Not gonna lie; I underestimated Trump

I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

“They don't stand for anything really.”
Huh...are you stupid or just not paying attention?
“Americans First”, “Fuck Wetbacks”, deregulation, law and order, military and middle class prosperity are pretty meaningful things to “stand for”
1% GDP cash for clunkers some recovery you an alarm Obama Ramadan
Every possible way here heading in the right direction 3 to 4 times better than that been in 10 years and these guys want to buy back the cash for Kroger brand do you buy voice text using an Apple phone join the 21st-century well, more downtime on Superman’s cape

Do you realize how hard it is to read a run-on sentence with no punctuation? Please, for the love of God, make use of the comma.and period, please.

I know Samsung tablet breaking down using Apple iPhone training to learn the systemI know Samsung tablet breaking down using Apple iPhone training to learn this is not working very well apology exceptPunctuation is most difficult I’ll find another way
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.
Whew!!!... thought you were never going to get over the election Johnny
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.

Yet you cant acknowledge his accomplishments.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

That's what you call "Leadership skills". Donald has 'em.

I can understand how you don't have a clue as to exactly what Trump has accomplished in the last two years. You should pay less attention to your "news" sources, they are lying to you.

Here is the most conclusive list of his accomplishments to date:

A List of President Trump’s Accomplishments In the First Two Years | Mark Simone | 710 WOR
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

That's what you call "Leadership skills". Donald has 'em.

In a sense. Too bad he has to make half the country into his enemy in order to lead the other half.
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.
I give him praise for while being an ignorant ass, he knows what buttons to push to rile you dotards up
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

That's what you call "Leadership skills". Donald has 'em.

In a sense. Too bad he has to make half the country into his enemy in order to lead the other half.

And what did barry do?
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.

Yet you cant acknowledge his accomplishments.

What do you mean? I acknowledged his accomplishments in the OP. I don't think he is intelligent in the traditional sense, but he has an animal cunning, that's for sure. I guess his shamelessness doesn't hurt either.
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.
..I guess you think a good POTUS should hate America/hate whites/hate cops like Obama?
...a good politician should try to please everyone all the time while screwing over the US?
...he is making common sense decisions that should've been enacted decades ago--plain and simple
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.
I give him praise for while being an ignorant ass, he knows what buttons to push to rile you dotards up

Who the fuck are you?
You're not even in my discussion.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.
The destruction of the GOP establishment is a very good thing, spineless career politicians should have no place in this country. They belong in Europe
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.
..I guess you think a good POTUS should hate America/hate whites/hate cops like Obama?
...a good politician should try to please everyone all the time while screwing over the US?
...he is making common sense decisions that should've been enacted decades ago--plain and simple

I wasn't a big fan of Obama either. He was just better at making speeches.
Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.

Yet you cant acknowledge his accomplishments.

What do you mean? I acknowledged his accomplishments in the OP. I don't think he is intelligent in the traditional sense, but he has an animal cunning, that's for sure. I guess his shamelessness doesn't hurt either.

Yeah....he's made billions yet he's not to smart.
I guess you're a trillionaire.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

That's what you call "Leadership skills". Donald has 'em.

In a sense. Too bad he has to make half the country into his enemy in order to lead the other half.

And what did barry do?

Got a bunch of cops killed and broke the health care industry.

That's all I got.
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Republicans themselves will tell you that their party now revolves around Trump worship. Even Cruz and Graham, once outspoken critics of Trump, are now his poodles. I am wrong about this somehow? I think it's pretty obvious what has happened. But you're welcome to your opinion I suppose.

You were told that long ago. You were just too stupid to accept it. Trump defeated the Republican elites before he went after the Democrats. He kicks your ass daily because you are still mired in the past waiting for Republicans to play the role assigned to them by the liberals. Trump doesnt follow your rules.
Maybe its dawning on you now. You are shocked to realize that Trump is what he said. An outsider come to drain the swamp of both parties.
How long did it suit you those politics as usual?

And since you are so slow on the uptake I'll give you a little spoiler. Its only going to get worse for you...the Democrats and the Republican elites. His second term...three Supreme Court Justices up by going to penetrate even your dense skull that things have changed.
Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.

Yet you cant acknowledge his accomplishments.

What do you mean? I acknowledged his accomplishments in the OP. I don't think he is intelligent in the traditional sense, but he has an animal cunning, that's for sure. I guess his shamelessness doesn't hurt either.

Yeah....he's made billions yet he's not to smart.
I guess you're a trillionaire.

There are a lot of rich idiots in the world. It especially doesn't hurt when you inherit more money than most people can even imagine from your dad.

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