Now GoFundMe Joins Thought Control Police

Go fund me = on line e begging.....
It serves a good purpose. I give to causes thru that platform all the time.

Putting limits on who I choose to give to, as long as it's not a criminal enterprise, is NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS
Cooniesha Owens is on a crusade to rise to the level of white trash.

Kudos to the good folks at the Go Fund Me organization.
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I remember when GFM suspended the page for the pizza place who was shut down by threats of violence when they said they wouldn't cater a pervert wedding.

The pizza place got over 100 grand in a day & GFM shut it down.
I guess we're all expected to conform with the left.

Say nothing negative about the left's heroes

Do you know what we call this, when every institution, every industry is in militant lockstep with one overriding political ideology? We have a name for this, its called FASCISM! You will of course grow weary of the horde of democratic party socially engineered youth, and their media masters throwing that around in perpetuity, however they are engaging in pure and unadulterated projection, the entire predication of the democratic party is, and always has been fascist, this is why democrats unfailingly flock toward every other fascist totalitarian political system, birds of a feather so to speak, enemy of my enemy to be more specific!

The democratic party, wasn't just the party of slavery, it STILL IS the party of slavery, we fought one of the bloodiest civil wars in human history, killing 400,000 democrats in attempt at freeing black slaves, only to discover over 100 years later that those chains are still solidly in place..... Democrats are fascists, you cannot have a political relationship with such people, they are willing to say anything, do anything, no matter how wicked, no matter how evil, to obtain political power, their overriding organizing principle is not predicated upon a relationship, rather it is predicated entirely upon ruthless subjugation!
I guess we're all expected to conform with the left.
You are. It's called the Progressive Dragnet of Conformity. They have built it up over many years to insure that all avenues of Life are blocked and you cannot pass without acquiescing in body if not in spirit as well to the doctrine of social control:


EVERY tool in this world that stands between you and the world is landminded with progressive conformity.
  1. You can't get into the school you want much less pass the classes you need and get good grades without kissing progressive ass. They have works closely with employers through hiring agencies to see to it that social indoctrination as witnessed by your school and grades and not your knowledge and skill as the benchmark of your hirability.
  2. You won't get the healthcare you need without complying to idiotic regulations and restrictions, from jumping through whatever hoops your doctor has to the hospitals, right up to not even allowing you to have the operation you're scheduled for much less letting you go home unless you pass every hurdle insuring THEY, not you are in control.
  3. Employers LOVE progressive gate-keeping. They now make you practically stand on your head and sign your life away while guaranteeing nothing. You spend the first six months signing papers and you can't even say or do what you want in your free time, they are watching.
  4. Facebook simply won't let you communicate with the outside world if you show any signs of non-progressified non-compliance.
  5. Every utility has your SS number, and will literally cut off you gas, heat and power if you don't jump to please them.
  6. Insurance Companies are one of the greatest tools of the Progressive. They control IF you get insured, how, and by what rate of pay depending on how good a compliant sheep you are to their progressive control.
  7. Banks are the best. Progressive Central. They got your money and they report everything you do to the government literally watching your every move, even taking your money from you at will for the slightest reason. The financial sector is the perfect screen of social control and they want you doing everything electronic; I have no doubt they will do away with cash. Cash is already half illegal---- you can come under fire just for having and using too much of it!
  8. The cops, lawyers and courts are beautiful. They got you by the balls. The cops will get you for nothing, then the crooked lawyers will shake you dry to bail you out. And they and the judges all know each other, work together, your life is in their hands if they decide they simply don't like you.
  9. GoFundMe won't even let you get funded for the best cause in the world if some liberal decides you haven't kissed their ass.
  10. Every government agency overtly and clandestinely herds you into compliance with massive paperwork, incomprehensible regulations and 10,000 rules. They are the maze and you are the mouse.
  11. Neighbors are now eager to spy and snitch on you. Amazing how quickly and eagerly they all came under the whip for a crumb of bread and to feel accepted.
  12. Twitter will likewise cut off your dick, no tweet for you if you simply don't tweet right. Too much conservatism and they will upchuck you.
  13. General social media is a microcosm of the rest. Twitter Lite + Neighborhood police. Just looking for the first sign YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM.
All of this is designed to SCREEN YOU OUT. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. They will make you one of them, make you a dhimmi, or you simply do not get to play the game of life.

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