FAFO...is this the new Battle cry of the conservatives trying to save America?

Trump...the left really, really hates him....why? Because he fought back against them and won, over and over again....but that wasn't the real problem with Trump. The real problem is that he taught conservatives and other Republicans how to fight back....and some of the conservatives, and Republicans learned that lesson........

FAFO....."F**k Around and Find Out," may just be the new war cry of freedom loving Americans as we take the political fight to the left wing extremists....

Leftists are similar to the youngest sister of the family. Bratty, entitled, and seemingly un-punchable, they get away with nonsense that the rest of us wouldn’t consider doing in the first place.
The left is brimming with pink-haired milksops who believe their pierced faces are untouchable, and the right is finally teaching them the invaluable lesson to be learned from a good biff to their septum ring.
For too long, the left has relied on the Republicans’ “turn the other cheek” attitude toward liberal insolence. Conservatives have held themselves to a standard of “we take the high road.” Those days are done.

The new FAFO elephants do things some of our predecessors weren’t happy to do; we punch back, hard.

There are some rock stars on the right throwing down with the commies on a street-fight level, and we need to acknowledge them and follow their lead. Mad bomb shouts go out to the following donkey-punchers.

Ron DeSantis

I thought Florida’s GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis was hilarious when he went to Brandon, Fla., to sign anti-vax mandate legislation into law, (get it, Brandon?). The left got cranky. Little did they know that that was DeSantis being cuddly and playful.

Disney made the unbelievable mistake of thinking they run Florida, not vice versa. Even more incredible, the world’s largest children’s entertainment company came out swinging their woke, wiffleball bat at DeSantis in favor of teaching trans and genderqueer nonsense to kids as young as three years old. Little did they know that DeSantis was about to swing back, and his bat was made in Louisville.

Related: DeSantis Just Keeps Winning

DeSantis and Florida Republicans kicked Disney in their genderless, non-binary crotch and voted to take away Mickey Mouse’s special tax status after 55 years.

Get yourself a whiskey and enjoy the commies literally screaming in pain. Revel in their tears. The real fun begins at the 1-minute mark.

Just for giggles, DeSantis then signed off on some Florida redistricting that helps Republicans, making DeSantis a captain on Team FAFO.
Jesse Kelly — Radio Host/Cheeseburger Deity

Talk radio is dominated by conservatives for a reason: liberals are so boring they can put a cup of coffee to sleep.

As the nation was still mourning the loss of Rush Limbaugh, a new voice in radio, Jesse Kelly, began blowing up in Houston, Texas. Jesse “The Oracle” Kelly is funny, anti-commie, and most importantly, he ascribes to the FAFO mantra of, “hit back, hit harder.” He goes after RINOs as much as he pounds the bolshie swine. Speaking of pounding, I’d be willing to make a monthly gift to any of Kelly’s favorite charity groups (like Task Force Dagger, a group that works to find and return the remains of military men killed in action) to watch him go three rounds with legendary sitzpinkler Don Lemon. Just a thought…

Kyle Rittenhouse

We can’t underestimate the importance of Rittenhouse. Antifa and BLM attacked cops, rioted, and burned our cities with near impunity, but only in liberal dung heaps like Chicago, Seattle, and Portland, Ore. They also showed up at conservative rallies and attacked older conservatives for the crime of wearing MAGA hats. Then they thought they’d try the same nonsense in Wisconsin. HAHAHAHA!

I hate vulgar language. My parents taught me it was a sign of ignorance and stupidity.
Is Trump in office?
Learn from it.

Like I have told others.....Trump was the least of your problems....he taught conservatives that you can fight and win against idiots like you.....the Trump 2.0 conservatives are your nightmare...
Never, ever underestimate the ability of the GOP to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


This is not just political. The Left has lost the culture.
Not yet; they haven't.

This thread is fine, but it is a case of 'too little, too late."
Not yet; they haven't.

This thread is fine, but it is a case of 'too little, too late."

I disagree. They have.

The fallout from their loss however it just taking shape--and sinking in.

They had the culture for decades. So it will take awhile. But yeah. They've lost it. Woke did it.
I disagree. They have.

The fallout from their loss however it just taking shape--and sinking in.

They had the culture for decades. So it will take awhile. But yeah. They've lost it. Woke did it.
Disagree all you want. As long as Democrats control what is said and believed, what is discussed, and who gets shut down, they'll maintain control of the culture.

We have a few prominent names fighting back, but most of the right will stand and cheer, and then when it comes time to do the heavy lifting, they will just sit back down and support you from the comfort of their easy chair.
I disagree. They have.

The fallout from their loss however it just taking shape--and sinking in.

They had the culture for decades. So it will take awhile. But yeah. They've lost it. Woke did it.

The leftists never had any "culture". What they had/have is an irrational and fanatical obsession with "rights" and "fairness"
Not yet; they haven't.

This thread is fine, but it is a case of 'too little, too late."

No...not too little, too late.....the fight is just beginning and we are beginning to take scalps....

If you are a conservative....John Nolte is a must read.....and Derek Hunter is a must listen to podcast....

The devastation done to the Woke Gestapo at Disney, Netflix, Twitter, and CNN is glorious and proof of God’s love for us.

As you know, my mantra since the Woke Terror began has been: Hang in there. This won’t last. I was confident of this for two reasons: 1) Woke is a violation of human nature, and 2) this is still America.

Now, if you spend all your time on social media and consuming cable news, including Fox News, you are not aware America is still America. But once you escape that toxic echo chamber and spend some time in the real world with real people, you will discover that Americans of all stripes are just like you. They just want to be entertained. They don’t care about skin color. They find people whose entire identity is based on what they do with their sex organs obnoxious and tiresome. Oh, and you’d better leave their children the fuck alone.

And because this is still America, the woke cretins are at long last getting what they have coming to them.

Let’s start with CNN…

All of the above was inevitable, and I promise you there is more to come.

Disagree all you want. As long as Democrats control what is said and believed, what is discussed, and who gets shut down, they'll maintain control of the culture.

We have a few prominent names fighting back, but most of the right will stand and cheer, and then when it comes time to do the heavy lifting, they will just sit back down and support you from the comfort of their easy chair.

A year ago I would have agreed with you. Even maybe 6 months ago.

But who even believes "what is being discussed" anymore? They might control it but we mostly KNOW they control it. Even liberals know this.

When everyone sees that it's propaganda, and most everyone rejects it--that's the end. Always.
No...not too little, too late.....the fight is just beginning and we are beginning to take scalps....

If you are a conservative....John Nolte is a must read.....and Derek Hunter is a must listen to podcast....

The devastation done to the Woke Gestapo at Disney, Netflix, Twitter, and CNN is glorious and proof of God’s love for us.

As you know, my mantra since the Woke Terror began has been: Hang in there. This won’t last. I was confident of this for two reasons: 1) Woke is a violation of human nature, and 2) this is still America.

Now, if you spend all your time on social media and consuming cable news, including Fox News, you are not aware America is still America. But once you escape that toxic echo chamber and spend some time in the real world with real people, you will discover that Americans of all stripes are just like you. They just want to be entertained. They don’t care about skin color. They find people whose entire identity is based on what they do with their sex organs obnoxious and tiresome. Oh, and you’d better leave their children the fuck alone.

And because this is still America, the woke cretins are at long last getting what they have coming to them.

Let’s start with CNN…

All of the above was inevitable, and I promise you there is more to come.

There are always these flavors of Eeyore Conservatives. Woe, woe, they have won everything, we are doomed.

They will say this even as everything surrounding Leftism HAS FAILED. And IS FAILING.

They are the people who believe truly that there was some Golden Age in human history where every family was like the Cleaver's and Someone Messed Up.

It's fiction.

What works is less govt, more freedom, more choice for almost all people. Promote POLICIES that support the Cleaver's. Do not expect that most everyone will BE the Cleaver's.
A year ago I would have agreed with you. Even maybe 6 months ago.

But who even believes "what is being discussed" anymore? They might control it but we mostly KNOW they control it. Even liberals know this.

When everyone sees that it's propaganda, and most everyone rejects it--that's the end. Always.

That is an excellent point Sue,

People have more access to breaking news now than ever in the past. And that doesn't mean just the three network news 1/2 hour news shows either...The internet changed the game, and when "citizen journalists" came on the scene, that changed it again....We see in real time the destruction that is ongoing daily, whether it be the southern border, violence in the streets, and even international acts of aggression...It's un acceptable today not to be informed, and what is displayed on this, and other political forums is really sad...What we have basically is people regurgitating word for word what they get on their favorite 24/7 news channel programming, and have given up thinking for themselves...
You mean the guy that you had to release a virus on the world to cheat to win against.................That guy........2 Impeachments........the entire Swamp trying to take down..........and STILL LOST ........didn't get him.

So bad you stole the election for a drooling idiot and a whore............

Is ums upset wif the big bad dado?
Did the big bad dado revealing some real trufes make ums feel bad in ums tummy?

Trump's gone.
GQP won't see the white house for a generation
And I live in joy at your discomnfort.
Like I have told others.....Trump was the least of your problems....he taught conservatives that you can fight and win against idiots like you.....the Trump 2.0 conservatives are your nightmare...
You fools can't even move on a single issue without both violating your principles and slitting each other's throats.
yeah, you'll continue to hold sway in places where there aren't many people and the people there aren't very bright but
As a national party? The GQP is done.

Seems this guy had it part right:

Amazon product ASIN 1402579888
He just had the wrong party but, given he was one of the racist democrats who went looking for whiter pastures, not surprising.

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