Not that we need another reason to be repulsed by liberals.

it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
so when tv shows me white "trash" living in run down trailer houses and/or shooting up schools, is that all white people?
it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
so when tv shows me white "trash" living in run down trailer houses and/or shooting up schools, is that all white people?

Not to mention TV depicts many straight people the same way.
it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
so when tv shows me white "trash" living in run down trailer houses and/or shooting up schools, is that all white people?
that isn't the same as the token gay added to the tele. No the token gay is for pushing it, pushing it as hard as they possibly can, there is no need to push white trash, it exists, we deal with it, it isn't in every program on tv today. horny gays though, wow, I mean in Swat, the girl lesbo, is in a three way, they really want to stretch the envelope. I stop watching them, all of them. I have better things in my life then manipulation attempts on my life.
it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
so when tv shows me white "trash" living in run down trailer houses and/or shooting up schools, is that all white people?
that isn't the same as the token gay added to the tele. No the token gay is for pushing it, pushing it as hard as they possibly can, there is no need to push white trash, it exists, we deal with it, it isn't in every program on tv today. horny gays though, wow, I mean in Swat, the girl lesbo, is in a three way, they really want to stretch the envelope. I stop watching them, all of them. I have better things in my life then manipulation attempts on my life.
and i know a lot of gay people who dont like it either. but i do get where you are from.
it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
so when tv shows me white "trash" living in run down trailer houses and/or shooting up schools, is that all white people?
that isn't the same as the token gay added to the tele. No the token gay is for pushing it, pushing it as hard as they possibly can, there is no need to push white trash, it exists, we deal with it, it isn't in every program on tv today. horny gays though, wow, I mean in Swat, the girl lesbo, is in a three way, they really want to stretch the envelope. I stop watching them, all of them. I have better things in my life then manipulation attempts on my life.
and i know a lot of gay people who dont like it either. but i do get where you are from.
BTW, I agree with that
I quit listening when the narrator took it upon himself to be Jesus and decide who is and who isn't a "real" Christian.

Its quite simple. If you do the OPPOSITE of what Jesus says to do, then you are not a Christian even if you say you are. Thats not too hard to understand, is it? If Jesus says to repent of sin, and instead you EMBRACE sin and even PROMOTE sin, then you are not a Christian even if you say you are. Thats not too hard to understand, is it?
its not bigoted to understand human biology. It is bigoted to deny it.
and if their biology has them preferring their own gender, now what?

it's still biology.

do you say the same thing about people with lupus, cancer, cystic fibrosis, bi-polar issues?

They are all illnesses, some physical, some mental. There are only two sexes (genders) in human beings---male and female-------------don't know which you are? look between your legs, its easy to determine.
see - now you're just making stupid assumptions and comments. pretty pointless to even talk to you about something like this cause all you're going to do is snark it up.


so, why don't you tell us how many human sexes there are. or maybe how many sexes of dogs and cats and birds and sheep.
man, i was so wrong about you diving into snark and dumbass comments.

how could i have been so off in my summation of you.

not diving into anything, just asking a legitimate question. So, how many sexes do you think there are?

as to my feelings about gays, I have gay friends and relatives and love and respect every one of them. What I object to is the left DEMANDING that we all declare gayness to be a normal human condition and encourage young people to go that way.
its not bigoted to understand human biology. It is bigoted to deny it.
and if their biology has them preferring their own gender, now what?

it's still biology.
i simply don't care if someone is gay or not.
what's that have to do with biology? there is but a penis and a vijay jay, that's it. what you have is genetics, biology. so you show me the biology book that says differently. That was your post.
ask redfish. he's out there counting animal penises.

not counting anything, just asking one of you lefties to tell us how many sexes there are in the human race. Why is that such a hard question for you?
I am making a simple point: It is no more hateful to tell a homosexual that they need help than it is to tell an alcoholic that they need help. Very simple. You are the one who is complicating it.

There is nothing similar between an alcoholic and a homosexual. The former is an addiction that is damaging to the body and the latter is a lifestyle choice that does no harm to anyone.

You are such a hate filled bigot.

True, but while any given sexual act is certainly a choice, being gay does not involve an actual lifestyle.

True, they are just human beings no different than the rest of us

"no different" ? Do you engage in anal sex with other males?
homosexuality is a mental disorder, i.e. mental disease.

Nope, but it seems that bigotry is

its not bigoted to understand human biology. It is bigoted to deny it.
and if their biology has them preferring their own gender, now what?

it's still biology.
i simply don't care if someone is gay or not.

Nor do I, but don't DEMAND that I declare it as normal.
it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
so when tv shows me white "trash" living in run down trailer houses and/or shooting up schools, is that all white people?
that isn't the same as the token gay added to the tele. No the token gay is for pushing it, pushing it as hard as they possibly can, there is no need to push white trash, it exists, we deal with it, it isn't in every program on tv today. horny gays though, wow, I mean in Swat, the girl lesbo, is in a three way, they really want to stretch the envelope. I stop watching them, all of them. I have better things in my life then manipulation attempts on my life.
and i know a lot of gay people who dont like it either. but i do get where you are from.
still thinking on this, and this is just more of a demonstration on how demoRats truly feel about the different peoples in this country. If I were a gay, and again I have friends who have commented to me that are, they wish the tele would stop all the gayness.
it has been my experience watching today's tv with the added gay couple, or gay character, that the gay person is horny as fking shit and hits on anything. Is this really how they intended their migration into the home to be? I mean, for fk sake, if this is truly an example of gay folks, then perhaps they are not to be fully trusted. again, I'm merely commenting on what they are advertising on tv.
so when tv shows me white "trash" living in run down trailer houses and/or shooting up schools, is that all white people?
that isn't the same as the token gay added to the tele. No the token gay is for pushing it, pushing it as hard as they possibly can, there is no need to push white trash, it exists, we deal with it, it isn't in every program on tv today. horny gays though, wow, I mean in Swat, the girl lesbo, is in a three way, they really want to stretch the envelope. I stop watching them, all of them. I have better things in my life then manipulation attempts on my life.

the netflix series How to get away with murder, is full of all kinds of sex, gay, straight, bi-racial, male on male, female on female, the lead character is bi-sexual. and every one of them is perpetually horny. Is that real life, or the version of real life that the left in hollywood wants us to practice?

its actually a pretty good series, but the constant sexual encounters are not necessary to the story line.
and if their biology has them preferring their own gender, now what?

it's still biology.
i simply don't care if someone is gay or not.
what's that have to do with biology? there is but a penis and a vijay jay, that's it. what you have is genetics, biology. so you show me the biology book that says differently. That was your post.
ask redfish. he's out there counting animal penises.

not counting anything, just asking one of you lefties to tell us how many sexes there are in the human race. Why is that such a hard question for you?
Heh, I am so not a leftie but whatever warms your wetsuit.
I am making a simple point: It is no more hateful to tell a homosexual that they need help than it is to tell an alcoholic that they need help. Very simple. You are the one who is complicating it.

There is nothing similar between an alcoholic and a homosexual. The former is an addiction that is damaging to the body and the latter is a lifestyle choice that does no harm to anyone.

You are such a hate filled bigot.

True, but while any given sexual act is certainly a choice, being gay does not involve an actual lifestyle.

True, they are just human beings no different than the rest of us

"no different" ? Do you engage in anal sex with other males?

No, I do not. I also do not like to eat sushi but I do not consider people that do to be fundamentally different than I am. They just have different taste
i simply don't care if someone is gay or not.
what's that have to do with biology? there is but a penis and a vijay jay, that's it. what you have is genetics, biology. so you show me the biology book that says differently. That was your post.
ask redfish. he's out there counting animal penises.

not counting anything, just asking one of you lefties to tell us how many sexes there are in the human race. Why is that such a hard question for you?
Heh, I am so not a leftie but whatever warms your wetsuit.

didnt think you were, so why are you attacking me like a lefty would do?
i simply don't care if someone is gay or not.
what's that have to do with biology? there is but a penis and a vijay jay, that's it. what you have is genetics, biology. so you show me the biology book that says differently. That was your post.
ask redfish. he's out there counting animal penises.

not counting anything, just asking one of you lefties to tell us how many sexes there are in the human race. Why is that such a hard question for you?
Heh, I am so not a leftie but whatever warms your wetsuit.

didnt think you were, so why are you attacking me like a lefty would do?
Disagreeing with you is not an attack.

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