on PR govt prep......but if Trump doesnt fix it all in 24 hrs he is the failure...........LMMAAOOO

How should they have protected their power grid, roads and distribution network from a cat5 hurricane?

You are a complete moron. People are homeless without food, water or medical care. They have no ability to get money or fuel. The outlying areas are completely cut off. The heat index is well over 100.

Tell us all how anyone could prepare for such a thing.
Didnt say protect their roads and grid did I ......libs always lie ,,,,its all they have .....Why didnt they preposition stuff knowing roads would be impassable or simply gone.....

Way to support your fellow citizens, douche.
Didnt say anything about the citizens..........way to keep away from facts
They're all citizens, dope. Even the ones you're blaming.
You've presented no facts only what ifs.
Fact is they did nothing.........fact is US Navy was there day one while aiding other islands also.........facts is this is just a recycled whine from libs .............facts is Haiti is still a disiaster........facts is Hurricane Sandy victims were ignored by Obama for monthes while Fema lived in the hotels so there was no place in the inn for victims
facts is Haiti is still a disiaster

You not seeing why that is irrelevant shows me that you lack critical thinking ability. Do you really think our much bigger response to Haiti wasn't extremely helpful to them in the days and weeks after the disaster? Haiti is a mess of a third world country. It's not surprising that it is still a mess.
Still having to bash Trump eh? You left wingers would bash him no matter what. All you are doing though is really really pissing off Trump's base who will re elect him in 2020.

And this bullshit about Haiti being handled better? It was a fucking international effort that also ended in scandal with the Clinton Foundation.
How should they have protected their power grid, roads and distribution network from a cat5 hurricane?

You are a complete moron. People are homeless without food, water or medical care. They have no ability to get money or fuel. The outlying areas are completely cut off. The heat index is well over 100.

Tell us all how anyone could prepare for such a thing.
Didnt say protect their roads and grid did I ......libs always lie ,,,,its all they have .....Why didnt they preposition stuff knowing roads would be impassable or simply gone.....

Way to support your fellow citizens, douche.
Didnt say anything about the citizens..........way to keep away from facts
They're all citizens, dope. Even the ones you're blaming.
You've presented no facts only what ifs.
Fact is they did nothing.........fact is US Navy was there day one while aiding other islands also.........facts is this is just a recycled whine from libs .............facts is Haiti is still a disiaster........facts is Hurricane Sandy victims were ignored by Obama for monthes while Fema lived in the hotels so there was no place in the inn for victims

Fact is you're an asshole.
Didnt say anything about the citizens..........way to keep away from facts

Were you blaming the victims of Harvey? How about Hurricane Andrew? You know, the cat 5 that leveled Homestead.

Not blaming the victims......taking their govt to task....try not to lie so much
however I am
facts is Haiti is still a disiaster

You not seeing why that is irrelevant shows me that you lack critical thinking ability. Do you really think our much bigger response to Haiti wasn't extremely helpful to them in the days and weeks after the disaster? Haiti is a mess of a third world country. It's not surprising that it is still a mess.
you shift from one lie to the next ......then bounce back to a lie after its debunking is not viewable on current page......Iceland beat us to Haiti............oooops
Shoulda cut Puerto Rico loose years ago. We should have granted it Independence when they were demanding it back in the day. It's just another massive drain on the US at this point. Its Government is one of the most corrupt incompetent Governments on earth. Puerto Rico is bankrupt. It recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout to stay afloat. And then came the Hurricane.

So folks should understand that Puerto Rico was already in ruins before this Hurricane. And that's not on Trump or the US. That's all on the Puerto Rican People and their Government. They have no one to blame but themselves. You get the Government you want and deserve in the end. And as far as 'Puerto Rico Statehood' goes... HELLS NO!!!!!
Most corrupt incompetent?? Notice another of Trumps buddies leaving the WH?? Whats that make 12?? 13?? Speaking of incompetent And Price isn't corrupt ? and he's just the latest slime to leave

The Puerto Rico Government, almost certainly aligned with the US Democratic Party, has bankrupted the nation. It was already in ruins before this Hurricane. So it's not on Trump or the US. In fact, the Puerto Rican People have proven to be hateful ingrates at this point. They recently received a massive American Taxpayer Bailout. And they wouldn't even thank the American People for it. They behaved like typical Entitlement jerks.

That's why i say the current Puerto Rican Government has to be aligned with the US Democratic Party. Their Entitlement Snowflake disease has spread to Puerto Rico. And then to top it all off, they've gone and insulted my President too. What a slap in the face. So, we will help them down there, but later we really do need to consider cutting Puerto Rico loose. Grant it Independence and be done with it. It's only a massive drain on the US now. We don't need to cater to more hateful ingrates. We already have enough of them here in the US.
If people wouldn't of been looting, uncivil, then I could agree with this thread .
But there's a reason those trailers haven't moved, or been opened ....
Amount of money spent on Haiti they all should be millionaires......probably would have been better to just hand them all cash ...13 billion dollars......and its still a mess.....thanks billy
New page...time to repeat your lies again.....and go

What exactly did I lie about? You seem to be under the impression that we had a strong and speedy disaster response in Puerto Rico. Well, compared to what we sent to Haiti, no, we didn't. We had over 22 thousand American troops in Haiti, several hundred helicopters and millions of pounds of supplies.
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facts is Haiti is still a disiaster

You not seeing why that is irrelevant shows me that you lack critical thinking ability. Do you really think our much bigger response to Haiti wasn't extremely helpful to them in the days and weeks after the disaster? Haiti is a mess of a third world country. It's not surprising that it is still a mess.

Yeah. Haiti got international response and when you put the UN in charge everything goes perfect eh?

Tens of thousands still living in tents 5 years after Haiti earthquake
By Jacqueline Charles

[email protected]

January 11, 2015 8:23 AM

When Jackson Morrisseau learned that he was approved for a new constructed government-sponsored house on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince, the retired father of two thought he finally found deliverance after losing almost everything in the Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake.

But months after moving into the small yellow house, Morrisseau, 60, is having second thoughts.

He’s thinking about moving out. His wife and two school-age daughters don’t live with him, they remain in a temporary zinc shack closer to the city, not far from their quake-flattened house.

“Over here is very far, that’s probably why all of these houses are still empty,” Morrisseau said about hundreds of vacant houses inside the Lumane Casimir Village at the foot of the Morne-à-Cabrit mountain, 12 miles from the international airport.

Read more here: Tens of thousands still living in tents 5 years after Haiti earthquake

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