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Novak: Guilliani Running '08

CharlestonChad said:
Bush and Cheney never retaliated after Kerry kept calling out Cheney for having a Lesbian daughter. It worked for them, so why can't it work for McCain?

He never "called him out" for having a lesbian daughter. And John Edwards made similar comments, although he was a bit more well-spoken when he did. Never bothered anyone.

By the by, big difference, too...Mary Cheney IS a lesbian. McCain did not father an illegitimate black child...which was the implication of the push poll I was referring to.
jillian said:
He never "called him out" for having a lesbian daughter. And John Edwards made similar comments, although he was a bit more well-spoken when he did. Never bothered anyone.

By the by, big difference, too...Mary Cheney IS a lesbian. McCain did not father an illegitimate black child...which was the implication of the push poll I was referring to.

John "I Served in Viet Nam" Kerry was pandering to the gays with his comment, and at the same time he took a shot at VP Cheney
jillian said:
Thank you. Interesting how things change, though. A few months ago, I'd have said that McCain was a shoe-in for the Republican nod. Long time til November, 2008, though. So will be interesting to watch how things play out.

I dont know why you thought that. McCain will never get the nomination. and if this is true and Guiliani is running McCain has even less of a shot because Guiliani would be cutting into his votes more than the more conservative candidates.
Avatar4321 said:
I dont know why you thought that. McCain will never get the nomination. and if this is true and Guiliani is running McCain has even less of a shot because Guiliani would be cutting into his votes more than the more conservative candidates.

Why did I think that? Because before he threw in with the admin and started playing both sides of the fence, McCain had available to him the same pool of voters that is now available to Giuliani...maybe even deeper.

I agree with your assessment that a Giuliani candidacy would cut into McCain's voters. I don't think it would have any affect at all on the far right vote as they would never, under any circumstances vote for Rudy, IMO.
red states rule said:
So you will stay home, pout, and perhaps let the Dems win?

RSR, theres a difference between the game of politics and actually changing the country.

Going along with Republicans because they arent Democrats is no better than what Democrats do everyday. If you want to change the way things are, then you have to elect people that can make change and not just win elections. Otherwise you get the same old crap wrapped in a new package.

As for Gulianni, i want Fiscal reform. I want lower taxes and less government drain programs like the War on Poverty. If he can change those around, then i could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any of those social matters. Social matters are for the states to decide. The money needs to be controlled by the Federal Government. Too much is wasted and it needs to end. Whatever Conservative candidate that I think can deliver on financial reform, he will get my vote in 08.
insein said:
RSR, theres a difference between the game of politics and actually changing the country.

Going along with Republicans because they arent Democrats is no better than what Democrats do everyday. If you want to change the way things are, then you have to elect people that can make change and not just win elections. Otherwise you get the same old crap wrapped in a new package.

As for Gulianni, i want Fiscal reform. I want lower taxes and less government drain programs like the War on Poverty. If he can change those around, then i could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any of those social matters. Social matters are for the states to decide. The money needs to be controlled by the Federal Government. Too much is wasted and it needs to end. Whatever Conservative candidate that I think can deliver on financial reform, he will get my vote in 08.

Without Pres Bush and Republicans, we would not be killing terrorists, we would not have 2 Conservatives on the SC, and we would not have the tax cuts that has lit up the economy.

With libs running things we would be at the mercy of terrorists, liberal Judges ignoring the US Constitution, and the economy would be in recession with higher taxes sucking the life out of the economy
With Clinton running the country we had peace, a booming economy, a budget surplus, a sensible foreign policy, and respect around the world.

With Bush we are at war (and don't blame the war in Iraq on 9/11), recession, the highest energy costs since the oil embargo, huge and growing budget deficits and national debt, and are reviled around the world.

Which sounds better to you?

McCain is trying to set himself up to get the GOP nomination by moving way right on a lot of issues. Giuliani has no chance, he's far too liberal. McCain can move the right, but the party still wants someone it can control, so McCain won't win either. The GOP's Golden Boy in 2008 will be George Allen of Virginia, a faithful far-right conservative who will tow the party line.

Democrats will counter with sensible center-left candidate like Evan Bayh of Indiana, Joe Biden of Delaware, or John Edwards of North Carolina.

acludem said:
With Clinton running the country we had peace, a booming economy, a budget surplus, a sensible foreign policy, and respect around the world.

With Bush we are at war (and don't blame the war in Iraq on 9/11), recession, the highest energy costs since the oil embargo, huge and growing budget deficits and national debt, and are reviled around the world.

Which sounds better to you?

McCain is trying to set himself up to get the GOP nomination by moving way right on a lot of issues. Giuliani has no chance, he's far too liberal. McCain can move the right, but the party still wants someone it can control, so McCain won't win either. The GOP's Golden Boy in 2008 will be George Allen of Virginia, a faithful far-right conservative who will tow the party line.

Democrats will counter with sensible center-left candidate like Evan Bayh of Indiana, Joe Biden of Delaware, or John Edwards of North Carolina.


With Clinto we were hit 5 times by terrorists and Clinton did nothing.

A booming economy? That is when the corporations were cooking their books, and the stock markert crashed when the Clinton Injustice Dept went after Microsoft.

He raised taxes on folks on Social Security - what compassion

The economy was in recesssion when Pres Bush was swron in in 2001

Our foreign policy allowed the Koreans to build up their missle technology, and allowed terrorists to grwo and fester

Yes, Clinton did well - if you lived in another country
red states rule said:
With Clinto we were hit 5 times by terrorists and Clinton did nothing.

A booming economy? That is when the corporations were cooking their books, and the stock markert crashed when the Clinton Injustice Dept went after Microsoft.

He raised taxes on folks on Social Security - what compassion

The economy was in recesssion when Pres Bush was swron in in 2001

Our foreign policy allowed the Koreans to build up their missle technology, and allowed terrorists to grwo and fester

Yes, Clinton did well - if you lived in another country

Clinton did nothing? Clinton had the best terrorism experts working for him toward the end of his administration. When Bush took office he chose to ignore them allowing the 9/11 attack to occur. Clinton raised taxes on everyone because he understood it had to happen in order to get the federal budget in order. Clinton engaged the North Koreans. Bush threatened and belittled them. The economy was headed that way in 2001 because of all the corporate scandals. Bush did nothing about that either, and it continued to go on even worse under his watch. The Clinton Justice Department I cannot defend, it was run by the second-worst Attorney General in the history of the office, Janet Reno. The worst was John Ashcroft. Reno was only incompetent, Ashcroft was incompetent and malicious.

acludem said:
Clinton did nothing? Clinton had the best terrorism experts working for him toward the end of his administration. When Bush took office he chose to ignore them allowing the 9/11 attack to occur. Clinton raised taxes on everyone because he understood it had to happen in order to get the federal budget in order. Clinton engaged the North Koreans. Bush threatened and belittled them. The economy was headed that way in 2001 because of all the corporate scandals. Bush did nothing about that either, and it continued to go on even worse under his watch. The Clinton Justice Department I cannot defend, it was run by the second-worst Attorney General in the history of the office, Janet Reno. The worst was John Ashcroft. Reno was only incompetent, Ashcroft was incompetent and malicious.


Best terrorist advice? For the terrorists perhaps. Remeber the 5 attacks that killed Americans? Remember running like hell in Mogadishu and OBL called the
US a paper tiger

The North Koreans love Clinton. His stupidity by trusting them is what they wanted

Now with tax cuts the economy is booming not in recession under Clinton
red states rule said:
Without Pres Bush and Republicans, we would not be killing terrorists, we would not have 2 Conservatives on the SC, and we would not have the tax cuts that has lit up the economy.

With libs running things we would be at the mercy of terrorists, liberal Judges ignoring the US Constitution, and the economy would be in recession with higher taxes sucking the life out of the economy

Your missing the point. When you vote for the guy who you think will win you get Arlen Specter. The guy won but is he really that great a republican? No. What people should have done was vote for the real conservative Pat Toomey in the primaries that year. Unfortunately we're stuck with Specter for another 4 years.

You need to vote based on Principle and not based on who can win. Cause once you simplify it to a game, then you play right into the politicians hands.
With a president, you've got to take the good and the bad of his term and decide if he was a worthy leader of our nation. Clinton had his ups and downs. Yeah the economy was booming and we were in a time of peace, but he did get a BJ on the job, and sold nuclear blueprints to the Chinese (and basically NK).

With Bush, we can all find the bad things he's done, but what are the good things he's done?
CharlestonChad said:
With a president, you've got to take the good and the bad of his term and decide if he was a worthy leader of our nation. Clinton had his ups and downs. Yeah the economy was booming and we were in a time of peace, but he did get a BJ on the job, and sold nuclear blueprints to the Chinese (and basically NK).

With Bush, we can all find the bad things he's done, but what are the good things he's done?

Militarily engaged radical islam, cut taxes

CharlestonChad said:
With a president, you've got to take the good and the bad of his term and decide if he was a worthy leader of our nation. Clinton had his ups and downs. Yeah the economy was booming and we were in a time of peace, but he did get a BJ on the job, and sold nuclear blueprints to the Chinese (and basically NK).

With Bush, we can all find the bad things he's done, but what are the good things he's done?

Thats where your blind hatred for Bush keeps you from having any credibility here.

What He's done good.

- Bush has had a booming economy for basically 5 out of the 6 years of his term in office.

- He has cut taxes for all Americans.

- All this while fighting 2 wars forced upon him by Radical Islamists.

- After the attacks on 9/11, he has managed to keep Americans safe in this country despite the fact that increasing number of terrorist attacks are occuring in major cities around the world (England, Spain, India, France, Russia, etc)

- Has appointed 2 conservative judges to the Supreme Court who will hopefully follow the Constitution instead of reinventing it.

What he's done poorly.

- He has spent way too much money on needless programs like medicaid and the like.

- He hasnt let the military people fight the wars as a military. Meaning we still worry too much about terrorists rights and not the safety of our own soldiers.

- He has had very poor communication from his press secretary on the good things that he has done while in office. Also along that note, he hasnt properly responded to the baseless accusations made daily against his administration causing much confusion among the American people.

- He has refused to address the problem of border patrol in a way that doesn't involve amnesty for 15 million illegal immigrants. He hasnt stopped the flood from coming in.

- He keeps allowing congressional Republicans to get caught up in petty arguments about Flag burning and gay marriage instead of cutting spending and dead weight programs like the War on Poverty.
jillian said:
Attack and occupy a country that wasn't a threat to us.

Running up a massive deficit and weakening our armed forces and world standing in the process.

Next. :dunno:

Scroll up, Jillian--its supposed to be about good things !
jillian said:
There aren't any. The things you pointed to aren't accurate, IMO. Sorry...I've really tried to find something, anything I think he does well.

well damn, at least be creative enough to call him a good liar. You're an embarassment to your fellow lefties !!:D
jillian said:
There aren't any. The things you pointed to aren't accurate, IMO. Sorry...I've really tried to find something, anything I think he does well.

Because you arent intellectually honest.

Clinton Good Things:

- He worked with Newt and The Republican controlled congress and managed to put through alot of good things for the economy.

- Started some kind of welfare reform though more needs to be done.

- Had a booming economy for about 6 out of the 8 years he was in office.

Clinton Bad things:

- Didnt respond properly to the growing threat of Islam.

- The last year of office, the economy started into a recession.

- Dealt with North Korea and China extremely poorly. He was too naive with nuclear secrets with both of them.

- Allowed himself to jeopardize the nation by having extramarital affairs. The chinese had threatened to blackmail Clinton with the Monica info before it went public.
acludem said:
With Clinton running the country we had peace, a booming economy, a budget surplus, a sensible foreign policy, and respect around the world.

With Bush we are at war (and don't blame the war in Iraq on 9/11), recession, the highest energy costs since the oil embargo, huge and growing budget deficits and national debt, and are reviled around the world.

Which sounds better to you?

McCain is trying to set himself up to get the GOP nomination by moving way right on a lot of issues. Giuliani has no chance, he's far too liberal. McCain can move the right, but the party still wants someone it can control, so McCain won't win either. The GOP's Golden Boy in 2008 will be George Allen of Virginia, a faithful far-right conservative who will tow the party line.

Democrats will counter with sensible center-left candidate like Evan Bayh of Indiana, Joe Biden of Delaware, or John Edwards of North Carolina.


Please, we didnt have respect around the world with Clinton in office. I heard alot more about us being disrespected during his Presidency than I have during the Bush administration.

The so called budget surplus didnt exist. It never existed.

Clinton inherited a booming economy and left us with a recession.

We had terrorists waging war on us with little or no response.

What is sensible about a foreign policy where we wait for terrorists to attack? Whats sensible about going to the UN for permission to defend ourselves? Of course the rest of the world likes when we defer to them. But real leadership requires you to take a stand. And Democrats refuse to stand for anything that doesnt involve immorality.

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