An example of how the Left misrepresents facts.

Unfortunately it is what the left intends America to be. The most innocuous remark by the wrong person (that is 'wrong' to them) will be blown out of all proportion and demonized while they forgive or excuse or defend the most hateful rhetoric from their side. But the Marxist mentality of the left is that only they walk the high road. Only they have truth and integrity and morality. And any who challenge or disagree with them must be silenced or destroyed.

It's actually a very dangerous concept because if they increase in sufficient numbers to make their intent for America a complete reality they are going to hate what they have done as much as we hate what they are doing. But they are too indoctrinated and programmed to be able to see that.
Very true. It is sad to see how far the Democrats have fallen and the degree to which they rely on demonization of all who disagree with their narratives. They claim the moral and intellectual high ground which would be comical if it were not so dangerous for the country.
Don’t forget, the sore losers who got relocated on the “trail of tears” dragged along their black slaves with them. As bad as it might have been for the sore losers on the trail of tears, imagine being a black slave owned by a sore loser and being forced to make the journey with less social status than a sore loser.
Marathon M ike is an idiot. So whatever he posts should not be taken seriously .
And here is my friend IM2 CHANGING MY USERNAME to take another COWARDLY swipe at me to avoid the Zone 1 rules. What a sad angry little man.
Very true. It is sad to see how far the Democrats have fallen and the degree to which they rely on demonization of all who disagree with their narratives. They claim the moral and intellectual high ground which would be comical if it were not so dangerous for the country.
Because the left now controls most of the MSM, government, education, scientific institutions, entertainment, big business, they can very effectively control most of the message put out to the citizens. And if the citizens don't have access or look for access to better information that's what they come to think. And as we see again and again, the strong arm tactics discourage expression of any point of view or facts contrary to the message the left wants everybody to believe.

Without a free press, a Marxist minded government can do pretty much whatever it wants to anybody. And yes that is dangerous for America and everything it was intended to be.

Now they are trying to put a gag order on President Trump so that he cannot criticize the FBI. It's nuts.
Because the left now controls most of the MSM, government, education, scientific institutions, entertainment, big business, they can very effectively control most of the message put out to the citizens. And if the citizens don't have access or look for access to better information that's what they come to think. And as we see again and again, the strong arm tactics discourage expression of any point of view or facts contrary to the message the left wants everybody to believe.

Without a free press, a Marxist minded government can do pretty much whatever it wants to anybody. And yes that is dangerous for America and everything it was intended to be.

Now they are trying to put a gag order on President Trump so that he cannot criticize the FBI. It's nuts.
I think we have been lulled into complacency over the loss of America. This country is the historical exception, not the rule. The typical progression is for those in power to take power away from the people to maintain it for themselves. That is exactly what the Democratic Party does with their control over TV and Social Media.
I think we have been lulled into complacency over the loss of America. This country is the historical exception, not the rule. The typical progression is for those in power to take power away from the people to maintain it for themselves. That is exactly what the Democratic Party does with their control over TV and Social Media.
It has been happening since the 1970's. Normal people just going about their daily lives, trying to raise a family, trying to make a living, trying for the best quality of life they could attain didn't notice how much the left was gradually but steadily infiltrating the media, social media, education, entertainment, government, scientific institutions, big business and controlling the message. And as the leftists mentored and groomed others like themselves they managed to crowd out pretty much everybody else or made them so uncomfortable they left. And now that they control the Democrat Party with the ability to make laws they want and block what is against their purposes, they have more and more power.

And now the Marxists have much less resistance to their goals to control everything.

What do I mean by Marxists? I mean those who do not believe in unalienable rights, who believe government is the proper vehicle to own or manage everything in the country and in the world, who want unlimited and unchallenged power to do whatever they want to do to anybody and everybody. Toward that end it is necessary to control the message, silence, suppress or destroy any opposition, to destroy the history and culture and traditions of the people so that they become submissive to and more and more dependent on the government.
Because the left now controls most of the MSM, government, education, scientific institutions, entertainment, big business, they can very effectively control most of the message put out to the citizens. And if the citizens don't have access or look for access to better information that's what they come to think. And as we see again and again, the strong arm tactics discourage expression of any point of view or facts contrary to the message the left wants everybody to believe.

Without a free press, a Marxist minded government can do pretty much whatever it wants to anybody. And yes that is dangerous for America and everything it was intended to be.

Now they are trying to put a gag order on President Trump so that he cannot criticize the FBI. It's nuts.
It’s both alarming and surreal how quickly America is morphing into another North Korea, or Venezuela, under the “direction“ of our president - Obama.
It has been happening since the 1970's. Normal people just going about their daily lives, trying to raise a family, trying to make a living, trying for the best quality of life they could attain didn't notice how much the left was gradually but steadily infiltrating the media, social media, education, entertainment, government, scientific institutions, big business and controlling the message. And as the leftists mentored and groomed others like themselves they managed to crowd out pretty much everybody else or made them so uncomfortable they left. And now that they control the Democrat Party with the ability to make laws they want and block what is against their purposes, they have more and more power.

And now the Marxists have much less resistance to their goals to control everything.

What do I mean by Marxists? I mean those who do not believe in unalienable rights, who believe government is the proper vehicle to own or manage everything in the country and in the world, who want unlimited and unchallenged power to do whatever they want to do to anybody and everybody. Toward that end it is necessary to control the message, silence, suppress or destroy any opposition, to destroy the history and culture and traditions of the people so that they become submissive to and more and more dependent on the government.
Whites have used the government to manipulate now for 258 years. How about you right wingers go find help for that psychosis.
lol ! I doubt that ... your postings give off a stench of wimpiness ..
Well then I would start the fight, even if there was no chance of me winning the fight. Happy?

Either way, as a liberal, I would not misconstrue the facts. I always make it a point to let the chips fall where they may.

My point is, liberals have no reason to lie; but conservatives, lie all the time.
I know that three people flipping the bird to Mt Rushmore can be asked to leave in a Tweet. Anti-Americans of any color can GTFO.
The Six Grandfathers before it was vandalized by white land stealers.


lol ! I doubt that ... your postings give off a stench of wimpiness ..
And the odor of mendacity.
Well then I would start the fight, even if there was no chance of me winning the fight. Happy?

Either way, as a liberal, I would not misconstrue the facts. I always make it a point to let the chips fall where they may.

My point is, liberals have no reason to lie; but conservatives, lie all the time.
"Liberal" Democrats do nothing but lie, distort, distract and deceive 24/7. If their lips are moving, they are lying.
Well then I would start the fight, even if there was no chance of me winning the fight. Happy?

Either way, as a liberal, I would not misconstrue the facts. I always make it a point to let the chips fall where they may.

My point is, liberals have no reason to lie; but conservatives, lie all the time.
bwaaa haaa haaa haaaa ! you just admitted that there is no way you could win a fight with Rittenhouse ...

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