Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

If right wingers didn't have revisionist history, they'd have no history at all.
If progressives didn't have projection - they'd have nothing at all. They can't even come up with their own false narrative. They have to take our facts and then attempt to credit it them to the left.

You morons have been caught attempting to rewrite history. Conservatives caught you doing it and pointed it out. You people are so stupid, you literally went " did" like fuck'n kindergarten children. :lol:

What else could be expected though. Your side of the aisle is made up of the bottom of society. The low IQ who can't survive on their own. With a group that dumb, coming up with their own words is like asking an orangutang to come up with its own words.
There are some criticism-worthy examples on your list but this isn't one of them. This is how deep learning neural networks are trained and why people who aren't creative or exceptionally technically savvy are in danger of losing their livelihoods. From all outward signs, this includes you.
It's not the government's job to "train" them, nitwit. Try reading the U.S. Constitution and then get back to me...k? From all outward signs, you're as ignorant about your own government as you are technology. Scary.
OMG, people like you are just too stupid to live. Yeah, let's just let China and India develop that technology first. That's the visionary right wing that I've come to know.
OMG....people like you are too ignorant to waste good oxygen on:
  • First of all, it's completely fucking irrelevant if China or India develops "deep learning neural networks first" you nitwit.
  • Second, there is no guarantee that we develop first even if we have government illegally/unconstitutionally pay for it - dumbass. The fact that you need that pointed out to you is as comical as it is tragic.
  • Third - government didn't fund Microsoft Windows. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund the iPhone. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund Oracle. Did China or India develop that first? Moron.
Sorry son - but your post is a prime example of why junior high students should stay off of message boards.
Technology and how it's created are not your thing are they. You really should just stay in your depth unless you're only trying to convince others who are similarly technologically naive that you know what you're talking about.

No private company is going to want to invest in the types of world changing technologies the government funds because they can't make a profit on it within five years. Yet these become the technologies that I entire industries are founded upon.
Snowflake - I've forgotten more about technology than you know or ever will. You were incapable of answering any of the questions posed to you - which expose your extraordinary ignorance.

Private industry has developed the majority of the world changing technology. Government didn't fund Microsoft Windows. Government didn't fund the iPad. Government didn't fund Oracle. Government didn't fund the cell phone. The list goes on and on and on.

It's ok - we get it. You're a junior kid without a clue but desperate to be involved in the conversation. Someday you'll look back on this and cringe with humiliation over your own astounding stupidity.
I create technology you fucking pea brain. And that's what I've been doing for almost 30 years. What do you do besides spending all your time on here trying to convince people that they're not being screwed by the reigning corporatocracy?
I create technology you fucking pea brain.
You "create technology" :lmao:

Snowflake....working on the assembly line at Dell is not "creating technology". You're a factory worker.

I've got $100 right here and now that says I own more technical certifications than you do. Want to bet? Yeah...I didn't think so.
I create technology you fucking pea brain.
If you actually "created technology", I wouldn't have had to point out these fundamental realities to you:
  • First of all, it's completely irrelevant if China or India develops "deep learning neural networks first" you nitwit.
  • Second, there is no guarantee that we develop first even if we have government illegally/unconstitutionally pay for it - dumbass. The fact that you need that pointed out to you is as comical as it is tragic.
  • Third - government didn't fund Microsoft Windows. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund the iPhone. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund Oracle. Did China or India develop that first? Moron.
Sorry son - but your post is a prime example of why junior high students should stay off of message boards.
I create technology you fucking pea brain.
If you actually "created technology", I wouldn't have had to point out these fundamental realities to you:
  • First of all, it's completely irrelevant if China or India develops "deep learning neural networks first" you nitwit.
  • Second, there is no guarantee that we develop first even if we have government illegally/unconstitutionally pay for it - dumbass. The fact that you need that pointed out to you is as comical as it is tragic.
  • Third - government didn't fund Microsoft Windows. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund the iPhone. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund Oracle. Did China or India develop that first? Moron.
Sorry son - but your post is a prime example of why junior high students should stay off of message boards.
First, this technology is going to change literally everything so the stakes are slightly high. Second, the only guarantee is that if we don't aggressively pursue this technology, we'll be completely at the mercy of whoever does get there first. Third, Windows was evolution of technology starting with DOS which Bill Gates swindled another programmer out of and even then, it's very simple compared to advanced a.i.
I create technology you fucking pea brain.
If you actually "created technology", I wouldn't have had to point out these fundamental realities to you:
  • First of all, it's completely irrelevant if China or India develops "deep learning neural networks first" you nitwit.
  • Second, there is no guarantee that we develop first even if we have government illegally/unconstitutionally pay for it - dumbass. The fact that you need that pointed out to you is as comical as it is tragic.
  • Third - government didn't fund Microsoft Windows. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund the iPhone. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund Oracle. Did China or India develop that first? Moron.
Sorry son - but your post is a prime example of why junior high students should stay off of message boards.
First, this technology is going to change literally everything so the stakes are slightly high. Second, the only guarantee is that if we don't aggressively pursue this technology, we'll be completely at the mercy of whoever does get there first. Third, Windows was evolution of technology starting with DOS which Bill Gates swindled another programmer out of and even then, it's very simple compared to advanced a.i.
So basically - you were wrong on all 3 accounts. Gates didn't "swindle" anything - he actually did program Windows. Now, he may have taken ideas from other OS's, but the Windows code was ALL his (and Paul Allen's of course). Either way - government had nothing to do with it. It was a revolutionary product that now runs 90% or so of the pc's in the world (including those in China, Iran, etc.).

Private industry has a billion times the innovation at 1/billionth the cost of the wasteful and inefficient government.

And here is the most important reality: even if every single one of your irrelevant and incorrect points were accurate and relevant - it wouldn't matter anyway. It is unconstitutional for government to intervene. That makes it illegal. We don't break the law in the U.S. just because a Dell factory worker says we should. That's not how it works snowflake.
want to, "own that"?
Want to "own" the fact that you're too stupid to realize that both socialism and fascism are exclusively left-wing ideology? Right-wing ideology is small, limited government. Thus, the farther right you go government continues to get smaller until it completely ceases to exist - anarchy.

Left-wing ideology embraces a large, strong, centralized government. The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until it is totalitarian - fascism, socialism, communism, marxism.

It's ok brother - I realize you junior high kids have a lot to learn still.
Just national socialistic right wing fantasy? Liberal socialism is to the left of national socialism.
Yep...and national socialism is to the left of progressivism.
not into wunderweapons?
Nothing generates unemployment/poverty like left-wing policy...

In 2001 Venezuela was the richest country in South America; it is now among the poorest

As Venezuela crumbles, the regime digs in
Just lousy management.
Exactly - leadership implemented failed left-wing policy. It always ends the same - more poverty, more misery.
like right wing policy is any better; Capitalism died in 1929; right wing national socialist fantasy, is all the right wing really has.
reducing labor reduces labor costs.
Not necessarily. Cost = wages X labor. So if labor goes down, but wages go up, then the cost can go up.
it was in the context of capitalists not being, lazy, and doing more of the work themselves, so they can get richer, faster.
There is no "context" that makes a difference to the math, and capitalism is irrelevant. C=wL If L decreases, then C decreases if w goes down, stays the same or goes up by no more than enough to offset the decrease to L If w goes up too hich, then C will go up.
don't be lazy, worker harder to get richer, faster.
I create technology you fucking pea brain.
If you actually "created technology", I wouldn't have had to point out these fundamental realities to you:
  • First of all, it's completely irrelevant if China or India develops "deep learning neural networks first" you nitwit.
  • Second, there is no guarantee that we develop first even if we have government illegally/unconstitutionally pay for it - dumbass. The fact that you need that pointed out to you is as comical as it is tragic.
  • Third - government didn't fund Microsoft Windows. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund the iPhone. Did China or India develop that first? Government didn't fund Oracle. Did China or India develop that first? Moron.
Sorry son - but your post is a prime example of why junior high students should stay off of message boards.
First, this technology is going to change literally everything so the stakes are slightly high. Second, the only guarantee is that if we don't aggressively pursue this technology, we'll be completely at the mercy of whoever does get there first. Third, Windows was evolution of technology starting with DOS which Bill Gates swindled another programmer out of and even then, it's very simple compared to advanced a.i.
So basically - you were wrong on all 3 accounts. Gates didn't "swindle" anything - he actually did program Windows. Now, he may have taken ideas from other OS's, but the Windows code was ALL his (and Paul Allen's of course). Either way - government had nothing to do with it. It was a revolutionary product that now runs 90% or so of the pc's in the world (including those in China, Iran, etc.).

Private industry has a billion times the innovation at 1/billionth the cost of the wasteful and inefficient government.

And here is the most important reality: even if every single one of your irrelevant and incorrect points were accurate and relevant - it wouldn't matter anyway. It is unconstitutional for government to intervene. That makes it illegal. We don't break the law in the U.S. just because a Dell factory worker says we should. That's not how it works snowflake.
Bill Gates programmed Windows? Bwahahaha! Wow yeah, you really are an amazing technologist there hot shot. What are you going to tell me next, that Ronald McDonald invented the hamburger?

Bill Gates was heavy into CEO mode when Windows came about. He saw the Macintosh operating system and said to his programmers, "I want that". They did their best... The whole history of Microsoft has been based upon swindles, IP theft and litigation.

As for the Constitutionality of government involvement in big science, there's a whole lot of American history between the founding fathers and now. Maybe you should read about it sometime. I think you'll have a hard time selling the American people on the idea that they haven't received huge benefits from the space program and a million other less publicized government funded research programs.
When are capitalists going to make like Henry Ford instead of merely complaining about regulations and taxes?
Seriously. There was a time when the captains of industry didn't mind sharing the benefits of capitalism with the common man. Not any longer and a lot of those common men mistake that greed for productivity.
When are capitalists going to make like Henry Ford instead of merely complaining about regulations and taxes?
Seriously. There was a time when the captains of industry didn't mind sharing the benefits of capitalism with the common man. Not any longer and a lot of those common men mistake that greed for productivity.
yet, the right wing alleges that Only the poor are to be blamed, for poor (capital) lifestyle choices (while actually being poor).
When are capitalists going to make like Henry Ford instead of merely complaining about regulations and taxes?
Seriously. There was a time when the captains of industry didn't mind sharing the benefits of capitalism with the common man. Not any longer and a lot of those common men mistake that greed for productivity.
yet, the right wing alleges that Only the poor are to be blamed, for poor (capital) lifestyle choices (while actually being poor).
Yup. The sad fact is that a lot of the right wing are poor as well but they're just sure that their big break is just around the corner.
When are capitalists going to make like Henry Ford instead of merely complaining about regulations and taxes?
Seriously. There was a time when the captains of industry didn't mind sharing the benefits of capitalism with the common man. Not any longer and a lot of those common men mistake that greed for productivity.
umm such as? J.P. Morgan? The Carnegies? Rockefellers?

And surely you don't think Ford raised wages out of the kindness of his heart? It boosted profits. The man was strongly anti-union and violence was used against organizers.
When are capitalists going to make like Henry Ford instead of merely complaining about regulations and taxes?
Seriously. There was a time when the captains of industry didn't mind sharing the benefits of capitalism with the common man. Not any longer and a lot of those common men mistake that greed for productivity.
umm such as? J.P. Morgan? The Carnegies? Rockefellers?

And surely you don't think Ford raised wages out of the kindness of his heart? It boosted profits. The man was strongly anti-union and violence was used against organizers.
in Ancient time? modern capitalists whine that Henry Ford was American, Capital, Exceptionalism and not merely business as Usual, for (hard working) capitalists.
When are capitalists going to make like Henry Ford instead of merely complaining about regulations and taxes?
Seriously. There was a time when the captains of industry didn't mind sharing the benefits of capitalism with the common man. Not any longer and a lot of those common men mistake that greed for productivity.
Seriously....everything both of you nitwits just said is completely false. Watching you people be duped on progressive propaganda is hilarious.
Yup. The sad fact is that a lot of the right wing are poor as well but they're just sure that their big break is just around the corner. much better to be a progressive wallowing in misery and self-pity, sulking, and proclaiming that everyone else is to blame for your lot in life. :eusa_doh:
in Ancient time? modern capitalists whine that Henry Ford was American, Capital, Exceptionalism and not merely business as Usual, for (hard working) capitalists.
A third of America didn't plot to destroy Henry Ford and his company through government when he was building Ford. That's the difference you mental midget.
When are capitalists going to make like Henry Ford instead of merely complaining about regulations and taxes?
Seriously. There was a time when the captains of industry didn't mind sharing the benefits of capitalism with the common man. Not any longer and a lot of those common men mistake that greed for productivity.
umm such as? J.P. Morgan? The Carnegies? Rockefellers?

And surely you don't think Ford raised wages out of the kindness of his heart? It boosted profits. The man was strongly anti-union and violence was used against organizers.
Granted, danielpalos and I have two different eras in mind - I tend to focus on post WWI to Reagan as the golden era and he likes Henry Ford but I think the essence is similar. Ford paid 2x the going rate in order to get the best workers and he believed that this gesture would also make them grateful and loyal. It seems to have paid off.

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