Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Commenting on the gun-control debate, my business partner and friend, Sean Aland, likes to say: “In America, we have a heart problem, not a gun problem.” Another way to say the same thing is this: Push God aside and you will have Godlessness. Consequently, for liberal pundits and politicians to wring their hands and wonder aloud what is happening to America is nothing but theater. What is happening to America is that we are reaping the harvest of what liberals have been sowing for more than 40 years, a truth liberals can’t handle.


Read more: Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth – Patriot Update
Another deranged paranoid NaziCon gun nut thread. Come on 2014...
the only truth is over 300 million fire arms are inside our borders. The proverbial Jeanie is out of the bottle with no way to fix the issue at hand.

I say ill leave your guns alone if you start voting for legalized pot, deal??
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Commenting on the gun-control debate, my business partner and friend, Sean Aland, likes to say: “In America, we have a heart problem, not a gun problem.” Another way to say the same thing is this: Push God aside and you will have Godlessness. Consequently, for liberal pundits and politicians to wring their hands and wonder aloud what is happening to America is nothing but theater. What is happening to America is that we are reaping the harvest of what liberals have been sowing for more than 40 years, a truth liberals can’t handle.


Read more: Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth – Patriot Update

Oh pleeeeaaaaaase... time 4 meds? :chillpill: You already have the Kool-Aid...
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Commenting on the gun-control debate, my business partner and friend, Sean Aland, likes to say: “In America, we have a heart problem, not a gun problem.” Another way to say the same thing is this: Push God aside and you will have Godlessness. Consequently, for liberal pundits and politicians to wring their hands and wonder aloud what is happening to America is nothing but theater. What is happening to America is that we are reaping the harvest of what liberals have been sowing for more than 40 years, a truth liberals can’t handle.


Read more: Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth – Patriot Update

Oh pleeeeaaaaaase... time 4 meds? :chillpill: You already have the Kool-Aid...

PoGo, stfu and go play da games...:D


Can U smell da hair, pew-wee...
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Oboy! A moldy oldie from last year. Takes me back-- I'm gettin' all misty.

Since a slew of non-visitors have given your lightweight blog the attention it deserves, I'll just highlight the above and note the irony that a blog invoking "can't handle the truth" starts right off with two fallacies, even purporting to speak for an entire class of people they just put their own label on. Can't make this stuff up. Apparently "truth" is cheap.

That reminds me, Jack Nicholson called. He wants his movie prop uniform back.
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Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

1900 feet across the the river from Detroit which averages 1 murder a day is Windsor Ontario, which recently went 26 months without a homicide.

The truth is that Windsor isn't any more God fearing, or lacks its fair share of those mentally ill, as compared to its American counterpart - but it does have strict gun controls that make private handguns and automatic weapons virtually nonexistant.
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Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Commenting on the gun-control debate, my business partner and friend, Sean Aland, likes to say: “In America, we have a heart problem, not a gun problem.” Another way to say the same thing is this: Push God aside and you will have Godlessness. Consequently, for liberal pundits and politicians to wring their hands and wonder aloud what is happening to America is nothing but theater. What is happening to America is that we are reaping the harvest of what liberals have been sowing for more than 40 years, a truth liberals can’t handle.


Read more: Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth – Patriot Update

Oh pleeeeaaaaaase... time 4 meds? :chillpill: You already have the Kool-Aid...

PoGo, stfu and go play da games...:D


Can U smell da hair, pew-wee...

The poor thing has a problem and it's not smoking pot. It's indoctrination.
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

1900 feet across the the river from Detroit which averages 1 murder a day is Windsor Ontario which recently went 26 months without a homicide.

The truth is that Windsor isn't any more God fearing, or lacks its fair share of those mentally ill, as compared to its American counterparts - but it does have strict gun controls that make private handguns and automatic weapons virtually nonexistant.

And being Canada, it also doesn't have a gun culture. They got Leslie Nielsen; we got John Wayne.
the only truth is over 300 million fire arms are inside our borders. The proverbial Jeanie is out of the bottle with no way to fix the issue at hand.

I say ill leave your guns alone if you start voting for legalized pot, deal??

And this explains everything about Nole..... Like a typical idiot liberal dumbocrat, she just wants to spend her life getting high.
Are Guns the Problem?

January 15, 2013
By Walter Williams


What explains today’s behavior versus yesteryear’s? For well over a half-century, the nation’s liberals and progressives — along with the education establishment, pseudo-intellectuals and the courts — have waged war on traditions, customs and moral values. These people taught their vision, that there are no moral absolutes, to our young people. To them, what’s moral or immoral is a matter of convenience, personal opinion or a consensus.

During the ’50s and ’60s, the education establishment launched its agenda to undermine lessons children learned from their parents and the church with fads such as “values clarification.” So-called sex education classes are simply indoctrination that sought to undermine family and church strictures against premarital sex.

Lessons of abstinence were ridiculed and considered passé and replaced with lessons about condoms, birth control pills and abortions. Further undermining of parental authority came with legal and extralegal measures to assist teenage abortions with neither parental knowledge nor consent.


Are Guns the Problem?
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

1900 feet across the the river from Detroit which averages 1 murder a day is Windsor Ontario, which recently went 26 months without a homicide.

The truth is that Windsor isn't any more God fearing, or lacks its fair share of those mentally ill, as compared to its American counterpart - but it does have strict gun controls that make private handguns and automatic weapons virtually nonexistant.
wow !! an area with so many blacks and no murders in 26 months !!
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Commenting on the gun-control debate, my business partner and friend, Sean Aland, likes to say: “In America, we have a heart problem, not a gun problem.” Another way to say the same thing is this: Push God aside and you will have Godlessness. Consequently, for liberal pundits and politicians to wring their hands and wonder aloud what is happening to America is nothing but theater. What is happening to America is that we are reaping the harvest of what liberals have been sowing for more than 40 years, a truth liberals can’t handle.


Read more: Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth – Patriot Update

They can't hide the truth, but they'll keep lying about it and they've helped create enough dumbed down Americans that many will keep believing them.

Gang and drug cartel violence won't change with any gun laws. The liberals make it sound like they'll take all the guns out of the criminal and crazy peoples' hands and we'll all be safe and sound.

While Obama and his family are protected 24/7 by men with guns, the average gun owner is now a target and will remain so until the day they can disarm the public. Don't think for a minute that most liberals wouldn't love that. This is only the beginning. Once they start down a certain road, there is no turning back.

They will focus on the mentally unstable and the standards used to determine who is sane or not is about to change. HS has already determined that ex-military, Ron Paul supporters and typical patriots belong on the watch list. They are close to adding tea party members and maybe the whole Republican party to their little bogus list. Don't doubt for a moment that the same profile will be used to determine which people should not have guns. Anyone against the liberal agenda is already considered whacko by the lefties, so prepare to be labeled and disarmed if you aren't willing to drink the koolaid.
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the only truth is over 300 million fire arms are inside our borders. The proverbial Jeanie is out of the bottle with no way to fix the issue at hand.

I say ill leave your guns alone if you start voting for legalized pot, deal??
You will leave our guns alone regardless.

Pot is not a right, guns are.

Obama Signs Executive Order for NRA’s “Crazy” School Guards Plan

January 16, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Looks like 1,000 school guards are suddenly a solution. Or at least they became a solution once Obama realized that the American people were not in step with his irrational and extremist views that denied that armed security could prevent school shootings.


Obama Signs Executive Order for NRA?s ?Crazy? School Guards Plan

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