On the Very Day Biden was Sworn in, the National Archives Started the Trump Documents Nonsense

Trump obstructed and lied, both federal crime.

If Trump is defeated, looking more likely now, the DOJ will ramp the federal cases and once again try to replace Judge Cannon.
That is, if you’re willing to discuss it, which doesn’t seem to be the case. You’re attempting to do anything but discuss it.

Ditto for you with regards to the Biden's. I guess we are at a stalemate.
Ditto for you with regards to the Biden's. I guess we are at a stalemate.
That’s not at all true. I’d been active in numerous threads regarding Joe Biden and his documents. This is not one of those threads.

Not a stalemate, just you trying to gaslight to avoid the topic.
They may negotiate for specific things, like Trump wanting the love letters from the North Korean dictator....the archives would make a duplicate, either for Trump or themselves.

BUT ALWAYS, WITH EVERY PRESIDENT, the National Archives maintains and holds the presidential records.

No president since Reagan and the new law on it, has taken all of their presidential records with them, and held on to them, themselves. The LAW requires the National Archives to hold them, securely. Any negotiation is done after they are in the Archive's possession.
Ok, so please explain why Nara ignored their duties for Biden for over 30 years, including after his vice presidency ?

Why did they COME AFTER Trump within weeks of him leaving office, but they waited until Biden came to them for his documents ?

Also, Excalibur has posted stories that seem to indicate that all of this was coming from the Biden White House.

If Trump broke the law, that’s fine, but why do you lefty’s make every excuse in the book for Biden, who did the exact same thing (even worse when you consider that he wasn’t even authorized to take classified information in the first place)
Ok, so please explain why Nara ignored their duties for Biden for over 30 years, including after his vice presidency ?

Why did they COME AFTER Trump within weeks of him leaving office, but they waited until Biden came to them for his documents ?

Also, Excalibur has posted stories that seem to indicate that all of this was coming from the Biden White House.

If Trump broke the law, that’s fine, but why do you lefty’s make every excuse in the book for Biden, who did the exact same thing (even worse when you consider that he wasn’t even authorized to take classified information in the first place)

Trump changed the law in 2018. He changed mishandling documents from a misdemeanor to a felony.

There's a big difference between 30 documents and 80 boxes of documents.
The national archives gave Trump several polite requests and 20 months to return the boxes of documents he took during the inauguration.
Reminder: All Presidents since Reagan, who was the first former President covered by the PRA, have spent years negotiating the return of documents, including classified ones.
Do try and keep up: U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon

A federal judge in Florida denied former President Donald Trump's motion to dismiss the classified documents indictment against him, ruling the Presidential Records Act (PRA) does not shield Trump from charges that he unlawfully retained national defense information.

In her order Thursday, Cannon noted the charges against Trump "make no reference to the Presidential Records Act," and they don't rely on the statute for any of the offenses with which Trump is charged.

"The Superseding Indictment specifies the nature of the accusations against Defendant Trump in a lengthy speaking indictment with embedded excerpts from investigative interviews, photographs, and other content," Cannon wrote. "Accepting the allegations of the Superseding Indictment as true, the Presidential Records Act does not provide a pre-trial basis to dismiss

Mr. Trump nominated and appointed Cannon to the federal bench after confirmation by the U.S. Senate in November 2020.

Ok, so please explain why Nara ignored their duties for Biden for over 30 years, including after his vice presidency ?

Why did they COME AFTER Trump within weeks of him leaving office, but they waited until Biden came to them for his documents ?

Also, Excalibur has posted stories that seem to indicate that all of this was coming from the Biden White House.

If Trump broke the law, that’s fine, but why do you lefty’s make every excuse in the book for Biden, who did the exact same thing (even worse when you consider that he wasn’t even authorized to take classified information in the first place)
The Archives did not know Biden had those few classified documents, because when he left office he turned over all his vice presidential records to the National Archives, as per the PRA.

Trump took his hundreds of cases of his Presidential Records with him to the Mara Lago Resort and did not turn them over to the Archives, as per the PRA.
Trump changed the law in 2018. He changed mishandling documents from a misdemeanor to a felony.

There's a big difference between 30 documents and 80 boxes of documents.

Biden had boxes of documents scattered all over 3 or 4 different locations.

How the law penalizes the act of taking documents doesn’t change WHY nara ignored Biden but went after Trump.

As far as the 2018 law. You could always go to prison for that, just that it was a 1 year sentence, now it’s 5 years. Still, if that is the case, Biden would also be subject to the same law, since he kept classified documents after that law was signed.

So, would you support charging and sentencing Biden for this as well?
The national archives gave Trump several polite requests and 20 months to return the boxes of documents he took during the inauguration.

That’s great..where were the “polite” requests to Biden? That’s all I want to know. He kept classified material for 30….years…including after his stint as VP. He was never authorized to have these documents.

All I want is consistency here.

You got Biden now!
The Archives did not know Biden had those few classified documents, because when he left office he turned over all his vice presidential records to the National Archives, as per the PRA.

Trump took his hundreds of cases of his Presidential Records with him to the Mara Lago Resort and did not turn them over to the Archives, as per the PRA.

Really? Nara..the agency charged with keeping up with these documents…didn’t know? But they magically “knew” when Trump had them. More like, they turned a blind eye to Biden.

It doesn’t matter if there were 10 documents or 10,000, the law doesn’t change because you had “just a few”. Did, or did not, Biden retain classified material that he was not authorized to have, and records and papers, Both from his years as senate and as VP?

Also, it wasn’t “just a few” by the way. It was about 300 boxes.
Biden had boxes of documents scattered all over 3 or 4 different locations.

How the law penalizes the act of taking documents doesn’t change WHY nara ignored Biden but went after Trump.

As far as the 2018 law. You could always go to prison for that, just that it was a 1 year sentence, now it’s 5 years. Still, if that is the case, Biden would also be subject to the same law, since he kept classified documents after that law was signed.

So, would you support charging and sentencing Biden for this as well?


" the charges against Trump "make no reference to the Presidential Records Act," and they don't rely on the statute for any of the offenses with which Trump is charged."

It's not about the PRA

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