Nothing to see here. Isolated incident of good cops planting drugs.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of the things I've never understood is the RW determination to blame everything on the Liberals. No matter what it's always the Liberals fault. Take police corruption. In one breath the RW blames the Liberals for hating the cops and blaming them for things like Freddy Gray. The lack of support somehow makes the police job so difficult. Then in the next breath it's the Liberal's fault the police are corrupt because the liberals don't demand honest and honorable police instead preferring the corrupt police.

I know, this makes no sense. How could the Liberals be opposed to the police and at the same time protecting the police from being held accountable?

Another favorite song from the RW is that the corrupt cops are few and far between. Those of us with brains argue that is impossible. Things can't operate in a vacuum. If there is one, then there are many.

Body camera appears to show cop planting drugs at scene | Daily Mail Online

In the body camera footage, there are three cops there as one plants the drugs. So how did the bad cop who planted the drugs know that the other two cops would not blow the whistle? I mean, what are the odds that the only three corrupt cops would be there at that time? The cop who had the drugs ready to plant could have held them for twenty years without ever having a situation where the only three cops who were corrupt were the only ones there. Talk about unlikely, holding onto a drug bag with enough to get the intent to distribute threshold is dangerous. What if the cop was caught by one of the thousands of good cops? How could he explain it?

The only way it works is if a vast majority of the cops are corrupt. Then the risk of carrying the drugs ready to plant them is nonexistent. Only then does the effort make sense.

I'll make some predictions now. Even if the cop planting the drugs is busted, the others won't be. The reason is that while accessory crimes apply to me and thee, but not the Thin Blue Li(n)e. There also won't be any conspiracy charges against the others.

So cop defenders, the ones who say that a vast majority of the cops are good and honest etc. How does it work? How do you know that the only corrupt cops in the entire department are the ones who are standing right there? Is there a secret sign or word that the good cops are unaware of?

How is this the Liberal's fault? Is it the Liberals fault because they hate cops? Or is this the Liberals fault because they cover up the corruption and misconduct?
Don't be so mean to those fine upstanding officers of the law. They were obviously in fear of their lives, and had to plant those drugs for self defense. The officer going home safe to their family at night is number one priority, and if they have plant drugs on some poor innocent bastard to do that, who cares?

Apparently you have never heard of COP BLOCK.
Cop Block
The War Over CopBlock

Real conservatives know that the federal government is pushing military grade equipment onto the various city level police agencies and corrupting America's police forces, doing away with the enforcement of our bill of rights.

This isn't a left/right issue. This is an issue that progressives and libertarians can come together on, but the MSM is doing everything it can to divide us on.
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Apparently you have never heard of COP BLOCK.
Cop Block
The War Over CopBlock

Real conservatives know that the federal government is pushing military grade equipment onto the various city level police agencies and corrupting America's police forces, doing away with the enforcement of our bill of rights.

This isn't a left/right issue. This is an issue that progressives and libertarians can come together on, but the MSM is doing everything it can to divide us on.

I personally agree with you. My sneering was intended for the cops can do no wrong fools who blame everything on the left. There was a thread earlier that blamed the death of Justine Damond on Liberal schools.

The militarization of the police is an abomination. The practices of civil forfeiture is criminal. The routine and rampant corruption is crying out for change. The only change the most rabid supporters will consider is eliminating the last vestiges of our rights.

Stories like this one make the argument that it is a few bad apples unsupportable. But they will continue the patently false argument regardless of any evidence.
Disgusting. Not all cops are crooked or believe they can bend the rules for what they feel is justice (not their place), but some do and it needs to be dealth with swiftly and he needs to be held accountable for his misdeeds in a court.

Apparently you have never heard of COP BLOCK.
Cop Block
The War Over CopBlock

Real conservatives know that the federal government is pushing military grade equipment onto the various city level police agencies and corrupting America's police forces, doing away with the enforcement of our bill of rights.

This isn't a left/right issue. This is an issue that progressives and libertarians can come together on, but the MSM is doing everything it can to divide us on.

I personally agree with you. My sneering was intended for the cops can do no wrong fools who blame everything on the left. There was a thread earlier that blamed the death of Justine Damond on Liberal schools.

The militarization of the police is an abomination. The practices of civil forfeiture is criminal. The routine and rampant corruption is crying out for change. The only change the most rabid supporters will consider is eliminating the last vestiges of our rights.

Stories like this one make the argument that it is a few bad apples unsupportable. But they will continue the patently false argument regardless of any evidence.
The corporate media is part of the problem.

The want to make it into a race issue, when it is not.

They highlight when ever there is police abuse of a black man, making it about race, but for every injustice that occurs to a black man, there are just as many that happen to whites, also to men, women, even teens.

I remember when that whole thing in Ferguson went down, at the SAME time, this happened. And this poor girl hadn't just robbed a store. Why didn't this make national media? Because the elites WANT racial strife, that's why.

This is police brutality at it's finest. This, all over refusing to stop when caught drinking beer at a bon fire? Seriously? Who knows if the girl even heard him, we know how teens play loud music in their cars. She probably did, but death as a punishment? Really?!

"Another man can be seen sobbing hysterically in the middle of the road.

Witnesses have disputed the police version of events, saying Brockman jumped onto Ramsey's hood and shot her.

Others accused the 27-year-old deputy of using excessive force.

"There's no need to pull a gun and shoot somebody,” Brittany Benton, a friend of Ramsey's, told local WLWT-TV."
Ky. cops release dash-cam video of teen death
Disgusting. Not all cops are crooked or believe they can bend the rules for what they feel is justice (not their place), but some do and it needs to be dealth with swiftly and he needs to be held accountable for his misdeeds in a court.

But the point is, none of them are. They are all protected by that thin blue line. There is no independent review process. It's all in house.
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Disgusting. Not all cops are crooked or believe they can bend the rules for what they feel is justice (not their place), but some do and it needs to be dealth with swiftly and he needs to be held accountable for his misdeeds in a court.

There were three right there. Now how did the one who planted the drugs know the other two would go along? The only way is if they all were used to doing it. By all I mean everyone.

Imagine a scenario where you were going to do something illegal. Imagine a scenario where the lookouts were unaware of what you were doing.

Even if the one cop is busted, the accessories will not be.

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