Notice what isnt being talked about on this site by Liberals? Winter Snow Storm.

Snow coming to the North East in record amounts, should NE be prepared?

  • Hell no, the NE states should listen to the global warming experts and totally ignore the snow event

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • yes, they should be buying up the milk, eggs and toilet paper because it is going to be bad.

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters
New England braces for winter storm
More than 1,600 flights within, into or out of the US were canceled Monday, according to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was hit particularly hard, with more than 1,300 flight cancellations and delays averaging more than 40 minutes because of heavy snowfall.
The storm brought heavy snow from Colorado and Wyoming, where up to 60 inches of snow fell, through the Midwest, including Iowa, which got up to 17 inches. The storm hit the Chicago area hard, with more than 7 inches of snow, making it the strongest November storm since 1975 and the fifth-largest on record for the month.
How can this be since 1975 the Earf(inner city folks dialect) has been warming up to the point the Arctic shouldn't have any ice left. Because the liberal scam has once again been shown how fucked up it is, by Mother Nature...God doesn't believe in Man Made Global Warming..
Stupiest post I've seen this week.

Well done.
BREAKING NEWS: Winter snow storm in the Northeast during winter...
It is still autumn. Global Cooling?
Yes, Winter isnt official until Dec 21 the winter solstice..

Winter Solstice 2018
Friday, December 21
  • (in 24 days)
  • Damn liberals dont even know how to read a calendar...Good job there public education aaronland is another masterpiece of work...

Special note for the Illiterati:

The phrase "Winter Storm" doesn't necessarily mean "a storm that happens in winter". Consider that rain can happen during the winter season as well.

The adjective "winter" here describes what kind of weather this particular storm carries, i.e. that kind associated with winter (snow/ice). Regardless WHEN it happens. Could be March 23rd.

WHO KNEW language was so versatile. Not those with obstinate minds, that's fer sure.
New England braces for winter storm
More than 1,600 flights within, into or out of the US were canceled Monday, according to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was hit particularly hard, with more than 1,300 flight cancellations and delays averaging more than 40 minutes because of heavy snowfall.
The storm brought heavy snow from Colorado and Wyoming, where up to 60 inches of snow fell, through the Midwest, including Iowa, which got up to 17 inches. The storm hit the Chicago area hard, with more than 7 inches of snow, making it the strongest November storm since 1975 and the fifth-largest on record for the month.
How can this be since 1975 the Earf(inner city folks dialect) has been warming up to the point the Arctic shouldn't have any ice left. Because the liberal scam has once again been shown how fucked up it is, by Mother Nature...God doesn't believe in Man Made Global Warming..
Stupiest post I've seen this week.

Well done.

Well done indeed. In a better world it would be rare.

Which reminds me of a famous unrelated quote:

"Television is called a medium because it's so rarely well done" -- Ernie Kovacs
BREAKING NEWS: Winter snow storm in the Northeast during winter...
It is still autumn. Global Cooling?
Yes, Winter isnt official until Dec 21 the winter solstice..

Winter Solstice 2018
Friday, December 21
  • (in 24 days)
  • Damn liberals dont even know how to read a calendar...Good job there public education aaronland is another masterpiece of work...
Educating libs. Its our burden.
Another STUPID :asshole: Trumpist falling for the same fake Time cover they have been falling for for over a decade!!!
The real cover:

Another STUPID :asshole: Trumpist falling for the same fake Time cover they have been falling for for over a decade!!!
The real cover:

In 1977 I was 19 years old and my farther brought that issue home.. Since you faggots are the art of deception, you then try to rewrite history with your propaganda liberal media machine.. Sorry dude, I am going to remind you fuckers over and over how corrupt your side is...
Another STUPID :asshole: Trumpist falling for the same fake Time cover they have been falling for for over a decade!!!
The real cover:

In 1977 I was 19 years old and my farther brought that issue home..

Then your father had a fucking time machine because that cover didn't exist until 2007.

>> The faked image illustrates one of the fake-skeptics’ favorite myths: The 1970s Ice Age Scare. It goes something like this:
  • In the 1970s the scientists were all predicting global cooling and a future ice age.
  • The media served as the scientists’ lapdog parroting the alarming news.
  • The ice age never came---the scientists were dead wrong.
  • Now those same scientists are predicting global warming (or is it “climate change” now?)
The entire purpose of this myth is to suggest that "scientists can’t be trusted, that they will say/claim/predict whatever to get their names in the newspapers, and that the media falls for it all the time. They were wrong about ice ages in the 1970s, they are wrong now about global warming" .

But why fake the 1977 cover? Since, according to the fake-skeptics, there was so much news coverage of the imminent ice age why not just use a real 1970s cover?

I searched around on Time’s website and looked through all of the covers from the 1970s. I was shocked (shocked!) to find not a single cover with the promise of an in-depth, special report on the Coming Ice Age. What about this cover from December 1973 with Archie Bunker shivering in his chair entitled “The Big Freeze”? Nope, that’s about the Energy Crisis. Maybe this cover from January 1977, again entitled “The Big Freeze”? Nope, that’s about the weather. How about this one from December 1979, “The Cooling of America”? Again with the Energy Crisis. <<​

However we will concede that in 1977 you were still a DUMBASS.

Last edited:
New England braces for winter storm
More than 1,600 flights within, into or out of the US were canceled Monday, according to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was hit particularly hard, with more than 1,300 flight cancellations and delays averaging more than 40 minutes because of heavy snowfall.
The storm brought heavy snow from Colorado and Wyoming, where up to 60 inches of snow fell, through the Midwest, including Iowa, which got up to 17 inches. The storm hit the Chicago area hard, with more than 7 inches of snow, making it the strongest November storm since 1975 and the fifth-largest on record for the month.
How can this be since 1975 the Earf(inner city folks dialect) has been warming up to the point the Arctic shouldn't have any ice left. Because the liberal scam has once again been shown how fucked up it is, by Mother Nature...God doesn't believe in Man Made Global Warming..
Northern California depends on our winter snowpack for our water.
Another STUPID :asshole: Trumpist falling for the same fake Time cover they have been falling for for over a decade!!!
The real cover:

In 1977 I was 19 years old and my farther brought that issue home.. Since you faggots are the art of deception, you then try to rewrite history with your propaganda liberal media machine.. Sorry dude, I am going to remind you fuckers over and over how corrupt your side is...
When lying scum Trumpists get caught lying they simply lie some more.

From Time itself, you worthless lying scum POS!
The Real TIME Cover Behind That Fake 'Ice Age' Report
Another STUPID :asshole: Trumpist falling for the same fake Time cover they have been falling for for over a decade!!!
The real cover:

In 1977 I was 19 years old and my farther brought that issue home..

Then your father had a fucking time machine because that cover didn't exist until 2007.

>> The faked image illustrates one of the fake-skeptics’ favorite myths: The 1970s Ice Age Scare. It goes something like this:
  • In the 1970s the scientists were all predicting global cooling and a future ice age.
  • The media served as the scientists’ lapdog parroting the alarming news.
  • The ice age never came---the scientists were dead wrong.
  • Now those same scientists are predicting global warming (or is it “climate change” now?)
The entire purpose of this myth is to suggest that "scientists can’t be trusted, that they will say/claim/predict whatever to get their names in the newspapers, and that the media falls for it all the time. They were wrong about ice ages in the 1970s, they are wrong now about global warming" .

But why fake the 1977 cover? Since, according to the fake-skeptics, there was so much news coverage of the imminent ice age why not just use a real 1970s cover?

I searched around on Time’s website and looked through all of the covers from the 1970s. I was shocked (shocked!) to find not a single cover with the promise of an in-depth, special report on the Coming Ice Age. What about this cover from December 1973 with Archie Bunker shivering in his chair entitled “The Big Freeze”? Nope, that’s about the Energy Crisis. Maybe this cover from January 1977, again entitled “The Big Freeze”? Nope, that’s about the weather. How about this one from December 1979, “The Cooling of America”? Again with the Energy Crisis. <<​

However we will concede that in 1977 you were still a DUMBASS.


Oh and sorry, that's not Snopes, the favorite poison-the-well target of the rhetorically unarmed.

This would be Snopes. Exposing the same bullshit.

And this would be Time Magazine itself.

What the hell kind of sleazeball would fake a Time Magazine cover to make a fake point?
Funny how the OP suddenly got r e a l q u i e t after being exposed as a fraud.
Yeah, back in 1977 we had a major ice storm mixed with a major Snow storm, At that time the Libtards were howling that the New Ice Age was coming.

No, you're lying, as you always do. By 1977, everyone was already correctly predicting global warming.

That is, except for your retard cult, which was predicting an ice age then, and it still predicting an ice age now. Your cult's Holy Ice Age never arrives, but you still have faith. Your cult has been totally wrong about every single thing for over 40 years now. You're the brainwashed acolyte of a cult that worships failure, which accounts for all the laughter directed at you.

Come on dumbass liberals(redundant statement) consensus science once again has been shot down by God who doesn't believe in your false religion...

Scientologists and flat-earthers also scream that the normal people are the real cultists, and that all evidence contradicting cult dogma is a wicked conspiracy against the cult. You're displaying standard cultist behavior.

A fine kook paranoia piece, also standard cultist behavior.

and the call extends from the spittle-flecked fanatics to the usually sober New York Times (see below).

View attachment 231119 View attachment 231120

First you're obviously retarded for confusing Time Magazine with the New York Times.

Second, as others have pointed out, you're just faking evidence now, another cultist trait. The first image is about a natural gas shortage, and the second is an outright fabrication.

The 1970s Ice Age Myth and Time Magazine Covers - by David Kirtley | ScienceBlogs

Your masters fed you a fraudulent image. That's not debatable. If you were an honest man with a spine, you'd call them to task and demand to know why they lied to you. But you won't. Instead, you'll drop to your knees, lick their boots even more fervently, thank them for the lying to you, and then beg for more lies. That's how cultists roll.
Last edited:
BREAKING NEWS: Winter snow storm in the Northeast during winter...
It is still autumn. Global Cooling?
Yes, Winter isnt official until Dec 21 the winter solstice..

Winter Solstice 2018
Friday, December 21
  • (in 24 days)
  • Damn liberals dont even know how to read a calendar...Good job there public education aaronland is another masterpiece of work...

Special note for the Illiterati:

The phrase "Winter Storm" doesn't necessarily mean "a storm that happens in winter". Consider that rain can happen during the winter season as well.

The adjective "winter" here describes what kind of weather this particular storm carries, i.e. that kind associated with winter (snow/ice). Regardless WHEN it happens. Could be March 23rd.

WHO KNEW language was so versatile. Not those with obstinate minds, that's fer sure.

In fairness I did say "during winter". But then I never pay attention to the actual date. Once it starts getting cold it's winter in my mind. :dunno:
New England braces for winter storm
More than 1,600 flights within, into or out of the US were canceled Monday, according to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was hit particularly hard, with more than 1,300 flight cancellations and delays averaging more than 40 minutes because of heavy snowfall.
The storm brought heavy snow from Colorado and Wyoming, where up to 60 inches of snow fell, through the Midwest, including Iowa, which got up to 17 inches. The storm hit the Chicago area hard, with more than 7 inches of snow, making it the strongest November storm since 1975 and the fifth-largest on record for the month.
How can this be since 1975 the Earf(inner city folks dialect) has been warming up to the point the Arctic shouldn't have any ice left. Because the liberal scam has once again been shown how fucked up it is, by Mother Nature...God doesn't believe in Man Made Global Warming..
But, but, but ... cold weather causes global warming~!
We know that you are stupid, you do not have to try to prove it to us. Look at the map. Ever hear of the Polar Vortex? Look it up, and see what warmer water exposed in the Arctic Ocean does to it.
But the Arctic Ocean is Ice Free and you can sail all over it, right? I mean after all these years of the Earf, warming up, 32 degrees is a thing of the past.....And the bitch calls me stupid...…

The End of the Arctic? Ocean Could be Ice Free by 2015
How can this be since 1975 the Earf(inner city folks dialect) has been warming up to the point the Arctic shouldn't have any ice left. Because the liberal scam has once again been shown how fucked up it is, by Mother Nature...God doesn't believe in Man Made Global Warming..

Another knucklehead who doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate.
I'm still waiting for even one of the leftards to figure out how we are experiencing theoretical maximum cooling of -90 deg C at BOTH poles when their magical warming blanket of CO2 is covering the planet...

No Tropospheric hot spot..

Maximum cooling theoretically possible at the poles...

Ice rebound in both polar regions...

AND bitter cold in the mid latitudes that is 20-30 deg F BELOW NORMAL...

Things that should not be possible in a anthropologically warming world ARE HAPPENING TODAY.. And not one of the leftist retards has a clue..
How can this be since 1975 the Earf(inner city folks dialect) has been warming up to the point the Arctic shouldn't have any ice left. Because the liberal scam has once again been shown how fucked up it is, by Mother Nature...God doesn't believe in Man Made Global Warming..

Another knucklehead who doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate.
Its only weather if its cooling... When its warming its AGW...

Speaking of idiots who conflate the terms.... Hypocrites..

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