Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Yes, all the worse run shops should fail, to make room for better capitalists who can double autoworker wages and not complain about doubling minimum wages.
That will happen on its own without government coercion. If you need to resort to government coercion to run businesses out of business, then they weren't "worse run" to begin with.
Just right wing, "white washing"?

“Wage gap” refers to the phenomenon of employers paying women less than men for equal work. This is still a major problem, and in some industries more than others. The tech industry, pharmaceutical and insurance sales agents, financial advisors, loan officers, and education administrators may be some of the hardest hit groups when it comes to the wage gap.--
You just posted a link to a law firm?!? A private sector organization designed to make money by convincing people to file lawsuits?!?

Holy shit.... :lmao:
Only the right wing, never gets it. It is, market based metrics; they get paid for that.
Yes, all the worse run shops should fail, to make room for better capitalists who can double autoworker wages and not complain about doubling minimum wages.
That will happen on its own without government coercion. If you need to resort to government coercion to run businesses out of business, then they weren't "worse run" to begin with.
so what; capitalism has a Natural Rate of Unemployment.
Just right wing, "white washing"?

“Wage gap” refers to the phenomenon of employers paying women less than men for equal work. This is still a major problem, and in some industries more than others. The tech industry, pharmaceutical and insurance sales agents, financial advisors, loan officers, and education administrators may be some of the hardest hit groups when it comes to the wage gap.--
You just posted a link to a law firm?!? A private sector organization designed to make money by convincing people to file lawsuits?!?

Holy shit.... :lmao:
Only the right wing, never gets it. It is, market based metrics; they get paid for that.
Only the left could be dumb enough to post a link to ambulance chasers... :lmao:
so what; capitalism has a Natural Rate of Unemployment.
I rest my case. When it's pointed out that government is unnecessarily putting people out of work, the communist's best response is "so what"?

Capitalism has its own rate of unemployment based on merit. The unemployment is justly earned. The idiotic left-wing policy is unnaturally putting people out of work with the intent of getting them reliant on government for their basic needs.
Just right wing, "white washing"?

“Wage gap” refers to the phenomenon of employers paying women less than men for equal work. This is still a major problem, and in some industries more than others. The tech industry, pharmaceutical and insurance sales agents, financial advisors, loan officers, and education administrators may be some of the hardest hit groups when it comes to the wage gap.--
You just posted a link to a law firm?!? A private sector organization designed to make money by convincing people to file lawsuits?!?

Holy shit.... :lmao:
Only the right wing, never gets it. It is, market based metrics; they get paid for that.
Only the left could be dumb enough to post a link to ambulance chasers... :lmao:
How many people get paid to, "be Good" under our form of Capitalism?
so what; capitalism has a Natural Rate of Unemployment.
I rest my case. When it's pointed out that government is unnecessarily putting people out of work, the communist's best response is "so what"?

Capitalism has its own rate of unemployment based on merit. The unemployment is justly earned. The idiotic left-wing policy is unnaturally putting people out of work with the intent of getting them reliant on government for their basic needs.
dear, moving the goalposts is a Function of Government. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment; it does not Only apply to Labor. It also provides market based metrics regarding the "Commercial" worth, of Management.
dear, moving the goalposts is a Function of Government.
Actually, it's not. Not at all. Not even a little. The fact that you literally have no idea why government exists explains why you are so profoundly ignorant in each of your responses.
dear, moving the goalposts is a Function of Government.
Actually, it's not. Not at all. Not even a little. The fact that you literally have no idea why government exists explains why you are so profoundly ignorant in each of your responses.
So it's those kids down the street that keep moving the goal posts, and worse they've been doing it since liberals began America.
So it's those kids down the street that keep moving the goal posts, and worse they've been doing it since liberals began America.
Liberals didn't "begin" America snowflake. Conservatives did. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, James Madison and more were among some of the most devout conservatives society has ever seen.
  • They explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers only
  • They insisted that the federal government be extremely frugal with the tax payers money
  • They did not embrace homosexuality
  • They vehemently opposed slavery
  • They did not include - nor advocate - for government provided healthcare
  • They did not include - nor advocate - for government provided retirement
  • They did not include - nor advocate - for government provided housing
I could literally go on with hundreds of examples but it's simply not necessary. Not only are these accurate examples more than enough, but your long history of attempting to rewrite history here on USMB is well known.
Yet another glaring example of how progressives allow emotions instead of logic and reason to dictate policy...
Every governor should be forced to actually take economic classes before taking or even running for office, especially Democrats.
Connecticut tried the idiotic "punish those 'evil' wealthy bastards - tax them to death" policies. As always, it didn't end well.
What this means? It means that conservatives are once again right. You cannot tax the wealthy into oblivion and expect great returns. They will either figure out a way not to pay taxes or they will take their money elsewhere.
You can always can count on the left to collapse economies (Cuba, U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Detroit).

Connecticut Hikes Taxes on the "Rich;" Look What's Happening Now...
Nothing ends in collapse, poverty, and misery like idiotic left-wing policy...
Pensions, which a judge ordered must be paid by Illinois, now amount to 100% of the state’s revenue.
That's right folks - just the state government pensions alone chew up 100% of the state's tax revenues. Of course, every progressive will immediately scream "punish the wealthy - tax them more and take their money. Well - just a quick reminder of how that worked out in Connecticut (hint: it didn't end well).

Illinois Bet the Farm and Lost—You’ll Never Guess Who They Want to Pay the Tab

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