Now I know what Jewish people went through in Nazi, Germany.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.
Isn’t it amazing to see people who not only blindly support Big Pharma corporations, Big Tech censorship, and Big War profiteers, but also attack you and call you a “fascist” for not supporting these things?
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.
All them thar words and not once did anyone explain just wtf they were talking about as far as who are the Democrats attacking like the Jews were attacked in Nazi Germany?
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.
So ask yourself this.

Why is Biden's cabinet members predominantly Jewish?​

Ten of Biden's cabinet picks are all Jewish! Why is that?

✡️️ Janet Yellen ✡️️ - Secretary of the Treasury

✡️️ Merrick Garland ✡️️ - Attorney General

✡️️ Alejandro Mayorkas ✡️️ - Secretary of Homeland Security

✡️️ Avril Haines ✡️️ - DNI

✡️️ Ron Klain ✡️️ - Chief of Staff

✡️️ Antony Blinken ✡️️ - Secretary of State.

✡️️ Wendy Sherman ✡️️ - Deputy Secretary of State.

Victoria Nudelman ✡️️ - Secretary of State of Political Affairs

✡️️ Eric Lander ✡️️ - Office of Science and Technology Policy -

✡️️ David S. Cohen ✡️️ - CIA Director
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.
Are you anti-fascist?
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.

Interesting, though completely misguided, comparison.

Hitler lost his election but with the help of his party in office, rose unelected to the highest office in Germany.

Likewise, Trump lost his election and with the help of his party in office, tried to raise him, unelected, to the highest office in America.

The Nazi's attacked their own government and tried blaming it on their opposition.

Trump's supporters attacked their own government and tried blaming it on their opposition.

Hitler and nazis routinely attacked the press, calling them, "lügenpresse," (lying press), in order to get the population to reject reported facts not favorable to Hitler.

Trump and conservatives routinely attack the press, calling them, "fake news," in order to get the population to reject reported facts not favorable to Trump.

Hitler and Nazis ran on the premise of making Germany great again.

Trump and Republicans adopted the motto, "Make America Great Again."
Interesting, though completely misguided, comparison.

Hitler lost his election but with the help of his party in office, rose unelected to the highest office in Germany.

Likewise, Trump lost his election and with the help of his party in office, tried to raise him, unelected, to the highest office in America.

The Nazi's attacked their own government and tried blaming it on their opposition.

Trump's supporters attacked their own government and tried blaming it on their opposition.

Hitler and nazis routinely attacked the press, calling them, "lügenpresse," (lying press), in order to get the population to reject reported facts not favorable to Hitler.

Trump and conservatives routinely attack the press, calling them, "fake news," in order to get the population to reject reported facts not favorable to Trump.

Hitler and Nazis ran on the premise of making Germany great again.

Trump and Republicans adopted the motto, "Make America Great Again."

Instead of plagiarizing stuff you need to post where you got this from. You parrots keep trying to pass off what your PR hacks order you to parrot as your own work, and we know it isn't.
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.

Nice that you have "compassion" - on political intrigant reasons - with the sufferings and death of many people of the Jewish part of my family while the extremist Hitler ruled Germany - but I have to correct you: The political party "the Democrats" of the USA have not any common element with the Nazis. They are comparable in this time of history with the German political party "SPD" - the oldest German political party. The SPD was the only political party under Hitler who voted against his enabling statute.
Instead of plagiarizing stuff you need to post where you got this from. You parrots keep trying to pass off what your PR hacks order you to parrot as your own work, and we know it isn't.

I got it from learning history.

I also note, there's no refutation in your post; which reads as tacit agreement with what I wrote. Try harder next time.
I got it from learning history.

I also note, there's no refutation in your post; which reads as tacit agreement with what I wrote. Try harder next time.

You stole it all from other writers, you know it we all know it. You didn't come up with squat on your own, you're just too stupid for that. It's of course understandable you're deeply embarrassed about being a lame parrot.
You stole it all from other writers, you know it we all know it. You didn't come up with squat on your own, you're just too stupid for that. It's of course understandable you're deeply embarrassed about being a lame parrot.


All you proved was you don't know shit. Your mistake is thinking I'm as ignorant as you.

And still, I read nothing but tacit agreement in your post.
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’ While the certainty of the origin of this is up for debate, it most likely was quoted by philosopher George Santayana. Who would have ever thought Nazi, Germany would repeat itself? Well, the American Fascist Party, aka the Democratic Party has done just that. Today's Democratic Party is Hitler's 4th Reich. It is stunning how just like the Nazis, the Democrats target and oppress their undesirables - for the Nazis it was the Jewish people and anyone who disagreed with them politically. Today's Democrat party is no different, the Democrats have a history of hating Jewish people, today they just do a great job of masking their hatred of the Jewish people. Any Jewish person who is a democrat or votes democrat is akin to a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Then of course there is the long history of racism the democrats have had that continues to this day, but that is a whole different story.

So, the fascist democrats, just like the fascist democrats have a political enemy that needs to be eliminated - just like the Nazis did to the Jewish people. Who is the enemy of the fascist democrats? Just like the Nazis, anyone who disagrees with them. If one is a fascist democrat, you have no accountability - the law does not apply to democrats. If one has the letter D next to their name, committing crime if legal. If the same crime committed by anyone without that D next to their name, well they are not prosecuted, the are persecuted. And one does not even have to commit a crime to be persecuted by the American Fascist Party (democrats), they just have to be a political threat to them.

For those who think fascism is a right-wing ideology, they couldn't be more misguided. Fascism is left-wing in every sense of the word. Karl Marx was the originator of communism-socialism. Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism of which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini - both were heavily influenced by radical leftists, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. Gentile state that fascism is a form of socialism in its most viable form. Gentile, one founders of fascism was no liberal, he was a radical left wing-fascist who believed that a constitutional republic, or even a liberal democracy was harmful because both focused on the individual, and individual freedom as opposed to the individual being a servant to the state. Fascism is anti-individualist, and demands that one be a servant to the state - which is exactly what the democrat party stands for. For those who doubt fascism is left-wing, well Mussolini on April 22, 1945 stated this: "Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called "left". The quote continues and I could elaborate, but that line right there is all you need to know. So any time a democrat or leftist accuses their opposition of being fascist, this is a classic textbook example of projectionism.

I am seeing the fascist democrats weaponize our justice system, law enforcement, and well lets put it this way, Hitler and Goebbels would have given anything to have the fake news media that we currently have. Under the fascist democrat party, we are no longer in 1938 Germany, we are now full blown fascist. With that being said, I now believe we are the point of when Jewish people in Nazi, Germany were saying, I can't believe this is happening. Wake up America, we are now in Nazi, America.
Trump's cult has played the oppressed victim card for years.

April 26 2016
Donald Trump is a successful businessman. His residences and modes of transit are plated with gold. He has married three gorgeous women. He claims to have a multibillion-dollar net worth. He has mocked the disabled, women, Asians, Hispanics, Muslims, even prisoners of war.

In other words, at first blush, he is no one’s idea of a victim, systemically oppressed or otherwise.

Yet he constantly rationalizes his bad behavior and political setbacks as the inevitable consequence of unfair systems and anti-Trump persecution.

Don’t like his ugly comments about a TV personality, political rival or even a political rival’s spouse? Well, he’s only “counterpunching” after someone else “started it.” Trump is ganged-up-upon underdog, not instigator.

Disapprove of his pro-violence rally rhetoric? He’s just protecting his beleaguered voters against those “big, strong, powerful” Black Lives Matter activists, Bernie bros and other “bad dudes.”

Find his xenophobic remarks about our allies, trading partners and immigrants repulsive? He’s merely defending his supporters from foreigners who prey on them economically, culturally and even sexually. (Those Mexican border-crossers are mostly rapists, after all.)

To hear Trump tell it, he and his supporters are the most beaten-down victims this country has ever seen. The system is rigged to keep them from winning, designed to make the weak even weaker. They have been robbed, disenfranchised, bullied and insulted. With the odds so stacked against them, they — and their leader — are not only permitted but also morally obligated to “punch back” as ferociously as they can.

Seven YEARS later...................

Trump 'played the victim card' at first 2024 ...​

The Hill › homenews › sunday-talk-shows
So ask yourself this.

Why is Biden's cabinet members predominantly Jewish?​

Ten of Biden's cabinet picks are all Jewish! Why is that?

✡️️ Janet Yellen ✡️️ - Secretary of the Treasury

✡️️ Merrick Garland ✡️️ - Attorney General

✡️️ Alejandro Mayorkas ✡️️ - Secretary of Homeland Security

✡️️ Avril Haines ✡️️ - DNI

✡️️ Ron Klain ✡️️ - Chief of Staff

✡️️ Antony Blinken ✡️️ - Secretary of State.

✡️️ Wendy Sherman ✡️️ - Deputy Secretary of State.

Victoria Nudelman ✡️️ - Secretary of State of Political Affairs

✡️️ Eric Lander ✡️️ - Office of Science and Technology Policy -

✡️️ David S. Cohen ✡️️ - CIA Director

What is with Victoria Nudelman? Who stole her leading star?

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