Not that we need another reason to be repulsed by liberals.

it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
so when tv shows me white "trash" living in run down trailer houses and/or shooting up schools, is that all white people?
that isn't the same as the token gay added to the tele. No the token gay is for pushing it, pushing it as hard as they possibly can, there is no need to push white trash, it exists, we deal with it, it isn't in every program on tv today. horny gays though, wow, I mean in Swat, the girl lesbo, is in a three way, they really want to stretch the envelope. I stop watching them, all of them. I have better things in my life then manipulation attempts on my life.

the netflix series How to get away with murder, is full of all kinds of sex, gay, straight, bi-racial, male on male, female on female, the lead character is bi-sexual. and every one of them is perpetually horny. Is that real life, or the version of real life that the left in hollywood wants us to practice?

its actually a pretty good series, but the constant sexual encounters are not necessary to the story line.
yep, it's why I don't watch it. We tuned into episode one and said, nope!!! They aren't shy about it at all. Million little pieces, had the fourteen year old boy gay. I dropped that.
SWAT, like I already said, shit, even the Conors has the grandson wearing dresses. dude, it is non fking stop gay this and gay that, and blah, blah, blah gay. fk enough already, what is it like 1% of the population, but it exists in 90% of tv? fk them. I'll watch UFO Hunters, Alien documentaries and baseball.

Mindhunters even has the lady character gay. It's based on a true story, I really would like to know if the lady in real life was gay. Well I just found out, Dr. Ann Wolbert Burgess,, was not a lesbian. so there you have it, taking liberties on one of the three main people in the original project.

Ann Burgess - Wikipedia

The Netflix series Mindhunter based the character of Dr. Wendy Carr, portrayed by Anna Torv, directly on Ann Wolbert Burgess. Several liberties were taken with the character of Dr. Carr, including making her a lesbian (Burgess is married to a man and has children) and having her move full-time down to Quantico (Burgess consulted from Boston). In addition, Ann Burgess is not a psychologist but rather a psychiatric nurse practitioner.[3]"
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I am making a simple point: It is no more hateful to tell a homosexual that they need help than it is to tell an alcoholic that they need help. Very simple. You are the one who is complicating it.

There is nothing similar between an alcoholic and a homosexual. The former is an addiction that is damaging to the body and the latter is a lifestyle choice that does no harm to anyone.

You are such a hate filled bigot.

True, but while any given sexual act is certainly a choice, being gay does not involve an actual lifestyle.

True, they are just human beings no different than the rest of us

"no different" ? Do you engage in anal sex with other males?

No, I do not. I also do not like to eat sushi but I do not consider people that do to be fundamentally different than I am. They just have different taste

then they are "different" than the rest of us. 2-3% of the human race say they are gay. I think the % of sushi eaters is much much higher, don't you?

equating sushi eating with anal sex is kind of a stretch, gator
what's that have to do with biology? there is but a penis and a vijay jay, that's it. what you have is genetics, biology. so you show me the biology book that says differently. That was your post.
ask redfish. he's out there counting animal penises.

not counting anything, just asking one of you lefties to tell us how many sexes there are in the human race. Why is that such a hard question for you?
Heh, I am so not a leftie but whatever warms your wetsuit.

didnt think you were, so why are you attacking me like a lefty would do?
Disagreeing with you is not an attack.

OK, lets move on
There is nothing similar between an alcoholic and a homosexual. The former is an addiction that is damaging to the body and the latter is a lifestyle choice that does no harm to anyone.

You are such a hate filled bigot.

True, but while any given sexual act is certainly a choice, being gay does not involve an actual lifestyle.

True, they are just human beings no different than the rest of us

"no different" ? Do you engage in anal sex with other males?

No, I do not. I also do not like to eat sushi but I do not consider people that do to be fundamentally different than I am. They just have different taste

then they are "different" than the rest of us. 2-3% of the human race say they are gay. I think the % of sushi eaters is much much higher, don't you?

equating sushi eating with anal sex is kind of a stretch, gator

They are both a matter of taste. Many straight men engage in anal sex with women, do you have the same issue with them?
"no different" ? Do you engage in anal sex with other males?

I'd bet that goofy gayturd is so ugly that when he does suck cock it counts as anal.
True, but while any given sexual act is certainly a choice, being gay does not involve an actual lifestyle.

True, they are just human beings no different than the rest of us

"no different" ? Do you engage in anal sex with other males?

No, I do not. I also do not like to eat sushi but I do not consider people that do to be fundamentally different than I am. They just have different taste

then they are "different" than the rest of us. 2-3% of the human race say they are gay. I think the % of sushi eaters is much much higher, don't you?

equating sushi eating with anal sex is kind of a stretch, gator

They are both a matter of taste. Many straight men engage in anal sex with women, do you have the same issue with them?

the human rectum was not designed to be penetrated by a penis. But what two consenting adults do to each other is of no interest to me.

The point, which you seem incapable to grasping. is not about what gays do to each other, its the left's obsession with it and the lefts insistence that we ALL declare that homosexuality is normal. It's not.
the human rectum was not designed to be penetrated by a penis. But what two consenting adults do to each other is of no interest to me.

yet you have been talking about it for 3 days! :21::21::21:

The point, which you seem incapable to grasping. is not about what gays do to each other, its the left's obsession with it and the lefts insistence that we ALL declare that homosexuality is normal. It's not.

Nobody really cares what you declare as normal, just that you do not mistreat people because they are different than you.
the human rectum was not designed to be penetrated by a penis. But what two consenting adults do to each other is of no interest to me.

yet you have been talking about it for 3 days! :21::21::21:

The point, which you seem incapable to grasping. is not about what gays do to each other, its the left's obsession with it and the lefts insistence that we ALL declare that homosexuality is normal. It's not.

Nobody really cares what you declare as normal, just that you do not mistreat people because they are different than you.

It's not what I consider normal, its simply human and mammal biology. I don't mistreat anyone. Why do you want to insist that everyone think as you do? You leftists are the most intolerant people on the planet, and the biggest hypocrites. You want us to love muslims and gays, but muslims kill gays by throwing them off of roofs------------but you still love muslims--------------WTF dude?
A person need not be a Catholic to recognize this as a fair and balanced view: It calls out homosexual behavior as disordered and unacceptable, and rightly so, and yet it goes on to say that we should never be discriminatory to other people:

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition

Catechism of the Catholic Church - The sixth commandment
It's not what I consider normal, its simply human and mammal biology. I don't mistreat anyone. Why do you want to insist that everyone think as you do? You leftists are the most intolerant people on the planet, and the biggest hypocrites. You want us to love muslims and gays, but muslims kill gays by throwing them off of roofs------------but you still love muslims--------------WTF dude?

Why do you, who is left of me, keep calling me a leftist?

and it is not about loving anyone, it is about living and let live. I do not 'love" gays or Muslims or anyone else outside of my family. I am just not filled with hate for entire group because they are different than I am.

I work with a gay woman who is married to another woman. I worked with her for months before I even found out she was gay, and then only because we had and out of the office cook out at one person's house and they came. They have a child and they love their child every bit as much as I love mine. Why should they be treated any differently than you or I?
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It's not what I consider normal, its simply human and mammal biology. I don't mistreat anyone. Why do you want to insist that everyone think as you do? You leftists are the most intolerant people on the planet, and the biggest hypocrites. You want us to love muslims and gays, but muslims kill gays by throwing them off of roofs------------but you still love muslims--------------WTF dude?

Why do you, who is left of me, keep calling me a leftist?

and it is not about loving anyone, it is about living and let live. I do not 'love" gays or Muslims or anyone else outside of my family. I am just not filled with hate for entire group because they are different than I am.

I work with a gay woman who is married to another woman. I worked with her for months before I even found out she was gay, and then only because we had and out of the office cook out at one person's house and they came. They have a child and they love their child every bit as much as I love mine. Why should they be treated any differently than you or I?

I never said to treat them differently, I would do exactly as you did in the case you described.

I also do not treat people with bi-polar disorder or cancer any differently, but that does not mean that they are not sick.

My issue here is the idea from the left that we must treat all kinds of disorders as normal. They aren't normal.
I never said to treat them differently, I would do exactly as you did in the case you described.

I also do not treat people with bi-polar disorder or cancer any differently, but that does not mean that they are not sick.

My issue here is the idea from the left that we must treat all kinds of disorders as normal. They aren't normal.

being gay is not a disorder. There is nothing to treat, there is no harm, there is nothing but a different preference than you.

The only reason it was ever considered as such is the view of religions on homosexuality.
I never said to treat them differently, I would do exactly as you did in the case you described.

I also do not treat people with bi-polar disorder or cancer any differently, but that does not mean that they are not sick.

My issue here is the idea from the left that we must treat all kinds of disorders as normal. They aren't normal.

being gay is not a disorder. There is nothing to treat, there is no harm, there is nothing but a different preference than you.

The only reason it was ever considered as such is the view of religions on homosexuality.

the biological norm of mammals is that there is a male and a female. there is not third sex (or gender, as you tried to use the term previously). When a male prefers sexual contact with another male or a female with another female, that is outside the biological norm, hence abnormal.

and you are correct, all religions consider homosexuality to be a sin or unacceptable behavior, the most vehement on this is Islam, Christians and Jews are much more tolerant and accepting of homosexuals, but that does not make it NORMAL.

No harm? is aids harmless? are the other STDs spread by gays harmless? Is exposing children to homosexual behavior harmless? Historically when a civilization loses its moral compass it declines and ceases to exist. We are on that path unless we wake up.
the biological norm of mammals is that there is a male and a female. there is not third sex (or gender, as you tried to use the term previously). When a male prefers sexual contact with another male or a female with another female, that is outside the biological norm, hence abnormal.

Homosexuality does not have anything to do with how many genders there are.

abnormal does not equal disorder. There is nothing to cure.

Left handed people are outside of the biological norm, thus they are abnormal. But then again, people used to try and cure that also.

and you are correct, all religions consider homosexuality to be a sin or unacceptable behavior, the most vehement on this is Islam, Christians and Jews are much more tolerant and accepting of homosexuals, but that does not make it NORMAL.

Normal is overrated. It is not normal to be able to throw a baseball 100mph, yet a few people can do it.

No harm? is aids harmless? are the other STDs spread by gays harmless? Is exposing children to homosexual behavior harmless? Historically when a civilization loses its moral compass it declines and ceases to exist. We are on that path unless we wake up.

STDs are spread by anyone having sex, not just gay people.

It is not good to expose Children to any sexual behavior, do you think that straight people should be fucking in front of children?
the biological norm of mammals is that there is a male and a female. there is not third sex (or gender, as you tried to use the term previously). When a male prefers sexual contact with another male or a female with another female, that is outside the biological norm, hence abnormal.

Homosexuality does not have anything to do with how many genders there are.

abnormal does not equal disorder. There is nothing to cure.

Left handed people are outside of the biological norm, thus they are abnormal. But then again, people used to try and cure that also.

and you are correct, all religions consider homosexuality to be a sin or unacceptable behavior, the most vehement on this is Islam, Christians and Jews are much more tolerant and accepting of homosexuals, but that does not make it NORMAL.

Normal is overrated. It is not normal to be able to throw a baseball 100mph, yet a few people can do it.

No harm? is aids harmless? are the other STDs spread by gays harmless? Is exposing children to homosexual behavior harmless? Historically when a civilization loses its moral compass it declines and ceases to exist. We are on that path unless we wake up.

STDs are spread by anyone having sex, not just gay people.

It is not good to expose Children to any sexual behavior, do you think that straight people should be fucking in front of children?

it is a fact that there are more STDs spread by gays than by straights, and I agree that all kinds of sex should be done in private-----------have you been to SFO lately? gay sex is being practiced on the sidewalks 100 yards from Pelosi's gated mansioin.
I have to admit that I find it heartening to find a God fearing man like redfish who has never received a blow job because the mouth was not designed for such things, has never masturbated because God warned Onan about spilling his sacred seed and has not had sex of any sort if not for the express purpose of creating strong and healthy offspring to carry on the right, proper traditions.
I have to admit that I find it heartening to find a God fearing man like redfish who has never received a blow job because the mouth was not designed for such things, has never masturbated because God warned Onan about spilling his sacred seed and has not had sex of any sort if not for the express purpose of creating strong and healthy offspring to carry on the right, proper traditions.

It is doubtful he has ever even had sex for that reason.

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