Now Insurers Must Cover 100% of Birth Control, Other Female Services

Very good. The beginnings of a rational approach to women's healthcare.

Of course, the local wingnuts are going to have a field day describing why this is so evil. With all that free birth control, might not be any evil abortions to scream about. And your daughter might be screwing around more. LOL
you guys? :eusa_eh:Oh, I get it:rolleyes::lol:

tell you what;


nice bedside manner doc.

Strawman? You brought it up. :confused:

brought what up?
the disease is people like sex. the right hates that.

it's cool to like sex,, you just shouldn't be a whore and make the taxpayer pay for your sex..

There are no right-wing whores. Fact.

Right-wing men never EVER solicit sex in dark alleys. Fact.

Right-wingers always have protected sex when they're off the calendar's "rhythm method" and never, EVER act out of pure instantaneous lust. Fact.

Right-wing men never even masturbate. Fact.

Right-wing women are always ALWAYS married before they have sex. Fact.

There are no right-wing parents who are shocked when their tween gets knocked up. Fact.

Right-wing women never seek abortions; right-wing men would never ask a woman to have an abortion. Fact.

Just ask them.

do you have your hyperbole card stamped now? is that it? :lol:
The tax payer ultimately pays for it anyways. Might as well try and subsidize some health efforts (i.e. screening) that tend to save money in the long run.

that's the problem dude,, the taxpayer is expected to pay for everything, and only 50% of us pay FEDERAL taxes.. the gimmmie gimmmie crowd is now larger than the giver crowd.. we're going down.
enough with this continued lie of yours willow.

you have been shown MNAY TIMES OVER that you are lying about 50% of working Americans do not pay federal taxes.

lie lie lie lie and lie.

STOP IT....pretty please willow, STOP LYING.

45% of workers do not pay federal INCOME taxes, but ALL OF THEM, every single one of them, do pay FEDERAL TAXES. All workers pay Federal Social security taxes, and ALL of them pay Federal Medicare taxes, and near all of them pay Federal Gasoline taxes, and many of them pay Federal Cigarette taxes......

AND, EVERY Couple paying federal income taxes DO NOT PAY ANY FEDERAL INCOME TAXES on their first 20 k earned, with one pays taxes on the first 25-30k earned....

MOST of these people not owing federal income taxes, are getting NOTHING that all the rest of us don't get with Standard and personal deductions.....

yes, a few get the earned income credit, up to the amount they have paid in to social security tax, and NOT A DIME MORE, but these are few and far between....and these people are still paying in for all the other federal taxes listed above.

Income tax collection and social security tax collection revenues are about equal in our federal revenues collected. And Social security taxes are collected in SURPLUS, and used to fund what income taxes should be paying for....

Plus no one gets away with not paying a portion of every corporation's federal taxes, incorporated in to the price of their products.

So, it is SIMPLY A LIE, that 50% of working Americans do not pay Federal taxes....



that is true, its not 50%, what % do you think it is Care?
The tax payer ultimately pays for it anyways. Might as well try and subsidize some health efforts (i.e. screening) that tend to save money in the long run.

that's the problem dude,, the taxpayer is expected to pay for everything, and only 50% of us pay FEDERAL taxes.. the gimmmie gimmmie crowd is now larger than the giver crowd.. we're going down.
enough with this continued lie of yours willow.

you have been shown MNAY TIMES OVER that you are lying about 50% of working Americans do not pay federal taxes.

lie lie lie lie and lie.

STOP IT....pretty please willow, STOP LYING.

45% of workers do not pay federal INCOME taxes, but ALL OF THEM, every single one of them, do pay FEDERAL TAXES. All workers pay Federal Social security taxes, and ALL of them pay Federal Medicare taxes, and near all of them pay Federal Gasoline taxes, and many of them pay Federal Cigarette taxes......

AND, EVERY Couple paying federal income taxes DO NOT PAY ANY FEDERAL INCOME TAXES on their first 20 k earned, with one pays taxes on the first 25-30k earned....

MOST of these people not owing federal income taxes, are getting NOTHING that all the rest of us don't get with Standard and personal deductions.....

yes, a few get the earned income credit, up to the amount they have paid in to social security tax, and NOT A DIME MORE, but these are few and far between....and these people are still paying in for all the other federal taxes listed above.

Income tax collection and social security tax collection revenues are about equal in our federal revenues collected. And Social security taxes are collected in SURPLUS, and used to fund what income taxes should be paying for....

Plus no one gets away with not paying a portion of every corporation's federal taxes, incorporated in to the price of their products.

So, it is SIMPLY A LIE, that 50% of working Americans do not pay Federal taxes....



The sad thing is that even after this smackdown and others in the past that show her the reason so many fall below the income tax line is because of the BOOOOOOOSSHHH tax cuts that were shoved down our throat she will continue to say the same shit over and over and over again.
that's the problem dude,, the taxpayer is expected to pay for everything, and only 50% of us pay FEDERAL taxes.. the gimmmie gimmmie crowd is now larger than the giver crowd.. we're going down.
enough with this continued lie of yours willow.

you have been shown MNAY TIMES OVER that you are lying about 50% of working Americans do not pay federal taxes.

lie lie lie lie and lie.

STOP IT....pretty please willow, STOP LYING.

45% of workers do not pay federal INCOME taxes, but ALL OF THEM, every single one of them, do pay FEDERAL TAXES. All workers pay Federal Social security taxes, and ALL of them pay Federal Medicare taxes, and near all of them pay Federal Gasoline taxes, and many of them pay Federal Cigarette taxes......

AND, EVERY Couple paying federal income taxes DO NOT PAY ANY FEDERAL INCOME TAXES on their first 20 k earned, with one pays taxes on the first 25-30k earned....

MOST of these people not owing federal income taxes, are getting NOTHING that all the rest of us don't get with Standard and personal deductions.....

yes, a few get the earned income credit, up to the amount they have paid in to social security tax, and NOT A DIME MORE, but these are few and far between....and these people are still paying in for all the other federal taxes listed above.

Income tax collection and social security tax collection revenues are about equal in our federal revenues collected. And Social security taxes are collected in SURPLUS, and used to fund what income taxes should be paying for....

Plus no one gets away with not paying a portion of every corporation's federal taxes, incorporated in to the price of their products.

So, it is SIMPLY A LIE, that 50% of working Americans do not pay Federal taxes....



that is true, its not 50%, what % do you think it is Care?

It is 50%, pay zero FEDERAL INCOME TAX and we have to give rebates to many of those who pay ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAX. and since it isn't a lie that then makes you care four nothing a liar.
If you are "healthy" enough to have sex, you are responsible for birth control.
If you are "healthy" enough to have sex, you are "healthy" enough to have a job and pay for your own insurance/medical costs.

You must be a virgin. Nobody -- NOBODY -- ever thinks "It could happen to me..." NOBODY!!!

And these days, not everyone has a "job," in case you've been asleep for three years.

Plus, if you don't have a job......what else you going to do all day?

Careful, you just KNOW there's someone who will take you seriously.
it's cool to like sex,, you just shouldn't be a whore and make the taxpayer pay for your sex..

There are no right-wing whores. Fact.

Right-wing men never EVER solicit sex in dark alleys. Fact.

Right-wingers always have protected sex when they're off the calendar's "rhythm method" and never, EVER act out of pure instantaneous lust. Fact.

Right-wing men never even masturbate. Fact.

Right-wing women are always ALWAYS married before they have sex. Fact.

There are no right-wing parents who are shocked when their tween gets knocked up. Fact.

Right-wing women never seek abortions; right-wing men would never ask a woman to have an abortion. Fact.

Just ask them.

do you have your hyperbole card stamped now? is that it? :lol:

It was more or less posted for Willow's reading pleasure, obviously satirical. She thinks that EVERYTHING in the world that's bad is caused by liberals, including unwed sex.
There are no right-wing whores. Fact.

Right-wing men never EVER solicit sex in dark alleys. Fact.

Right-wingers always have protected sex when they're off the calendar's "rhythm method" and never, EVER act out of pure instantaneous lust. Fact.

Right-wing men never even masturbate. Fact.

Right-wing women are always ALWAYS married before they have sex. Fact.

There are no right-wing parents who are shocked when their tween gets knocked up. Fact.

Right-wing women never seek abortions; right-wing men would never ask a woman to have an abortion. Fact.

Just ask them.

do you have your hyperbole card stamped now? is that it? :lol:

It was more or less posted for Willow's reading pleasure, obviously satirical. She thinks that EVERYTHING in the world that's bad is caused by liberals, including unwed sex.

If you make the American Taxpayer pay for your sexual activities you are a whore.
do you have your hyperbole card stamped now? is that it? :lol:

It was more or less posted for Willow's reading pleasure, obviously satirical. She thinks that EVERYTHING in the world that's bad is caused by liberals, including unwed sex.

If you make the American Taxpayer pay for your sexual activities you are a whore.

Taxpayers aren't paying for this any more than anything else insurance covers
you guys? :eusa_eh:Oh, I get it:rolleyes::lol:

tell you what;

It's not a strawman argument. You are bemoaning the decay of society as the root of the problem. That may or may not be true.

We are proposing that it's more pragmatic to address it through birth control then to try and put a genie in a bottle.[/QUOTE]

below is the sum total of what I have said addressing the topic, then the whirligig started, you apparently know and have explained my position for me, cause lord knows I haven't.

and what is; "low rent"?:eusa_eh:

[I]I don’t know, I am trying to get my head around my neighbor asking me to foot the bill for his daughters contraception, and then me asking him to foot the bill for my daughters abortion…….just cannot get my head into either one of those.

wasn't there supposed to be a codicil to obamacare via exec. order forbidding abortion form being paid for?

and Chanel, nothing is ever free


because it addresses the symptom not the a budding MD you should appreciate that ;)

lack of self control, will, personal responsibility. and yes society has done their part to contribute to that, mightily, so there is a correlation and a fair amount of causation.[/I]
Beats abortion

So does personal responsibility, but I realize that's an anathema to people like you.

It's not an "anathema", it's just un-pragmatic. Making policy based on the hopes that people will do the responsible thing is stupid.

No, actually it's called self-accountability and it's quite intelligent and logical. If they don't do the right thing then they fuck their own life up and that's their problem. Living in a free country means having the freedom to succeed as well as the freedom to fail.
So does personal responsibility, but I realize that's an anathema to people like you.

Sarcasm or serious?

If the latter this is private insurance paid for by private funds; this isn’t pubic assistance.

But your issue isn’t with required coverage for women, this is just more pointless whining about the ACA.

Quite serious and I never said anything about public assistance. Perhaps you should read more carefully. You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

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