Not Good: Now Texas Nurses Boyfriend Admitted To Hospital With Ebola Like Symptoms

Let's not blame the democrats, they only work in every department of our 17 trillion dollar bureaucracy.
Ok, Alcon sent out an email to let them know he had been exposed and had been isolated. They isolated him at the hospital when she was admitted, because they had close contact. I have seen nothing where he is showing symptoms.
I believe this has been exaggerated.
Like many diseases, Ebola can be spread by a human host who isn't yet showing symptoms, unlike the CDC's claims otherwise.

One more lie by the Obama administration.
Yes for monitoring as they had direct contact and was isolated when she went to tbe hospital- not because he was exhibiting symptoms. From your link-
According to the emailed note, the Alcon employee was admitted to the hospital on Sunday and is being monitored for Ebola symptoms. However, the man has not shown any signs of being sick. The name of the Alcon worker was not released.

The email also said that he is showing no symptoms, just as my post stated.

Ok, Alcon sent out an email to let them know he had been exposed and had been isolated. They isolated him at the hospital when she was admitted, because they had close contact. I have seen nothing where he is showing symptoms.
I believe this has been exaggerated.
Here is the CBS link.

Alcon Worker Isolated For Ebola Monitoring CBS Dallas Fort Worth

I don't care what she says or the stupid union says. I'm a medical professional like her. I have been dealing with infectious diseases for 32 years, many of them more contagious than Ebola. The reason she has it is because she fucked up somewhere.
What deseases with a higher lethal fatality rate than Ebola have you dealt with? Clarify please. And what do you speculate how she fucked up somewhere?

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