Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

employment at will, means employment at the will of either party.
Right. I get that. Was already well aware of that reality.
only the poor get denied and disparaged in equal protection of the law, and get blamed for being poor.
What? The poor operate under the exact same "at-will" laws as the wealthy do. They have the "equal protection" that you are clamoring for. They are allowed to walk away at any time they want and go somewhere else, just as the wealthy executive is.
so, they can quit on an at-will basis and collect unemployment compensation in an at-will employment State, regardless of any right to work?
employment at will, means employment at the will of either party.
Right. I get that. Was already well aware of that reality.
only the poor get denied and disparaged in equal protection of the law, and get blamed for being poor.
What? The poor operate under the exact same "at-will" laws as the wealthy do. They have the "equal protection" that you are clamoring for. They are allowed to walk away at any time they want and go somewhere else, just as the wealthy executive is.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or economics.
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

oh no! The Walton family are now only going to be worth $9.999999 gazillion instead of $10 gazillion....
Nothing beats getting rich off of Selling Chinese goods made possible by Bill Clinton's Trade Deal with China.

Remember when WalMart used to sell almost exclusively American Made Goods, and used that as a marketing tool?
And people flocked to WallMart because of it and made it grow.

Then Slick Willie sells out The American Worker in favor of increased Wall Street Profits and doubled down on Stabbing us all in the back with NAFTA.

Nice 1-2 punch in the gut to American Manufacturing.

Now try to find 1 American made thing in Walmart.......
My 16 yr old is working

My 85 year old mother is not.....I blame Obama
Same with my 86 yo MIL...
If it wasn't for Obamas policies, both the old ladies would be working
Riiggghttttt any more lies.........Obamas zero interest rate has bankrupted many interest means retirement money gone presto.......

My 85 year old mother has her money in stocks. She did very well under Obama

Wall Street did very well stabbing America in The Back with The Corporate Liberals Help.

When you outsource manufacturing in favor of Foreign Slavery just to increase your profit margins on the backs of 10 year old children and the poor living in tin shacks, that is nothing to be proud of.

How does your mother feel about being a Slave Owner?
Liberal policy creates "stealth" unemployment by hiding the millions that have given up looking for work and count ANY lame low pay job the same as a good paying job. That makes their numbers look waaaaaaaay better than reality. Unfortunately those glowing unemployment/job numbers don't help the working class many of whom work two jobs and still struggle.
GW's team did the same to hide the fact that several million Indian Business Visas replaced US citizens and non-Indian Business Visas.
Different Party, same lies.

Incidentally Google, Facebook and all of these tech companies centered in California abuse the H-1 Visa Program and are engaged in Tech Slavery.

They force Americans who helped get these companies off the ground and made them Unimaginably Wealthy to train their Slave Replacements at 1\2 or even 1\4 of the cost.

There is extreme bigotry in the Tech World against American Workers. And they also lie to The Public when they say they can't find American Tech Workers, all the while they are forcing them to train their cheaper replacements with H-1 Visa Holders by the thousands in what looks like a damn farming operation for Foreign Talent at the expense of seasoned and well trained American Talent.
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

oh no! The Walton family are now only going to be worth $9.999999 gazillion instead of $10 gazillion....
Nothing beats getting rich off of Selling Chinese goods made possible by Bill Clinton's Trade Deal with China.

Remember when WalMart used to sell almost exclusively American Made Goods, and used that as a marketing tool?
And people flocked to WallMart because of it and made it grow.

Then Slick Willie sells out The American Worker in favor of increased Wall Street Profits and doubled down on Stabbing us all in the back with NAFTA.

Nice 1-2 punch in the gut to American Manufacturing.

Now try to find 1 American made thing in Walmart.......
Capitalism requires competition, regardless.

The wealthy have a capital gains preference. They are supposed to be, capital hard workers, and create Jobs Booms, with that preference. Why not blame the rich and tax them for being too lazy; and, let's deny and disparage them, steak and lobster privileges, until we have a sustainable Jobs Boom.
Nothing beats getting rich off of Selling Chinese goods made possible by Bill Clinton's Trade Deal with China.

Remember when WalMart used to sell almost exclusively American Made Goods, and used that as a marketing tool?
And people flocked to WallMart because of it and made it grow.

Then Slick Willie sells out The American Worker in favor of increased Wall Street Profits and doubled down on Stabbing us all in the back with NAFTA.

Nice 1-2 punch in the gut to American Manufacturing.

Now try to find 1 American made thing in Walmart.......

It's not Clinton's fault the CEOs and shareholders sold your manufacturing sector down the road. That's on them. It's not their fault the China offers cheap labour. It's a world market. You can hide you head in the sand and become an isolationist country. Good luck with that. Off the top of my head the only country I can see like that is North Korea. They're really self-sufficient. And if you want to try trade tariffs. Good luck with that and the disappearing export jobs. America needs to get out of the past and into the future. Become more efficient and produce better goods than the other guy. If you become isolationist you'll end up going backwards. Your only market will be yourself. Good luck with that having a finite market of 330 million people. And when everybody has that washing machine and dryer and you need to expand your economy by selling to other nations, but you have tariffs on your products just like you have done to other nations, then what are you gonna do?
It's not Clinton's fault the CEOs and shareholders sold your manufacturing sector down the road.
That's every bit as ignorant as telling the assembly line workers at Brand A "it's not the CEO's fault that our product costs 10x's as much as Brand B and thus they are outselling us - that is your fault factory workers". :uhh: ignorant Dumbocrats made sure that the U.S. had among the highest taxes in the world, the most extreme labor laws in the world, and the most costly regulations in the world. All of which made it exponentially more cost effective to take jobs overseas. All the CEO's did was take the best deal as they are required to do by the shareholders. They exist strictly to make the shareholders money you dumb ass.

When you go to purchase something - you shop for the best price. Well, corporations are doing that as well. And they are finding the best deals in Indonesia, China, Vietnam, etc. When Dumbocrats stop being dumb and learn about basic economics - we'll be able to compete with those nations and bring jobs back to the U.S.
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

oh no! The Walton family are now only going to be worth $9.999999 gazillion instead of $10 gazillion....

The. Chinese. Own. 40. Per. Cent. Of.
Walmart. Stock as. Of. 5. Years. Ago,
So. Don"t. Think. The Walton. Family. Owns all of. Walmart, Walmart. Employees. Also buy. Walmart. Stock.
I. Know because. I. Used. To. Work. At
Walmart. Stores
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

oh no! The Walton family are now only going to be worth $9.999999 gazillion instead of $10 gazillion....

The. Chinese. Own. 40. Per. Cent. Of.
Walmart. Stock as. Of. 5. Years. Ago,
So. Don"t. Think. The Walton. Family. Owns all of. Walmart, Walmart. Employees. Also buy. Walmart. Stock.
I. Know because. I. Used. To. Work. At
Walmart. Stores

I'm surprised with the way you post you managed to get a job there.
Left-wing policy doing what left-wing policy does best: collapsing economies and causing them to go begging to others for money.

After bashing Trump, California Gov. Jerry Brown asks for federal aid
Well, since they give about 60 billion dollars more than they receive back, they probably feel like they should get some when they need it.
No wonder they have "low tax rates" in Texas:

The federal government spent about $9,000 per Texan in 2010. The state spent $2,200 — one of the lowest outlays in the country, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers.--
Left-wing policy doing what left-wing policy does best: collapsing economies and causing them to go begging to others for money.

After bashing Trump, California Gov. Jerry Brown asks for federal aid
Well, since they give about 60 billion dollars more than they receive back, they probably feel like they should get some when they need it.
They aren't supposed to receive any money back dimwit. The U.S. federal government is not a money laundering service. You pay your taxes to them - they use it to run the federal government. That's how it works.

The fact that you need that explained to you is.....just..... :lmao:
we could have solved simple poverty on an at-will basis, yesterday; but we were unable to muster enough moral of goodwill toward men, from the right left wing to make it happen.
I corrected your error for you. No need to thank me...
only the right wing is True Witness "challenged" on this one. the left merely wants equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.
we could have solved simple poverty on an at-will basis, yesterday; but we were unable to muster enough moral of goodwill toward men, from the right left wing to make it happen.
I corrected your error for you. No need to thank me...
only the right wing is True Witness "challenged" on this one. the left merely wants equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.
Another left-wing hatriot false narrative. Nobody lacks "equal protection of the law". What you hatriots want is communism so that you don't have to have talent or effort but yet still you will yield the same results.
we could have solved simple poverty on an at-will basis, yesterday; but we were unable to muster enough moral of goodwill toward men, from the right left wing to make it happen.
I corrected your error for you. No need to thank me...
only the right wing is True Witness "challenged" on this one. the left merely wants equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.
Another left-wing hatriot false narrative. Nobody lacks "equal protection of the law". What you hatriots want is communism so that you don't have to have talent or effort but yet still you will yield the same results.
yes, we call it bailing out the laissez-fair laziness of capitalism, with sufficient socialism to correct for that capital rate of inefficiency in employment.

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