November 18, 2017


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
Starts gun hunting season up here in Wisconsin. It does for a 9 day stretch. This is my bread and butter time. I rent out my land, the barn, a few trailers, etc. Amenities include electricity, rest rooms, water (hot where available), sewage hook up, even the services of an on-site Nurse and/or Nurse Practitioner. I also have an indoor pool I rent out. I deal strictly in cash or bartered goods and services. While still a male dominated event, more families seems to be getting involved including females.

To me at least, hunters are their own breed of people, apart from your gun enthusiast that is. There are some pretty terrific guys up here who took their time with some urban bred girl, and taught her how to track, hunt and kill, deer, among other animals. This includes field dressing. To me, it's learning a survival skill. I'm somewhat good with a rifle but far deadlier with a handgun. At any rate, I can put meat on the table and cook it too.

I get people from Wisconsin and Illinois but also from Iowa, Ohio, Indiana and even Kentucky. Always good camaraderie, respect and an attitude of fun.
and i bitch about my hubby letting hunters bait our pasture....

a lot of women hunt here and younger girls are doing it...there is an active hunters club for kids here...

hunters helping kids

I'm not exactly anti-hunting per se, for I see fishing trapping small game as a skill worth having. When I went backpacking in my younger days, I much preferred to eat fresh rabbit or fish with cooked clover and a dandelion, cattail, and wild asparagus salad to freeze dried MREs. [1] That said, in contrast with subsistence hunting, I'm not keen about trophy hunting, but I'll give it a "pass" if the creature killed isn't a species that is at risk of going extinct in part but not limited to its numbers being slight enough that inbreeding among the remaining individuals in a given region is nearly or absolutely unavoidable.

  1. From my backpacker days, I gained a real appreciation of just how much time our hunter-gather ancestors must have spent trying to get protein. It doesn't take much effort to trap something, but it could take quite some time for a critter to be caught in one's traps. Many were the days I was glad we'd brought MREs rather than rely upon trapping and fishing. Fishing was somewhat more reliable than was trapping, to say nothing of having to set traps way, way "off the beaten path" (the one's campers and backpackers most often used), but evenso, it was hardly certain that one would catch enough and/or large enough fish to sate a party of four adults.
i am not much for seeing animals starve to death from over population....deer esp. and hunters are the first line of defense in reporting health issues in a lot of species...great example of that...ducks unlimited...saved the ducks
"hunters are their own breed of people, apart from your gun enthusiast" How do you know this? Do you rent your barn out to gun enthusiasts in the off season?
Starts gun hunting season up here in Wisconsin. It does for a 9 day stretch. This is my bread and butter time. I rent out my land, the barn, a few trailers, etc. Amenities include electricity, rest rooms, water (hot where available), sewage hook up, even the services of an on-site Nurse and/or Nurse Practitioner. I also have an indoor pool I rent out. I deal strictly in cash or bartered goods and services. While still a male dominated event, more families seems to be getting involved including females.

To me at least, hunters are their own breed of people, apart from your gun enthusiast that is. There are some pretty terrific guys up here who took their time with some urban bred girl, and taught her how to track, hunt and kill, deer, among other animals. This includes field dressing. To me, it's learning a survival skill. I'm somewhat good with a rifle but far deadlier with a handgun. At any rate, I can put meat on the table and cook it too.

I get people from Wisconsin and Illinois but also from Iowa, Ohio, Indiana and even Kentucky. Always good camaraderie, respect and an attitude of fun.

Reported. Prepare for swatted.

Starts gun hunting season up here in Wisconsin. It does for a 9 day stretch. This is my bread and butter time. I rent out my land, the barn, a few trailers, etc. Amenities include electricity, rest rooms, water (hot where available), sewage hook up, even the services of an on-site Nurse and/or Nurse Practitioner. I also have an indoor pool I rent out. I deal strictly in cash or bartered goods and services. While still a male dominated event, more families seems to be getting involved including females.

To me at least, hunters are their own breed of people, apart from your gun enthusiast that is. There are some pretty terrific guys up here who took their time with some urban bred girl, and taught her how to track, hunt and kill, deer, among other animals. This includes field dressing. To me, it's learning a survival skill. I'm somewhat good with a rifle but far deadlier with a handgun. At any rate, I can put meat on the table and cook it too.

I get people from Wisconsin and Illinois but also from Iowa, Ohio, Indiana and even Kentucky. Always good camaraderie, respect and an attitude of fun.
"hunters are their own breed of people, apart from your gun enthusiast" How do you know this? Do you rent your barn out to gun enthusiasts in the off season?
As a matter of fact, yes I do. I have my own shooting range....500, expandable to 600 yards. Two thirds of it are surrounded by natural berms. I have been thinking of buying some horses and using it to ride them.
"hunters are their own breed of people, apart from your gun enthusiast" How do you know this? Do you rent your barn out to gun enthusiasts in the off season?
As a matter of fact, yes I do. I have my own shooting range....500, expandable to 600 yards. Two thirds of it are surrounded by natural berms. I have been thinking of buying some horses and using it to ride them.
Cool. You mentioned there is a difference in these breeds of gunners. What is it you've observed that differs between hunters and gun enthusiasts?
Are you going to answer my question?

As the late great Louis Armstrong once said; "If you had to ask the question, you ain't never gonna know the answer."
In your OP, your differentiated two types of gun users. I'm a gun user but don't fit in either category and so I wondered about the remark. I politely asked what you meant. Now I wonder why you are being so evasive. Louis Armstrong would probably wonder too.

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