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Novak: Guilliani Running '08

Kathianne said:
Actually if you look at the bulk of Democrats, they do want strong defense, including the borders. The problem with the DNC, is their active base is to the extreme left, ala listening to Kos. Then as has been the case for the past 30 years, many of their most vocal, just do not vote.

There are plenty of democrats who live traditional lives, while seriously believing that others should be able 'to live as they want', or 'be living better, in such a rich country', assuming their are great hordes of people, (poor people starving en masse; poor women unable to get abortions; children living in crack houses; gays being left to die, without the comfort of their partners, rejected by their families, etc.), that need the support of government. Like Bill Clinton, 'they feel their pain.'

So you end up with 'socially liberal, strong on defense.' Someone like Guilliani does appeal to that. He would get more mainstream democratic votes, than he would lose from some at the far right of the GOP. I believe that Jeff, quite high on the 'right' side of the spectrum, has stated he could vote for Guilliani.

That's my take. :dunno:

Well said, and dead right. :bow2:
red states rule said:
Moderate are nothing. Mods are people who do not make up their mind on anything until they are certain which side is going to win

Tell me where I can buy the book "Great Moderates in US Politics"

Jesus chirst, get a grip on reality. Believe it or not(probably not), there are people out there who decide how they vote by choosing the best candidate, not the one "their" party nominates. That person is called a moderate.

"This country is run by extremist b/c everyone else has shit to do"-John Stewart

"There are no great politicians, there are shitty politicians and less shitty politicians."-CharlestonChad...you can put that in your signature if you want;)
William Joyce said:
An important distinction between the conservative and the liberal view. Of course, conservatives are right. Nothing has brought on more human misery, more waste, more hate, more resentment, more failure, more crushing of spirit, more horror than the drive to make everyone and every thing "equal."

K, it must be tough to be a conservative teacher --- education is a profession shot through with libbies.

Well at least someone here considers me a conservative, though not of the same ilk as WJ. ;) You're right on that WJ, sometimes it's tough. I deal too often with the ideology that I should be ever cognizant of the 'egos' of my students. I reply, "I am." I believe they can perform and they do.

I've had kids come to my classes in 6th grade reading at '3rd' or'4th' grade level. By 8th grade I can confidently recommend them for highest tract in high school. On the other hand, I've had 2 that came into 6th at high level, by 8th grade had to say they belonged in lowest tract, because of their effort.

Choices. To me, that is the difference.
Rudy Giuliani may run for President, but he won't get the GOP nomination. He's pro-choice, he supports gay rights, he's divorced (and in an ugly public fashion that includes adultery), and he's not a pro-gun hardliner. The ruling right-wing of the GOP won't have him. He's far too liberal for them. The GOP candidate is far more likely to be a good, southern conservative like George Allen of Virginia. If Rudy is the candidate, the far right will bolt the party and support a third party candidate (i.e. Pat Buchanan) that matches their hardline social views, thus throwing the election to the Democrats.

acludem said:
Rudy Giuliani may run for President, but he won't get the GOP nomination. He's pro-choice, he supports gay rights, he's divorced (and in an ugly public fashion that includes adultery), and he's not a pro-gun hardliner. The ruling right-wing of the GOP won't have him. He's far too liberal for them. The GOP candidate is far more likely to be a good, southern conservative like George Allen of Virginia. If Rudy is the candidate, the far right will bolt the party and support a third party candidate (i.e. Pat Buchanan) that matches their hardline social views, thus throwing the election to the Democrats.


A political party will do almost anything it takes to win an election. If
Giuliani can get a sure victory, I'll be shocked if the republican party passes on that opprotunity.
The Republican Party is controlled by the religious right. There is no way the religious right is going to allow the nomination of a pro-choice, pro-gay candidate. Won't happen. George Allen is the most likely GOP candidate for President. The Democrats, I hope, will counter someone other than Hillary Clinton (I don't hate her, I just think she has far too much baggage to get elected) and will win.

red states rule said:
Get ready to vote Rudy. What Hillary wants - Hillary gets

The Clintons care not about the people, the party, or the country.

The Clintons care only about the Clintons

I for one will be delighted when the Red Queen is the libs choice in 08

I doubt she will be the candidate.

My primary vote will probably head toward a democrat from south of the mason dixon line. I think many other democrats also see that Hillary is not exactly a popular woman.
acludem said:
The Republican Party is controlled by the religious right. There is no way the religious right is going to allow the nomination of a pro-choice, pro-gay candidate. Won't happen. George Allen is the most likely GOP candidate for President. The Democrats, I hope, will counter someone other than Hillary Clinton (I don't hate her, I just think she has far too much baggage to get elected) and will win.


I would normally argee with you...


Ronald Reagan was able to convince the religious right that he was a good candidate for them. They supported him and helped earn him an election victory. He turned out to be a lot of talk on social issues, and not nearly as much substance as they would have liked.

By the time the '84 election rolled around, the religious right had their hands tied. America was standing behind Reagan and there was nothing the evangelicals could do but grumble about what he was not doing.

Perhaps Rudy could pull off a similar feat and earn the republican ticket.
1549 said:
I would normally argee with you...


Ronald Reagan was able to convince the religious right that he was a good candidate for them. They supported him and helped earn him an election victory. He turned out to be a lot of talk on social issues, and not nearly as much substance as they would have liked.

By the time the '84 election rolled around, the religious right had their hands tied. America was standing behind Reagan and there was nothing the evangelicals could do but grumble about what he was not doing.

Perhaps Rudy could pull off a similar feat and earn the republican ticket.

I don't think so for a number of reasons. First, Giuliani's views on social issues are well known. If he moved off of them, he'd lose the support of dems and moderate republicans who would vote for him. Second, the radical religious right is far more entrenched in the republican party now than they were 26 years ago. Frankly, it's unlikely that even Reagan would get the Republican nod today.
jillian said:
I don't think so for a number of reasons. First, Giuliani's views on social issues are well known. If he moved off of them, he'd lose the support of dems and moderate republicans who would vote for him. Second, the radical religious right is far more entrenched in the republican party now than they were 26 years ago. Frankly, it's unlikely that even Reagan would get the Republican nod today.

Good points, you are probably right.
1549 said:
Good points, you are probably right.

Thank you. Interesting how things change, though. A few months ago, I'd have said that McCain was a shoe-in for the Republican nod. Long time til November, 2008, though. So will be interesting to watch how things play out.
CharlestonChad said:
Can Rudy run on an independant ticket? If he could, he'd have huge amounts of support from intelligent voters from both parties.

If he doesn't get the republican nod, and I don't think he can given the primary system, he can and, I think, he will.
jillian said:
Thank you. Interesting how things change, though. A few months ago, I'd have said that McCain was a shoe-in for the Republican nod. Long time til November, 2008, though. So will be interesting to watch how things play out.
That's because you like him. The GOP base doesn't, for some reason neither the MSM nor McCain seem able to understand that. :dunno:
Kathianne said:
That's because you like him. The GOP base doesn't, for some reason neither the MSM nor McCain seem able to understand that. :dunno:
Yet McCain is on MSM television almost everyday. They seem to like him quite a bit. McCain's immigration position is outrageous and calculated to deliver Latino votes. He is supportive of the President's and Senate's proposed amnesty for illegal aliens. Maybe McCain's support for immigration amnesty is not enough to keep him out of the White House, but his state, Arizona, and mine, California, have been virtually overrun by illegal aliens. In Santa Barbara, about one month ago, I had to go to the emergency room due to an ankle injury. As far as I could tell, of the 20 or so people in the waiting room, I was the only one who spoke English. California is drowning in poor, uneducated immigrants whose presence suppress wages, and overwhelm public services. But McCain wants to give all these people amnesty. On the immigration issue alone, I would not vote for McCain.
onedomino said:
Yet McCain is on MSM television almost everyday. They seem to like him quite a bit. McCain's immigration position is outrageous and calculated to deliver Latino votes. He is supportive of the President's and Senate's proposed amnesty for illegal aliens. Maybe McCain's support for immigration amnesty is not enough to keep him out of the White House, but his state, Arizona, and mine, California, have been virtually overrun by illegal aliens. In Santa Barbara, about one month ago, I had to go to the emergency room due to an ankle injury. As far as I could tell, of the 20 or so people in the waiting room, I was the only one who spoke English. California is drowning in poor, uneducated immigrants whose presence suppress wages, and overwhelm public services. But McCain wants to give all these people amnesty. On the immigration issue alone, I would not vote for McCain.
Like Jillian, the MSM loves him. He should be running as a democrat. I agree with you about his postion on illegals, can't quite figure that one out.
Kathianne said:
Like Jillian, the MSM loves him. He should be running as a democrat. I agree with you about his postion on illegals, can't quite figure that one out.

Actually, I don't love him. I used to respect him. Now I think he's a shill for Bush. And he certainly isn't a democrat. Actually, my big issue with him is I don't understand why he never responded to the attacks of the Bush camp on his kid. I always figured that attacks on the politico are fair game... their kids are off limits. So...if someone attacked my child because I ran for office, I wouldn't make kissy face with them by the Grand Canyon after.
jillian said:
Actually, I don't love him. I used to respect him. Now I think he's a shill for Bush. And he certainly isn't a democrat. Actually, my big issue with him is I don't understand why he never responded to the attacks of the Bush camp on his kid. I always figured that attacks on the politico are fair game... their kids are off limits. So...if someone attacked my child because I ran for office, I wouldn't make kissy face with them by the Grand Canyon after.

Bush and Cheney never retaliated after Kerry kept calling out Cheney for having a Lesbian daughter. It worked for them, so why can't it work for McCain?
red states rule said:
Do you think John "I served in Viet Nam" would do a better job?

Name one lib who would do a better job the Pres Bush

If you put any average Joe with some common sense into that job he would do better. Doesn't matter if he's liberal or conservative.
jillian said:
Actually, I don't love him. I used to respect him. Now I think he's a shill for Bush. And he certainly isn't a democrat. Actually, my big issue with him is I don't understand why he never responded to the attacks of the Bush camp on his kid. I always figured that attacks on the politico are fair game... their kids are off limits. So...if someone attacked my child because I ran for office, I wouldn't make kissy face with them by the Grand Canyon after.

Libs do hate anyone who agrees with Pres Bush on anything. Look at what the kook left is doing to Joe Lieberman.

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