Notice how the democrats always compare conservatives to Nazis?

I made that shooting people at baseball games stuff, just for dramatic effect.
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass

"You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass"

Have you taken The Political Compass test, if yes where does it put you? Other people also should take this test and then we can see where it puts everyone.

I have never seen this The Political Compass test before, so I have just completed it and this is where it is for me.

View attachment 133697

Of course I have. Been taking it for almost 10 years now. There's another thread in the FZ that has a bunch of member results along with mine. Your results are hilarious. You really are an authoritarian, I had you pegged right from the beginning. You're the closest I've ever seen anyone come to being where Hitler is. That's some scary stuff.

No....that chart is wrong......hitler was a man of the left...he was a guys can lie about that all day long...but he was a socialist and a left winger....



Are we in some kind of merged thread? I don't recognize the title at all but I do recognize some of the quotes....
I made that shooting people at baseball games stuff, just for dramatic effect.

I got that part. My question is how you relate that to "Liberals".

You have any clue what "Liberal" actually means?
For the tards who need to enroll in the 5th grade again, here's some graphs that show you where the nazis end up on the political spectrum.


The upper right quandrant is the authoritarian right. The further north you are, the more authoritarian you are on the social scale. The further right, the more conservative on the economic scale.


Hitler wasn't even remotely liberal, or "left" by any stretch of the imagination. He was super, ultra authoritarian with slight right of center leanings on the economic scale. Nazi's were about pure authoritarianism. Hitler wasn't an extreme right winger on the economic scale, he was more Keynesian.

Today's left typically land somewhere down where Gandhi is.

You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass

"You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass"

Have you taken The Political Compass test, if yes where does it put you? Other people also should take this test and then we can see where it puts everyone.

I have never seen this The Political Compass test before, so I have just completed it and this is where it is for me.

View attachment 133697

Of course I have. Been taking it for almost 10 years now. There's another thread in the FZ that has a bunch of member results along with mine. Your results are hilarious. You really are an authoritarian, I had you pegged right from the beginning. You're the closest I've ever seen anyone come to being where Hitler is. That's some scary stuff.

Well I have always said I'm on the Authoritarian Right.

There are many people here who are on the Authoritarian Left also.

Only one person showed up on the authoritarian left -- "ptbw forever."

How weird, I thought ptbw forever was on the Right.

There are many here on the Authoritarian Left, they just haven't taken that Political Compass Test and posted their results.

That's what I thought too Oosie. Matter of fact I'm still convinced of it.

Maybe Punkin should interview him. You know what "ptbw" means?

Say --- Is this not the Pumpkin Row interview thread? How did it get placed in HERE?? Anybody?
"You can take the test yourself to see where you end up here: The Political Compass"

Have you taken The Political Compass test, if yes where does it put you? Other people also should take this test and then we can see where it puts everyone.

I have never seen this The Political Compass test before, so I have just completed it and this is where it is for me.

View attachment 133697

Of course I have. Been taking it for almost 10 years now. There's another thread in the FZ that has a bunch of member results along with mine. Your results are hilarious. You really are an authoritarian, I had you pegged right from the beginning. You're the closest I've ever seen anyone come to being where Hitler is. That's some scary stuff.

Well I have always said I'm on the Authoritarian Right.

There are many people here who are on the Authoritarian Left also.

Only one person showed up on the authoritarian left -- "ptbw forever."

How weird, I thought ptbw forever was on the Right.

There are many here on the Authoritarian Left, they just haven't taken that Political Compass Test and posted their results.

That's what I thought too Oosie. Matter of fact I'm still convinced of it.

Maybe Punkin should interview him. You know what "ptbw" means?

Say --- Is this not the Pumpkin Row interview thread? How did it get placed in HERE?? Anybody?
I plan on asking him at some point, I have a long list of people I REALLY want to interview, and he's on it, Odium was just near the top.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
Good. We need all the support we can get.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.

Exactly -- when Hitler came in to the party it already had the word "socialist" in its name, as did many political entities. It was a trendy and popular term at the time so he went along for its marketing value.

I keep asking these rubes if a demagogue who depended so deeply on propaganda and called his SA (brownshirt) thugs the "gymnastic and sports division" is somehow suddenly to be taken literally depending on which propaganda they (internet parrots) like. The brownshirts' job was to beat up and intimidate the (actual) socialists to get them out of the way of the NSDAP's path to power. And once they got there the (actual) socialists became the first political prisoners at Dachau.

They do this because they haven't yet figured out that Composition Fallacies are bullshit. They worry that Naziism being on the right and themselves being on the right somehow means "therefore they're Nazis too". It doesn't. They enclose themselves in their own fallacy. And this is why fallacies are bullshit ---- it leads to greater bullshit, such as rewriting entire histories.

- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

I'm still not getting why this thread came up. Pumpkin Row started a thread about interviewing various posters and somehow it got merged with a completely unrelated thread on Nazi-label rhetoric. Makes no sense at all. So we've got two entirely different threads going on in parallel universes. Coyote -- any idea? :dunno:
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
Good. We need all the support we can get.

Yes that's exactly why Chamberlain appeased Hitler - he was opposed to communism. While he was somewhat batty on the Jewish thing, they considered him less of a threat than Stalin.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.

Exactly -- when Hitler came in to the party it already had the word "socialist" in its name, as did many political entities. It was a trendy and popular term at the time so he went along for its marketing value.

I keep asking these rubes if a demagogue who depended so deeply on propaganda and called his SA (brownshirt) thugs the "gymnastic and sports division" is somehow suddenly to be taken literally depending on which propaganda they (internet parrots) like. The brownshirts' job was to beat up and intimidate the (actual) socialists to get them out of the way of the NSDAP's path to power. And once they got there the (actual) socialists became the first political prisoners at Dachau.

They do this because they haven't yet figured out that Composition Fallacies are bullshit. They worry that Naziism being on the right and themselves being on the right somehow means "therefore they're Nazis too". It doesn't. They enclose themselves in their own fallacy. And this is why fallacies are bullshit ---- it leads to greater bullshit, such as rewriting entire histories.

- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

I'm still not getting why this thread came up. Pumpkin Row started a thread about interviewing various posters and somehow it got merged with a completely unrelated thread on Nazi-label rhetoric. Makes no sense at all. So we've got two entirely different threads going on in parallel universes. Coyote -- any idea? :dunno:

the national socialists competed with the international socialists for different than two different drug gangs fighting for morons keep implying that because the national socialists fought the international socialists that that means they weren't actually socialists.....and that is the stupid point you always try to push....

That is like saying that MS-13 fighting the Bloods over drug turf means that MS-13 isn't a drug gang...since they are fighting another drug gang.....

that is the stupid thing you guys are saying.....stalin purged other communists...does that mean that him and his supporters weren't communists....? dumbshit...

The left wing wants bigger, stronger, more intrusive government....the right wants less, and limited government.....the national socialists wanted larger government.....they along with the other socialists are left wing, not right wing...the extreme left are the nationals socialists and the international socialists.....on the Right you have libertarians and the guys who live in the woods .....
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
As I explained earlier in the thread, which you didn't bother to read apparently(Leftist information gathering for you), what ISN'T Socialist about a government takeover of the means of production(Social Control), Universal Healthcare, and and government employment of every citizen? That's literally every core component of Socialism.

Not only that, Leftists are big government, not Rightists. Had Hitler been right wing, he'd have minimized government, which would have made his fascism impossible. That's why Anarchism is on the far right, total freedom, while authoritarianism is on the far left. Because Leftists are for safety by government expansion and minimization of freedom, while Rightists are for freedom by minimization of government.

Logical thinking exposes the left wing lie easily.
Man, it's not that they don't read the things you post, it's that they ignore them and then lie about it.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
As I explained earlier in the thread, which you didn't bother to read apparently(Leftist information gathering for you), what ISN'T Socialist about a government takeover of the means of production(Social Control), Universal Healthcare, and and government employment of every citizen? That's literally every core component of Socialism.

Not only that, Leftists are big government, not Rightists. Had Hitler been right wing, he'd have minimized government, which would have made his fascism impossible. That's why Anarchism is on the far right, total freedom, while authoritarianism is on the far left. Because Leftists are for safety by government expansion and minimization of freedom, while Rightists are for freedom by minimization of government.

Logical thinking exposes the left wing lie easily.

Exactly....but the left has to push that hitler was a right winger...otherwise, all of the worst mass murders in the modern age would have been committed by left wing socialists.......and they can hide the communist mass murders because it was done in remote areas and they never had the public exposure the national socialists had at Nuremburg......

I just finished watching Peaky Blinders...a British show on Netflix.....they too hid sided with the soviet union in their story line.......

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
Good. We need all the support we can get.

Yes that's exactly why Chamberlain appeased Hitler - he was opposed to communism. While he was somewhat batty on the Jewish thing, they considered him less of a threat than Stalin.
Communism doesn't exist and it never did. That word was thrown around in order for the Socialists to distance themselves from their biggest failures; Germany and Russia. Communism was described in the Communist Manifesto as being purely theoretical, having no government, no currency, and no Social classes, in order for the collective to truly be equal. What Russia and Germany had was a form of Social control, which is a defining characteristic of Socialism.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
As I explained earlier in the thread, which you didn't bother to read apparently(Leftist information gathering for you), what ISN'T Socialist about a government takeover of the means of production(Social Control), Universal Healthcare, and and government employment of every citizen? That's literally every core component of Socialism.

Not only that, Leftists are big government, not Rightists. Had Hitler been right wing, he'd have minimized government, which would have made his fascism impossible. That's why Anarchism is on the far right, total freedom, while authoritarianism is on the far left. Because Leftists are for safety by government expansion and minimization of freedom, while Rightists are for freedom by minimization of government.

Logical thinking exposes the left wing lie easily.

Exactly....but the left has to push that hitler was a right winger...otherwise, all of the worst mass murders in the modern age would have been committed by left wing socialists.......and they can hide the communist mass murders because it was done in remote areas and they never had the public exposure the national socialists had at Nuremburg......

I just finished watching Peaky Blinders...a British show on Netflix.....they too hid sided with the soviet union in their story line.......
Like I said, Goebbels would be proud.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
As I explained earlier in the thread, which you didn't bother to read apparently(Leftist information gathering for you), what ISN'T Socialist about a government takeover of the means of production(Social Control), Universal Healthcare, and and government employment of every citizen? That's literally every core component of Socialism.

Not only that, Leftists are big government, not Rightists. Had Hitler been right wing, he'd have minimized government, which would have made his fascism impossible. That's why Anarchism is on the far right, total freedom, while authoritarianism is on the far left. Because Leftists are for safety by government expansion and minimization of freedom, while Rightists are for freedom by minimization of government.

Logical thinking exposes the left wing lie easily.

Abectly illogical. :nono:

There is no "left" and "right" in the size of government. That is totally on the other axis of that square political spectrum graph tossed around. That's completely Authoritarian versus Libertarian (north-south), not the left or right.

That's why Hitler shows up as so far to the "north" side. He was FAR more about Authoritarianism than about "left" or "right''.

Government may be "bigly" or "insignificantly small" on either the left or the right. It's simply not related to that axis.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
As I explained earlier in the thread, which you didn't bother to read apparently(Leftist information gathering for you), what ISN'T Socialist about a government takeover of the means of production(Social Control), Universal Healthcare, and and government employment of every citizen? That's literally every core component of Socialism.

Not only that, Leftists are big government, not Rightists. Had Hitler been right wing, he'd have minimized government, which would have made his fascism impossible. That's why Anarchism is on the far right, total freedom, while authoritarianism is on the far left. Because Leftists are for safety by government expansion and minimization of freedom, while Rightists are for freedom by minimization of government.

Logical thinking exposes the left wing lie easily.

There is no "left" and "right" in the size of government. That is totally on the other axis of that square political spectrum graph tossed around. That's completely Authoritarian versus Libertarian (north-south), not the left or right.

That's why Hitler shows up as so far to the "north" side. He was FAR more about Authoritarianism than about "left" or "right''.

Government may be "bigly" or "insignificantly small" on either the left or the right. It's simply not related to that axis.
Yet he was a Socialist nutjob, thus ends up on the left, even if that was the case.
Yet, ever since this murderous scum democrat tried to kill members of congress yesterday, hardly a post goes by without the democrats here accusing conservatives of wanting the murder politicians, which is the EXACT tactic the Germans used in WW2. democrats playing their little games, trying their very best to start a war and blame the other side, just like the the Nazis did.

View attachment 133284
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
As I explained earlier in the thread, which you didn't bother to read apparently(Leftist information gathering for you), what ISN'T Socialist about a government takeover of the means of production(Social Control), Universal Healthcare, and and government employment of every citizen? That's literally every core component of Socialism.

Not only that, Leftists are big government, not Rightists. Had Hitler been right wing, he'd have minimized government, which would have made his fascism impossible. That's why Anarchism is on the far right, total freedom, while authoritarianism is on the far left. Because Leftists are for safety by government expansion and minimization of freedom, while Rightists are for freedom by minimization of government.

Logical thinking exposes the left wing lie easily.

Abjectly illogical. :nono:

There is no "left" and "right" in the size of government. That is totally on the other axis of that square political spectrum graph tossed around. That's completely Authoritarian versus Libertarian (north-south), not the left or right.

That's why Hitler shows up as so far to the "north" side. He was FAR more about Authoritarianism than about "left" or "right''.

Government may be "bigly" or "insignificantly small" on either the left or the right. It's simply not related to that axis.
Yet he was a Socialist nutjob, thus ends up on the left, even if that was the case.

You're not getting this at all, or you're not listening.

Look back at the chart from your other thread:


Notice where Hitler is on the scale--- and which edge he's on the precipice of.

It's not the "left" or "right" edge ---- it's absolutely the TOP edge, what I'm calling "north".

Different analysts may nudge Hitler to the left or to the right (east-west) of this spot, but nobody disagrees on where he falls on the north-south "social" scale. Authoritarian versus Libertarian, not left or right, is the measure of "how big the government is". Did Hitler go around saying "hey we don't need government, do your own thing man"? No, he did the direct opposite. That pushes him UP on this scale, not "left" or "right" It pushes him WAY up.

Interestingly if we placed the early Republican Party of the mid-19th century on this graph it would also be in the "northern" (Authoritarian) region (though certainly not as far to the edge as Hitler -- NOBODY goes that far, which is why Hitler as a concept has become such a caricature of Authoritarianism). The Whigs had been the party of doing big things with federal government, and that party broke up because it couldn't come to consensus on the Slavery question.

When the new Republican Party formed it largely populated from that faction of the Whigs that were on the Abolition side (like Abraham Lincoln). And doing big things with government was expressed in the strong hand of Reconstruction, and arguably the War itself, as well as governmental interventions like "forty acres and a mule", the first Affirmative Action. The Democratic Party of the same era was carrying the mantra of "states rights", which meant decentralized government --- less power in Washington in favor of more in the state capitals. So the DP of that time would show up considerably to the "south" of the Republicans -- and also to the right of them.

Of course much has changed since then but while it did, government has continued to grow regardless whether the left or the right was running the show. That's because "left" and "right" are not the elements that make it grow or not-grow.

Now if you put the entire history of the United States on this same graph and animated it over time, you'd see some creep to the left or right over that time on an inconsistent, self-correcting track, but what you would see consistently would be a rise UP. That is, toward Authoritarian. And there's your growing government.

See what I mean here?
The most ironic part is that the Nazis were leftists. I'm reminded of that every time they refer to the right as Nazis.

I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
As I explained earlier in the thread, which you didn't bother to read apparently(Leftist information gathering for you), what ISN'T Socialist about a government takeover of the means of production(Social Control), Universal Healthcare, and and government employment of every citizen? That's literally every core component of Socialism.

Not only that, Leftists are big government, not Rightists. Had Hitler been right wing, he'd have minimized government, which would have made his fascism impossible. That's why Anarchism is on the far right, total freedom, while authoritarianism is on the far left. Because Leftists are for safety by government expansion and minimization of freedom, while Rightists are for freedom by minimization of government.

Logical thinking exposes the left wing lie easily.

Abjectly illogical. :nono:

There is no "left" and "right" in the size of government. That is totally on the other axis of that square political spectrum graph tossed around. That's completely Authoritarian versus Libertarian (north-south), not the left or right.

That's why Hitler shows up as so far to the "north" side. He was FAR more about Authoritarianism than about "left" or "right''.

Government may be "bigly" or "insignificantly small" on either the left or the right. It's simply not related to that axis.
Yet he was a Socialist nutjob, thus ends up on the left, even if that was the case.

You're not getting this at all, or you're not listening.

Look back at the chart from your other thread:


Notice where Hitler is on the scale--- and which edge he's on the precipice of.

It's not the "left" or "right" edge ---- it's absolutely the TOP edge, what I'm calling "north".

Different analysts may nudge Hitler to the left or to the right (east-west) of this spot, but nobody disagrees on where he falls on the north-south "social" scale. Authoritarian versus Libertarian, not left or right, is the measure of "how big the government is". Did Hitler go around saying "hey we don't need government, do your own thing man"? No, he did the direct opposite. That pushes him UP on this scale, not "left" or "right" It pushes him WAY up.

Interestingly if we placed the early Republican Party of the mid-19th century on this graph it would also be in the "northern" (Authoritarian) region (though certainly not as far to the edge as Hitler -- NOBODY goes that far, which is why Hitler as a concept has become such a caricature of Authoritarianism). The Whigs had been the party of doing big things with federal government, and that party broke up because it couldn't come to consensus on the Slavery question.

When the new Republican Party formed it largely populated from that faction of the Whigs that were on the Abolition side (like Abraham Lincoln). And doing big things with government was expressed in the strong hand of Reconstruction, and arguably the War itself, as well as governmental interventions like "forty acres and a mule", the first Affirmative Action. The Democratic Party of the same era was carrying the mantra of "states rights", which meant decentralized government --- less power in Washington in favor of more in the state capitals. So the DP of that time would show up considerably to the "south" of the Republicans -- and also to the right of them.

Of course much has changed since then but while it did, government has continued to grow regardless whether the left or the right was running the show. That's because "left" and "right" are not the elements that make it grow or not-grow.

Now if you put the entire history of the United States on this same graph and animated it over time, you'd see some creep to the left or right over that time on an inconsistent, self-correcting track, but what you would see consistently would be a rise UP. That is, toward Authoritarian. And there's your growing government.

See what I mean here?
I knew what you meant in the first place, the problem being that Hitler's policies put him on the left, which is what I was saying.

As far as top and bottom part of the graph goes, the top half favors the left due to far left being Socialist, it actually requires the government to increase in size in order to implement Socialist policies. While Authoritarian governments can exist without being Socialist, Socialist governments can't exist without continually expanding, or being large in the first place.
I realize you have swallowed the right wing lie that Hitler was a socialist but he wasn't. He co-opted the National Socialist Party in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Hitler wanted to change the name but was convinced that people would trust him more if they thought he was a moderate socialist.

Nazis are radically right wing. That's why the American Nazi Party and the KKK supported Trump in the election.
As I explained earlier in the thread, which you didn't bother to read apparently(Leftist information gathering for you), what ISN'T Socialist about a government takeover of the means of production(Social Control), Universal Healthcare, and and government employment of every citizen? That's literally every core component of Socialism.

Not only that, Leftists are big government, not Rightists. Had Hitler been right wing, he'd have minimized government, which would have made his fascism impossible. That's why Anarchism is on the far right, total freedom, while authoritarianism is on the far left. Because Leftists are for safety by government expansion and minimization of freedom, while Rightists are for freedom by minimization of government.

Logical thinking exposes the left wing lie easily.

Abjectly illogical. :nono:

There is no "left" and "right" in the size of government. That is totally on the other axis of that square political spectrum graph tossed around. That's completely Authoritarian versus Libertarian (north-south), not the left or right.

That's why Hitler shows up as so far to the "north" side. He was FAR more about Authoritarianism than about "left" or "right''.

Government may be "bigly" or "insignificantly small" on either the left or the right. It's simply not related to that axis.
Yet he was a Socialist nutjob, thus ends up on the left, even if that was the case.

You're not getting this at all, or you're not listening.

Look back at the chart from your other thread:


Notice where Hitler is on the scale--- and which edge he's on the precipice of.

It's not the "left" or "right" edge ---- it's absolutely the TOP edge, what I'm calling "north".

Different analysts may nudge Hitler to the left or to the right (east-west) of this spot, but nobody disagrees on where he falls on the north-south "social" scale. Authoritarian versus Libertarian, not left or right, is the measure of "how big the government is". Did Hitler go around saying "hey we don't need government, do your own thing man"? No, he did the direct opposite. That pushes him UP on this scale, not "left" or "right" It pushes him WAY up.

Interestingly if we placed the early Republican Party of the mid-19th century on this graph it would also be in the "northern" (Authoritarian) region (though certainly not as far to the edge as Hitler -- NOBODY goes that far, which is why Hitler as a concept has become such a caricature of Authoritarianism). The Whigs had been the party of doing big things with federal government, and that party broke up because it couldn't come to consensus on the Slavery question.

When the new Republican Party formed it largely populated from that faction of the Whigs that were on the Abolition side (like Abraham Lincoln). And doing big things with government was expressed in the strong hand of Reconstruction, and arguably the War itself, as well as governmental interventions like "forty acres and a mule", the first Affirmative Action. The Democratic Party of the same era was carrying the mantra of "states rights", which meant decentralized government --- less power in Washington in favor of more in the state capitals. So the DP of that time would show up considerably to the "south" of the Republicans -- and also to the right of them.

Of course much has changed since then but while it did, government has continued to grow regardless whether the left or the right was running the show. That's because "left" and "right" are not the elements that make it grow or not-grow.

Now if you put the entire history of the United States on this same graph and animated it over time, you'd see some creep to the left or right over that time on an inconsistent, self-correcting track, but what you would see consistently would be a rise UP. That is, toward Authoritarian. And there's your growing government.

See what I mean here?

I knew what you meant in the first place, the problem being that Hitler's policies put him on the left, which is what I was saying.

As far as top and bottom part of the graph goes, the top half favors the left due to far left being Socialist, it actually requires the government to increase in size in order to implement Socialist policies. While Authoritarian governments can exist without being Socialist, Socialist governments can't exist without continually expanding, or being large in the first place.

Nope -- you're still not listening. You have a real stubborn streak. Here you're actually employing a contradiction to force your square peg into a round hole, to wit:

"the top half favors the left due to far left being Socialist, it actually requires the government to increase in size in order to implement Socialist policies. "​

--- you're actually trying to tell us "up means left". Think about it.

NO, it doesn't --- "up" means up. "Socialism" may appear on "the left" but it is not the same thing AS "the left". Or to turn your own convoluted statement around, leftism can exist without being Socialist.

Notice I'm saying "leftism", not "leftist governments" which would follow your limitation. You seem to want to shunt this into "governments" ---- this chart isn't about strictly "governments" -- it's about political views. Notice the dots on the graph are all people ---- not governments.

Now you can make the point that 'Socialism" belongs on the top half of the chart, and you just did. But that in no way means 'everything else on the left' goes up there with it.

You're a smart cookie but you have a tendency to toss the baby out with the bath water. You need to fix that.

These charts are necessarily simplified versus real life practice. I have a much more comprehensive study on them if you're interested, but you have to show me you're open to having your own preconceptions challenged.

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