Not only the pill, but sex changes?

of course they did...and if they didn't pay for rushbo's, i can't imagine why since viagra is covered by most policies.

No, Viagra isn't covered by most policies, Jillian

they do. the companies that cover birth control cover viagra.

only no one has to ask an employer for permission to have it covered.

We couldn’t find any data that show a disparity between health insurance companies that cover Viagra and those that cover birth control. The full range of contraceptives, in fact, are covered by more than 86 percent of private insurance plans written for employers. : McCain’s Viagra Moment
Oh, by the way, did you know Georgetown covers birth control for students with a valid medical necessity?

Georgetown Rejects Sandra Fluke, No Birth Control Policy Change |
As you know, like most universities, Georgetown requires that students have health insurance. Students are not required to purchase their health insurance through Georgetown University and are free to acquire health insurance through a third party. The student plan offered by Georgetown is consistent with our Catholic and Jesuit identity and does not cover prescription contraceptives for birth control. It does provide coverage for these prescriptions for students who require them for health reasons unrelated to birth control, as determined by a physician.​
So, Georgetown DOES cover birth control for students with a valid medical reason -- and there's nothing requiring students to buy Georgetown's coverage.

And she knew that when she signed up.

Fluke was less than honest. So why did she pick Georgetown?

To stir up shit, of course:

Sandra Fluke’s Appearance Is No Fluke | Jammie Wearing Fools

You've been played by a selfish woman who thinks her rights are more important than anyone else's.
Can you tell me, please in small syllables, why anyone would want to have their gender changed just for the hell of it?

Thanks in advance!

I know it's not because of a disease.
I could only guess that it's because a gay person would rather go the whole route of a sex change, Ravi. But, like I said, it's only a guess.
I don't think it really has a whole lot to do with sex.

Changing one's sex has everything to do with sex, IMO. Unless you're talking about getting laid....I really can't answer that, but it isn't a disease and it is a choice.
I don't think that it should be laid on the insurance companies and certainly not AHC
well, gender dysphoria is a real illness. should they not get treatment for that illness?

You're serious.

You're serious about "dysphoria" being a "real" illness, which is pathetic enough but that you expect taxpayers to foot the bill? Unbelievable! What next, taxpayer boob jobs because women with little tits have an "illness"?

Wow, just wow.
That's like saying people who so greatly want to be Napoleon they tell people they are to "heal" their "dysphoria." I think they medicate that area of dysphoria. Since it's so expensive, if the people can't work hard and earn their own operations, why don't we just pay for their Valium rather than $50,000 apiece for sex changes.

That's a luxury. I'm tired of buying cadillacs for jalopies.
Now the slut wants more women made??????????Is she thinking of playing both sides and needs desperate women?

yes... because if you disagree with a woman, she must be a slut.

it must be very difficult for you having such a tiny penis and having so much resentment toward women.

I don't resent women, Jillian, but when I'm interacting with a woman, I would really like to know whether "She" is really a "SHE", or used to be a "He". Capiche?
Apparently, Sandra Fluke not only wants Obamacare to pay for the "pill" but also to have sex changes covered by insurance....really?

Sandra Fluke supports mandatory coverage of sex change surgery

irth control is not all that Ms. Fluke believes private health insurance must cover. She also, apparently, believes that it is discrimination deserving of legal action if “gender reassignment” surgeries are not covered by employer provided health insurance. She makes these views clear in an article she co-edited with Karen Hu in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law.
The title of the article . . . is “Employment Discrimination Against LGBTQ Persons” and was published in the Journal’s 2011 Annual Review.
Transgender persons wishing to undergo the gender reassignment process frequently face heterosexist employer health insurance policies that label the surgery as cosmetic or medically unnecessary and therefore uncovered.
Sandra Fluke supports mandatory coverage of sex change surgery « Wintery Knight

So Sandra (pre), Steve (post) wants a sex change too? :confused:
I thought she was just a misguided college student....who knew she was an over the top nutcase activist that was hired by the DNC to speak. :eusa_eh:

It's all completely and now getting totally out of control... This is more signs of it all....So you are kidding me right? WOW!
i hadn't heard that Ms Fluke was transgendered. Nor does she seem the least bit misguided.

Do we also have to pay for Sandra's sex toys and bondage outfits...
I mean if we wanna keep her healthy we also need to keep her happy as well.
Is that covered under Obamacare?

is an insurance company 'we'?

i don't think so.

and do you whine and cry because insurance companies pay for rushbo's little blue pills?

One reason insurance is so high is because of all these stupid mandates. We should be able to taller our insurance coverage based on our own personal needs, not someone else’s. Sex change operation? Give me a break.... You liberals have gone way off the deep end:cuckoo:

Murderer who strangled his wife will get $20,000 sex change paid for by the TAXPAYER because judge rules 'she' has a 'serious medical need'


Robert Kosilek was convicted of murdering his wife Cheryl in 1990
In prison, he changed his name to Michelle, sued for the state to pay for a sex change and attempting to castrate herself in custody

Today a Massachusetts judge ruled that the $20,000 surgery is the 'only adequate treatment'
Prison officials say sex change will make Kosilek a target in prison

Historic decision is the first of its kind in the nation

Michelle Kosilek: Judge rules murderer will receive TAX PAYER funded sex change | Mail Online
Last edited:
I know it's not because of a disease.
I could only guess that it's because a gay person would rather go the whole route of a sex change, Ravi. But, like I said, it's only a guess.
I don't think it really has a whole lot to do with sex.

Changing one's sex has everything to do with sex, IMO. Unless you're talking about getting laid....I really can't answer that, but it isn't a disease and it is a choice.
I don't think that it should be laid on the insurance companies and certainly not AHC

It's a psychological disorder which should be treated
Do we also have to pay for Sandra's sex toys and bondage outfits...
I mean if we wanna keep her healthy we also need to keep her happy as well.
Is that covered under Obamacare?

is an insurance company 'we'?

i don't think so.

and do you whine and cry because insurance companies pay for rushbo's little blue pills?

One reason insurance is so high is because of all these stupid mandates. We should be able to taller our insurance coverage based on our own personal needs, not someone else’s. Sex change operation? Give me a break.... You liberals have gone way off the deep end:cuckoo:

Murderer who strangled his wife will get $20,000 sex change paid for by the TAXPAYER because judge rules 'she' has a 'serious medical need'


Robert Kosilek was convicted of murdering his wife Cheryl in 1990
In prison, he changed his name to Michelle, sued for the state to pay for a sex change and attempting to castrate herself in custody

Today a Massachusetts judge ruled that the $20,000 surgery is the 'only adequate treatment'
Prison officials say sex change will make Kosilek a target in prison

Historic decision is the first of its kind in the nation
Michelle Kosilek: Judge rules murderer will receive TAX PAYER funded sex change | Mail Online
Congress needs to protect the taxpayers from judges who force taxes to be raised to support these frivolous expenses.

The man murdered his wife and deserved to die for it, but instead, his state chose to keep him alive.

The judge wouldn't give a prisoner a face lift would he?

That's just wrong all the way around. :evil:

Taxpayers need to send a message to their representatives to pass a law against abusive judges. They abuse taxpayers, and it's wrong.
Seriously, Jillian? :rolleyes:
Is there anything that liberals AREN'T willing to pay for?
Bringing in AIDS or STD's is not a very good arguement on this subject. just sayin....

I know Sandra isn't a misguided college student, but what she IS, is a full blown activist for socializing seem to be, also.
Can you tell me, please in small syllables, why anyone would want to have their gender changed just for the hell of it?

Thanks in advance!

I know it's not because of a disease.
I could only guess that it's because a gay person would rather go the whole route of a sex change, Ravi. But, like I said, it's only a guess.

I suggest that a man wanting to become a woman is a lot more complicated than what you suppose. Those men who suffer from gender dysphoria actually resent their male genitalia and entire male appearance. They despise every aspect of masculinity. I knew one male-to-female transgender person who told me that when her penis was removed, she felt that she had just gotten out of prison. Often, gender transitions have nothing to do with sexual preferences. I remember watching a TV show about a man who had undergone male-to-female transgender surgery. She appeared on the show with her lover who was also a female. When a TV audience member asked her why she didn't just stay a male if she wanted to make love to females, she responded that who we are is one thing and who we make love to is quite another. She was right of course.

John Gray was right when he said men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Men and woman live in in somewhat – if not entirely - different worlds. How we interact in society depends in no small measure on our gender. However, gender does not always account for sexual preferences. Today, there are many strong and handsome men who are totally gay. There are also many beautiful woman who are lesbian. These people are content with both their gender and their sexual preferences. It's true that who we are is one thing, and who we make love to is another matter.
well, gender dysphoria is a real illness. should they not get treatment for that illness?

do we not treat AIDS and STD's because some disapprove of how one might get those illnesses?

Proposed Revision | APA DSM-5

Proposed Revision | APA DSM-5

Seriously, Jillian? :rolleyes:
Is there anything that liberals AREN'T willing to pay for?
Bringing in AIDS or STD's is not a very good arguement on this subject. just sayin....

I know Sandra isn't a misguided college student, but what she IS, is a full blown activist for socializing seem to be, also.
Can you tell me, please in small syllables, why anyone would want to have their gender changed just for the hell of it?

Thanks in advance!

I can't do it in small syllables or even a lengthy article replete with scholarly verbiage.

It takes an incredible amount of determination and sacrifice to undergo the lengthy transgender process. The financial and emotional commitment is staggering. Whatever the motivation, it must be powerful. I would suggest that only extreme mental anguish would compel a person to go through the ordeal. I cannot understand how anyone could condemn or ridicule a person for trying to lessen the pain.
Apparently, Sandra Fluke not only wants Obamacare to pay for the "pill" but also to have sex changes covered by insurance....really?

Sandra Fluke supports mandatory coverage of sex change surgery

irth control is not all that Ms. Fluke believes private health insurance must cover. She also, apparently, believes that it is discrimination deserving of legal action if “gender reassignment” surgeries are not covered by employer provided health insurance. She makes these views clear in an article she co-edited with Karen Hu in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law.
The title of the article . . . is “Employment Discrimination Against LGBTQ Persons” and was published in the Journal’s 2011 Annual Review.
Transgender persons wishing to undergo the gender reassignment process frequently face heterosexist employer health insurance policies that label the surgery as cosmetic or medically unnecessary and therefore uncovered.
Sandra Fluke supports mandatory coverage of sex change surgery « Wintery Knight

So Sandra (pre), Steve (post) wants a sex change too? :confused:
I thought she was just a misguided college student....who knew she was an over the top nutcase activist that was hired by the DNC to speak. :eusa_eh:

Do you think that Sandra wants to become,, a,, man?
well, gender dysphoria is a real illness. should they not get treatment for that illness?

You're serious.

You're serious about "dysphoria" being a "real" illness, which is pathetic enough but that you expect taxpayers to foot the bill? Unbelievable! What next, taxpayer boob jobs because women with little tits have an "illness"?

Wow, just wow.

Aah. You are one of the sort who completely ignore the findings of the medical community, and decide that your own personal opinion is fact.

well, gender dysphoria is a real illness. should they not get treatment for that illness?

You're serious.

You're serious about "dysphoria" being a "real" illness, which is pathetic enough but that you expect taxpayers to foot the bill? Unbelievable! What next, taxpayer boob jobs because women with little tits have an "illness"?

Wow, just wow.

Aah. You are one of the sort who completely ignore the findings of the medical community, and decide that your own personal opinion is fact.


And what findings are those? The dictionary definition of dysphoria is actually very straightforward - a state of feeling unwell or unhappy. However, that could describe anything :lol:
I know it's not because of a disease.
I could only guess that it's because a gay person would rather go the whole route of a sex change, Ravi. But, like I said, it's only a guess.
I don't think it really has a whole lot to do with sex.

Changing one's sex has everything to do with sex, IMO. Unless you're talking about getting laid....I really can't answer that, but it isn't a disease and it is a choice.
I don't think that it should be laid on the insurance companies and certainly not AHC
Yeah, i was talking about getting laid....

I don't know what to think in regards to insurance but I do not think it is a choice to be born hormonally messed up to the point that you think you have the wrong body.
Seriously, Jillian? :rolleyes:
Is there anything that liberals AREN'T willing to pay for?
Bringing in AIDS or STD's is not a very good arguement on this subject. just sayin....

I know Sandra isn't a misguided college student, but what she IS, is a full blown activist for socializing seem to be, also.
Can you tell me, please in small syllables, why anyone would want to have their gender changed just for the hell of it?

Thanks in advance!

I can't do it in small syllables or even a lengthy article replete with scholarly verbiage.

It takes an incredible amount of determination and sacrifice to undergo the lengthy transgender process. The financial and emotional commitment is staggering. Whatever the motivation, it must be powerful. I would suggest that only extreme mental anguish would compel a person to go through the ordeal. I cannot understand how anyone could condemn or ridicule a person for trying to lessen the pain.

Probably all true. Also largely irrelevant to the idea that the government should (not) be mandating that HC insurance covers such operations.
Seriously, Jillian? :rolleyes:
Is there anything that liberals AREN'T willing to pay for?
Bringing in AIDS or STD's is not a very good arguement on this subject. just sayin....

I know Sandra isn't a misguided college student, but what she IS, is a full blown activist for socializing seem to be, also.
Can you tell me, please in small syllables, why anyone would want to have their gender changed just for the hell of it?

Thanks in advance!

I can't do it in small syllables or even a lengthy article replete with scholarly verbiage.

It takes an incredible amount of determination and sacrifice to undergo the lengthy transgender process. The financial and emotional commitment is staggering. Whatever the motivation, it must be powerful. I would suggest that only extreme mental anguish would compel a person to go through the ordeal. I cannot understand how anyone could condemn or ridicule a person for trying to lessen the pain.

Psychotherapy would be easier
i hadn't heard that Ms Fluke was transgendered. Nor does she seem the least bit misguided.

Do we also have to pay for Sandra's sex toys and bondage outfits...
I mean if we wanna keep her healthy we also need to keep her happy as well.
Is that covered under Obamacare?

is an insurance company 'we'?

i don't think so.

and do you whine and cry because insurance companies pay for rushbo's little blue pills?

Rushbo doesn't have insurance. He pays for everything himself. He has made his lack of insurance quite public.
There are many kinds of mental illness. Some mental illness doesn't lead people to dislike being men or women and want to be another gender. Body Integrity Identity Disorder is a mental illness where people despise their limbs. They want their legs cut off, their arms cut off. It is a disorder. We do not go around lopping off limbs to make these people happy, we treat them as if they had a mental illness because they do. We don't have tax funds providing happiness to those voluntarily legless by amputating healthy limbs.

Making people happy is not a function of the public treasury.
well, gender dysphoria is a real illness. should they not get treatment for that illness?

You're serious.

You're serious about "dysphoria" being a "real" illness, which is pathetic enough but that you expect taxpayers to foot the bill? Unbelievable! What next, taxpayer boob jobs because women with little tits have an "illness"?

Wow, just wow.

Aah. You are one of the sort who completely ignore the findings of the medical community, and decide that your own personal opinion is fact.


Oh the irony. Our resident idiot calls another an idiot while posting a complete falsehood. Irony so thick you can eat it with a fork!

But please, let's give the idiot a chance. Please show us where the medical community has found that dysphoria requires a sex change operation that should be paid for with other people's money.

Idiot! :lol:
Gender dysphoria is a very real mental disorder. It should be treated as a mental disorder.

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