Now cortez claims the world ends in 12 years

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VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
She wants us to stop having kids also.
Whats next .

Is she gods gift to the republican party .

Did she eat one 2 many tide pods.

Is she a true naturally born idiot.

Ok all joking side the new green deal would cost every house hold between 300 g and 400 g do you have that kind of money.
How can reasonable democrats agree with her the woman has serious issues in my opnion.
I want to see republicans and democrats work together but with pelosi cortez Omar Schumer Talib waters you will never have sensable thinking.
What island were you vacationing at the past few months? :p
I'm really behind. I procrastinate, I admit.

I still ain't died from the dyin I was supposed to do during the truly frightful global cooling emergency of the 70's.

And I was too busy to die back when gore said we would.

Same with the end of the Mayan calendar fright and super skeery y2k.

I'm tired of folks yelling the end is near at me.

Bring it bitches!
Y2K was the biggest hoax in American history before the Russian Hoax. :p

Am I crazy or is she kind of hot?

She wants us to stop having kids also.
Whats next .

Is she gods gift to the republican party .

Did she eat one 2 many tide pods.

Is she a true naturally born idiot.

Ok all joking side the new green deal would cost every house hold between 300 g and 400 g do you have that kind of money.
How can reasonable democrats agree with her the woman has serious issues in my opnion.
I want to see republicans and democrats work together but with pelosi cortez Omar Schumer Talib waters you will never have sensable thinking.

Shit you are ignorant...maybe flat out dumb.

She is naive. Maybe even delusional about certain things.

But she is not an 'idiot'.

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

It is almost impossible to graduate 'cum laude' at a well respected university and be an 'idiot' (and look it up because you DON'T know what 'cum laude' means...even if you claim you do).

She wants us to stop having kids also.
Whats next .

Is she gods gift to the republican party .

Did she eat one 2 many tide pods.

Is she a true naturally born idiot.

Ok all joking side the new green deal would cost every house hold between 300 g and 400 g do you have that kind of money.
How can reasonable democrats agree with her the woman has serious issues in my opnion.
I want to see republicans and democrats work together but with pelosi cortez Omar Schumer Talib waters you will never have sensable thinking.

Shit you are ignorant...maybe flat out dumb.

She is naive. Maybe even delusional about certain things.

But she is not an 'idiot'.

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

It is almost impossible to graduate 'cum laude' at a well respected university and be an 'idiot' (and look it up because you DON'T know what 'cum laude' means...even if you claim you do).


Don't forget, she's hot.
She wants us to stop having kids also.
Whats next .

Is she gods gift to the republican party .

Did she eat one 2 many tide pods.

Is she a true naturally born idiot.

Ok all joking side the new green deal would cost every house hold between 300 g and 400 g do you have that kind of money.
How can reasonable democrats agree with her the woman has serious issues in my opnion.
I want to see republicans and democrats work together but with pelosi cortez Omar Schumer Talib waters you will never have sensable thinking.

Shit you are ignorant...maybe flat out dumb.

She is naive. Maybe even delusional about certain things.

But she is not an 'idiot'.

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

It is almost impossible to graduate 'cum laude' at a well respected university and be an 'idiot' (and look it up because you DON'T know what 'cum laude' means...even if you claim you do).

In America if you have a little charisma and can talk it can help you immensely in life. A little luck does not hurt and she got it. But her policies/views are more in tune with poorer nations. There are tens of millions of people with this ability. But only a certain amount can make it. it would be more interesting if she was starting a business more then being a politician. Her policies are not good to the working class that are not privileged. If you are 20 to 30 grand above the poverty level it is open season.
She wants us to stop having kids also.
Whats next .

Is she gods gift to the republican party .

Did she eat one 2 many tide pods.

Is she a true naturally born idiot.

Ok all joking side the new green deal would cost every house hold between 300 g and 400 g do you have that kind of money.
How can reasonable democrats agree with her the woman has serious issues in my opnion.
I want to see republicans and democrats work together but with pelosi cortez Omar Schumer Talib waters you will never have sensable thinking.

Shit you are ignorant...maybe flat out dumb.

She is naive. Maybe even delusional about certain things.

But she is not an 'idiot'.

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

It is almost impossible to graduate 'cum laude' at a well respected university and be an 'idiot' (and look it up because you DON'T know what 'cum laude' means...even if you claim you do).

She said she will pay for the GND by the govt building more banks.
She also stated ny should use the money they saved from not giving 3b to amazon, and invest in infrastructure...
What about when she said unemployment is low because people are working 80 hours a week..
Maybe you are the idiot, if you think she isnt.
She is dumb as fuck.
Shit you are ignorant...maybe flat out dumb.

She is naive. Maybe even delusional about certain things.

But she is not an 'idiot'.

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

It is almost impossible to graduate 'cum laude' at a well respected university and be an 'idiot' (and look it up because you DON'T know what 'cum laude' means...even if you claim you do).

A poster girl for grade inflation and social promotion.
She wants us to stop having kids also.
Whats next .

Is she gods gift to the republican party .

Did she eat one 2 many tide pods.

Is she a true naturally born idiot.

Ok all joking side the new green deal would cost every house hold between 300 g and 400 g do you have that kind of money.
How can reasonable democrats agree with her the woman has serious issues in my opnion.
I want to see republicans and democrats work together but with pelosi cortez Omar Schumer Talib waters you will never have sensable thinking.

Shit you are ignorant...maybe flat out dumb.

She is naive. Maybe even delusional about certain things.

But she is not an 'idiot'.

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

It is almost impossible to graduate 'cum laude' at a well respected university and be an 'idiot' (and look it up because you DON'T know what 'cum laude' means...even if you claim you do).


Somehow, she managed to do it though. Of course she's book smart. Thats not difficult to do.
She wants us to stop having kids also.
Whats next .

Is she gods gift to the republican party .

Did she eat one 2 many tide pods.

Is she a true naturally born idiot.

Ok all joking side the new green deal would cost every house hold between 300 g and 400 g do you have that kind of money.
How can reasonable democrats agree with her the woman has serious issues in my opnion.
I want to see republicans and democrats work together but with pelosi cortez Omar Schumer Talib waters you will never have sensable thinking.

Shit you are ignorant...maybe flat out dumb.

She is naive. Maybe even delusional about certain things.

But she is not an 'idiot'.

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

It is almost impossible to graduate 'cum laude' at a well respected university and be an 'idiot' (and look it up because you DON'T know what 'cum laude' means...even if you claim you do).

Shes a idiot
CNN NOW SAYS cortez has done what no one has ever done before. Put her mail order furniture together while answeing questions.
I bet she could answer questions and chew gum at the same time to.
A true triumph for democrats on the far left
Whats next for her will she take questions while taking a poop will cnn call her amazing for it.
I bet if she used a hand puppet or 2 it would impress the hell out of cnn and the socialist they might run her for president if she put on a good puppet show and then answered Questions while taking a poop AND chewed gum at the same time.
That should impress the hell out of the democrats in the past it took. Mad maxi waters pelosi and al franken all 3 working together to accomplish such amazing feats of skill and intelegence .
No wonder democrats love me so much I so supportive of the little darlings when I see them trying so hard to impress the voters with thier demonstrations of skill and intelegence.
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