Notice all the "Obama Accomplishments" Thread?

So Bush was correct to partially privatize Social Security.

Non-sequitur, I never said anything about SS and it isn't even partially privatized.

You guys keep tripping over yourselves with your marvelous inconsistency.

Q for Libs: Is the stock market good or bad?

A: Yes

You keep finding ways to ignore questions. Is SS even partially privatized? BTW, the answer you gave to your own question is wrong. The correct answer is, none of the above. :cool:

Thanks to the republicans and the sequester, you know the one obama predicted doom and gloom if went into effect.

That's what Porky Limbaugh said, huh??



March 19, 2013


"This is, many people will tell you, a “Big Week for Housing Data” as a deluge of new statistics come out about how housing markets fared in February. Amid the flood of figures, one overlooked data point is crucial in understanding the state of the market right now.

The housing site Redfin measures what it calls “selling velocity,” or how briskly homes are finding buyers. The faster homes go under contract, the higher the selling velocity. In the 19 major markets in February, more than a third of houses sold within two weeks of being listed. In California, the velocity is even higher. In San Jose, 63.1 percent of homes sell within two weeks; in San Francisco, 56.8 percent do. Further south, in Los Angeles, Ventura, the Inland Empire, and San Diego, about half of homes went under contract within two weeks. This is the housing equivalent of “flying off the shelves

March 20, 2013

Saudi BUSTED!!!

"Harun was indicted in February 2012 and extradited to the United States on October 4. He entered a plea of not guilty to all charges the following day, according to court records.

Harun is the second alleged al Qaeda figure this month to be cited in a plot against the United States."


"Ya' fuck with the bull....ya' get the horn!"
March 21, 2013

Growing Economic Momentum

"A clutch of data pointed to growing momentum in the economy during the first quarter, with jobless claims trending lower and factory activity and homes sales both on the rise.

The reports on Thursday built on recent upbeat data on hiring and consumer spending that have led many economists to see a sharp rebound in economic growth despite the onset of increased fiscal austerity. In particular, the claims data suggested March could be another month of solid job gains.

"There is enough strength in the economy to generate jobs on a sustained basis," said Sam Bullard, an economist at Wells Fargo in Charlotte, North Carolina."


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
March 28, 2013

S&P Record High

"The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index closed on Thursday at a new record, eclipsing its previous closing high set in October 2007.

At 4 p.m., the benchmark index was at 1,569.19 points, up 0.4 percent for the day, despite a report of rising claims for unemployment benefits. It closed the first quarter with a robust 10 percent gain.

The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average, which was also up 0.4 percent Thursday, already passed its 2007 milestone earlier this month, but the S.&P. 500 is widely considered to be a broader-based reflection of the American stock market. The Nasdaq composite index of largely technology stocks added 0.3 percent Thursday.

The gains have not generally been enjoyed by Americans without stock portfolios, leading to widespread skepticism about the sustainability of the market’s rise. But more recently there have been signs that the economic recovery may be broadening out into the rest of the economy."


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
March 29, 2013

Consumer $pending Climbs

"Consumer spending climbed in February by the most in five months and confidence unexpectedly improved in March, showing job-market gains are helping Americans overcome tax increases and concern about federal budget cuts.

Purchases, which account for about 70 percent of the economy, rose 0.7 percent after a 0.4 percent advance the prior month that was bigger than previously estimated, according to Commerce Department data today in Washington. Another report showed consumer sentiment advanced to a four-month high.

Record stock prices and rising home values combined with gains in wages are helping households repair finances left in shreds by the recession, making it easier to cope with a two percentage-point increase in the payroll tax. The pickup in spending at retailers including Macy’s Inc. is giving the world’s largest economy a boost just as efforts to narrow the budget deficit prompt government cutbacks.

“The economy is in a very good place right now ahead of the fiscal restraint,” said Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. in New York. “There are no signs in the data that the expiration of the payroll-tax cut is affecting consumers whatsoever. This recovery is sustainable

:party: . :party: . :party: . :party:

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

March 29, 2013

Running An End-Around On

"President Obama on Friday unveiled a series of proposals aimed at enticing private investments for public infrastructure projects, which he says will create new jobs, facilitate economic growth, and help modernize America's roads, rails and bridges.

Mr. Obama, speaking at the Port of Miami in Florida, outlined a program of bonds and other measures to encourage such spending on roads, bridges and ports. He said his plan would enable companies to share in returns, and that projects would be selected based on their potential economic benefits rather than "pork-barrel politics."

Last edited:

"Sales of sport-utility vehicles and pickup trucks jumped in March, spurred by rising home prices and an increase in housing construction, major automakers said on Tuesday.

The performance of SUVs and trucks outpaced gains in the broader auto market, but March is still expected to be the fifth straight month that the auto industry's annual sales pace will be above 15 million vehicles."


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