Not Sure If This Be In Israel or Religion Section...H. G. Wells Discusses "Judaism."


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The whole Israelite and Jewish thing is such a racist, fucktarded mind fuck lie. Of course the religions it spawned like "Christianity" are therefore lies. And Islam, please, is there anything more retarded and disgusting? But the West is cursed with the ridiculous Bible and Koran bullshit because of ignorant idiots and their superstitious fears and the organized and well financed opposition to call truth seeker anti-sementic, and other meaningless shit.

From Hebrew Scriptures and The Prophets from The Outline of History by H. G. Wells (circa 1920). Long story short Judaism is a form of delusional, racist insanity.

Some of the later books are frankly pot-captivity compositions. Over all this literature were thrown certain leading ideas. There was an idea, which even these books themselves gainsay in detail, that all the people were pure-blooded children of Abraham; there was next an idea of a promise made by Jehovah to Abraham; that he would exalt the Jewish race above all others; and thirdly, there was a belief first of all that Jevhovah was the greatest and most powerful tribal gods, and then that he was a god above all other gods, and at last that he was the only true god. The Jews became convinced at last, as a people, that they were the chosen people of the one God of all the earth.

And arising very naturally out of these three ideas , was a fourth, the idea of a coming leader, a savior, a Messiah who would realize the long postponed promise of Jehovah.
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They sure use it , even if secular, to advance their issues in Israel and genocide the Palestinians and occupy their land .
It is becoming very easy to identify the enemies of this nation, as Trump's winning of the election is bringing them out of the wood works like roaches now. Who knew that there were so many anti-Americans in this nation now, but thank God they were not enough to destroy the nation completely.
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H G wells -----lived from the latter half of the 19th century into the mid 20th century. He grew up lower mid-class in England the son of a protestant mother and with the typical british protestant form of anti-Semitism----the stuff that rendered brits sympathetic to Adolf Hitler. He did move on in his later years and actually wrote a letter of apology to the first President of Israel---Chaim Weitzman,
repudiating his earlier penned filth----the stuff which made its way into the islamo-Nazi literature. HG wells was cynical about all the religions that he could think of and wrote
scathing reviews ------his writings about Hinduism and islam and Buddhism do not make it into the islamo-Nazi literature. Today's islamo Nazis do not read the books of H G WELLS-------They have something like a set of "Nazi cliff's notes" which includes any and all Nazi garbage that exists in world literature.[/QUOTE]
The whole Israelite and Jewish thing is such a racist, fucktarded mind fuck lie. Of course the religions it spawned like "Christianity" are therefore lies. And Islam, please, is there anything more retarded and disgusting? But the West is cursed with the ridiculous Bible and Koran bullshit because of ignorant idiots and their superstitious fears and the organized and well financed opposition to call truth seeker anti-sementic, and other meaningless shit.

From Hebrew Scriptures and The Prophets from The Outline of History by H. G. Wells (circa 1920). Long story short Judaism is a form of delusional, racist insanity.

Some of the later books are frankly pot-captivity compositions. Over all this literature were thrown certain leading ideas. There was an idea, which even these books themselves gainsay in detail, that all the people were pure-blooded children of Abraham; there was next an idea of a promise made by Jehovah to Abraham; that he would exalt the Jewish race above all others; and thirdly, there was a belief first of all that Jevhovah was the greatest and most powerful tribal gods, and then that he was a god above all other gods, and at last that he was the only true god. The Jews became convinced at last, as a people, that they were the chosen people of the one God of all the earth.

And arising very naturally out of these three ideas , was a fourth, the idea of a coming leader, a savior, a Messiah who would realize the long postponed promise of Jehovah.
The irony is a highly biased person cherry-picking a nearly 100 year old book to push a hateful, divisive agenda.

Also from H.G. Wells' book:
Mankind from the view of a biologist is an animal species in a state of arrested differentiation and possible readmixture.

It is only in the last fifty or sixty years that the varieties of men
came to be regarded in this light, as a tangle of differentiations
recently arrested or still in progress. Before that time students of
mankind, influenced, consciously or unconsciously, by the story of Noah
and the Ark and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japhet, were inclined to
classify men into three or four great races, and they were disposed to
regard these races as having always been separate things, descended from originally separate ancestors. They ignored the great possibilities of
blended races and of special local isolations and variations. The
classification has varied considerably, but there has been rather too
much readiness to assume that mankind _must_ be completely divisible
into three or four main groups. Ethnologists (students of race) have
fallen into grievous disputes about a multitude of minor peoples, as to
whether they were of this or that primary race or “mixed,” or strayed
early forms, or what not. But all races are more or less mixed. There
are, no doubt, four main groups, but each is a miscellany, and there are
little groups that will not go into any of the four main divisions.

Modern genetics has proven the concept of "four main groups" wrong, but the concept of "great possibilities" remains true.
The whole Israelite and Jewish thing is such a racist, fucktarded mind fuck lie. Of course the religions it spawned like "Christianity" are therefore lies. And Islam, please, is there anything more retarded and disgusting? But the West is cursed with the ridiculous Bible and Koran bullshit because of ignorant idiots and their superstitious fears and the organized and well financed opposition to call truth seeker anti-sementic, and other meaningless shit.

From Hebrew Scriptures and The Prophets from The Outline of History by H. G. Wells (circa 1920). Long story short Judaism is a form of delusional, racist insanity.

Some of the later books are frankly pot-captivity compositions. Over all this literature were thrown certain leading ideas. There was an idea, which even these books themselves gainsay in detail, that all the people were pure-blooded children of Abraham; there was next an idea of a promise made by Jehovah to Abraham; that he would exalt the Jewish race above all others; and thirdly, there was a belief first of all that Jevhovah was the greatest and most powerful tribal gods, and then that he was a god above all other gods, and at last that he was the only true god. The Jews became convinced at last, as a people, that they were the chosen people of the one God of all the earth.

And arising very naturally out of these three ideas , was a fourth, the idea of a coming leader, a savior, a Messiah who would realize the long postponed promise of Jehovah.

Religion has provided comfort, guidance, morality, love, a feeling of answers for tens of thousands if years, if not longer. When the world is not ration religion give order to some.

As for Israel, they were/are a nation and a people regardless of religion, though religion also gives them part of their unity and identity for millenia
irosie91, is "typical british protestant form of anti-Semitism" the same kind of thing as "Semitics" thinking they are superior to you? Do you like being considered less than an animal by the idiocy of the ""Semetic" Old Testament?

aris2chat, no doubt primitive man created religion to replace knowledge. But now we have knowledge. As far as Israel and Judah, if they ever existed, they did not last long in Palestine. And that was their whole beef. Why does Rome occupy the land Yahweh, their never existed deity, promise them land if they did what the Yahweh channelers demanded, like slaughtering native tribes. Then again Israelites were nomads and were warned against settling in a civilized city by their "prophets." Such fucked up bullshit, only racists and retards try to rationalize it.
Snouter, Jews aren't going into nightclubs and shooting down people, nor are they flying planes into skyscrapers.

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